Biden sets sights on restricting sale of armor-piercing bullets

CBS News

Law enforcement officials at the White House criticized President Obama in a private meeting in response to the Dallas shooting on Monday, saying he isn’t expressing enough support for police.

The president countered, saying the lawmen were forgetting his past statements. The meeting was also attended by Vice President Joe Biden, who spoke with CBS News about the armor-piercing bullets that were used by the sniper to penetrate the officer’s vests.  

He addressed the fact that the administration has yet to be able to restrict the sale of armor-piercing rounds through the bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

“We’ve been trying to do that for a long time,” Biden said. “The first bill introduced to stop armor-piercing bullets was introduced by Pat Moynihan and me years ago. And so what we get is the constant, constant push back from the gun lobby and the Republican Congress.”

He also said there is “zero” sporting purpose of armor-piercing rounds, and that the administration is willing to do everything it can to restrict the sale of them after Dallas.

“There is a debate as to whether or not there is authority in an executive action. I think we have the authority. And there is a concern that if in fact we go ahead and do it, what the response will be from the United States Congress in a way that may be able to override a veto.”

Vice President Biden spoke with a number of other outlets about Monday’s meeting, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper, “This was the first time I’ve heard heads of police organizations say ‘My guys are scared.'”

Biden said they discussed getting more funding for deescalation training. He also suggested community policing where policemen “know the kid on the block” could help mend the rift between officers and minority communities.

Biden also told Tapper the shooting in Dallas does not represent the message theBlack Lives Matter movement, and offered support to the black community.

“The most important thing for people to know is we are relentlessly moving forward.”

9 thoughts on “Biden sets sights on restricting sale of armor-piercing bullets

  1. “there is “zero” sporting purpose of armor-piercing rounds,”

    According to the Founding Fathers, there is no sporting purpose for the 2nd Amendment, unless it is hunting Dictators and their Thugs, who of course want to forbid anything that makes them vulnerable to the wrath of the population.

  2. Any govt. advocating limiting the peoples use of arms and ammo in any capacity, is NOT the peoples legitimate govt. , and should be considered the enemy of the peoples Bill of Rights.

  3. Um..AP rounds are already illegal for sale to citizens. High grain soft points are not AP rounds. The craps armor that police wear is insufficient for any rifle round.

    1. Actually, that’s only true of AP handgun bullets. AP rifle rounds and bullets are still legal, but they’re hard to find for many calibers.

      A good source for surplus .30-cal AP bullets is Those with a .50 BMG can get AP rounds at

      You’re quite right about the soft armor most pigs wear on patrol. Almost any rifle round will zip through as if it were going through cardboard.

      I think they’re planning on going after M855 again, as it’s very common on the civilian market. While technically not AP ammo, M855 was designed for enhanced penetration and punches through many kinds of armor very well.

  4. Joe Biden….another masonic/ zionist that is mildly retarded.
    This guy is probably so pilled up he probably doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time.
    Other then being a creepy old man that acts like aqualung.

  5. If they can have it, so can we

    hell we the people are the ones designing these things and making them FOR our military and Government .. so whats good for the goose

    and if they dont like that .. maybe we the people might stop telling them what we know , because government isnt smart enough to come up with these tools on their own

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