Biological Weapons Simulation Test Planned In Oklahoma

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: It is plain as day obvious they are conditioning the people to this sort of fear and testing. Some people are upset with it, but the more we hear about it the more accepting the public will be about it. Repetition, repetition…

It should also be obvious as day this test from a scientific point of view is bogus. All they will prove is how that specific building will block chemicals and nothing more. All buildings are different and designed differently. They all have different intakes for air. They all have their own vents and cracks that will allow chemicals into the building.

On top of that, Homeland Security with their unlimited budget could setup a mock building out of the publics eye and do this. But instead they want it in your face, that should tell you something.

A notice in an Oklahoma newspaper set many Newkirk residents on edge.

The Department of Homeland Security announced the small town near the Kansas border will host a biological weapons simulation at the now-abandoned Chilocco Indian School.

In 2018, the department wants to release “non-hazardous, non-toxic” chemicals and biological materials on buildings in the area.

They want to see what might happen if a terrorist were to release similar chemicals as a biological weapon, and if buildings would offer residents any kind of protection.

Residents say the announcement worries them.

“I just got sick to my stomach,” said Newkirk resident Dennis Jordan. “I think if they want to test that stuff, let them go to Los Alamos, you know? I think it’s stupid.”

Source: Biological weapons simulation test planned in Oklahoma | FOX23

World Events and the Bible

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