Bill Clinton Facing New Sexual Assault Charges by Four Women While Frolicking With Billionaire Playboy

True Pundit

Bill Clinton is facing explosive new charges of sexual assault from four women, according to highly placed Democratic Party sources and an official who served in both the Clinton and Obama administrations.

The current accusations against the 71-year-old former president — whose past is littered with charges of sexual misconduct — stem from the period after he left the White House in 2001, say the sources.  

Attorneys representing the women, who are coordinating their efforts, have notified Clinton they are preparing to file four separate lawsuits against him.

As part of the ongoing negotiations, the attorneys for the women are asking for substantial payouts in return for their clients’ silence.

A member of Clinton’s legal team has confirmed the existence of the new allegations.

Back in the late 1990s, Clinton paid $850,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit by Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee whose case led to Clinton’s impeachment in the House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal by the Senate in 1999.

The negotiations in the new lawsuits are said to have reached a critical stage.

True Pundit

5 thoughts on “Bill Clinton Facing New Sexual Assault Charges by Four Women While Frolicking With Billionaire Playboy

  1. This is almost becoming the new normal for gaining wealth in the US–just accuse some millionaire (Hollywood, music industry, sports, politics, religion, etc.) of sexual harassment (and you don’t have to be a woman to do this!) when someone accuses the Rothschilds of this and lives, let me know! 😉 I mean what’s a few mil when you have a few tril?

  2. This piece of shit deserves the worst man has to offer, the smilin, styling ass swipe of all time, that goes for his mafia don wife as well. They both deserve the hemp, with the circling vulchers frothing at the mouth circling from above.

    You can’t write enough bad things about these two crooks.

    I read somewhere that Bill and his billionaire buddy called the private jet they used to take their lair in the “Air F..k One”, what an ass hole.

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