Black Helicopters Descend on Dallas For Special Forces Drill

Black Helicopters Descend on Dallas For Special Forces DrillInfowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

Alarmed residents who reported low-flying black helicopters with their lights turned off buzzing downtown Dallas last night were witnessing U.S. Special Forces drills intended to allow troops to get a feel for “realistic urban sites”.

“Twitter users reported seeing blacked-out helicopters flying in low, close formations with no lights,”reported NBC-DFW. Infowars readers also contacted us to say they had witnessed the choppers.  

The maneuvers were part of preparedness training for U.S. Special Operations Forces, exercises which will continue for the next two weeks, Dallas police confirmed, adding that the exact locations of the drills would not be disclosed.

“If any members of the public learn of the training locations, we ask the public to remain clear of these areas while training is conducted,” according to a press release.

Twitter users in Dallas responded to the exercises by commenting on the “unnerving” presence of blacked out helicopters that shook windows and drowned out the sound of televisions.

Military exercises in major U.S. cities are becoming an increasingly common sight, prompting concern that Americans are being conditioned to accept a martial law-style environment.

A two week exercise that is set to end today also saw the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit of the U.S. Marines conduct exercises in LA. “As a result, Los Angeles residents are getting to see frequent movements of choppers and many of them flying over their roof tops,” reported the International Business Times.

Blacked out helicopters also buzzed Kentucky and Cincinnati residents back in May as part of an unannounced military drill, with one eyewitness telling Infowars the maneuvers resembled something out of a “war zone”.

“The Army said it had coordinated the exercise with appropriate leaders,” reported 700WLW News, although there was no indication that citizens were told in advance of the drill. The purpose of the exercises was also withheld. The Army also claimed that, “the safety of the personnel and the public was maintained,” despite the fact that the choppers’ lights were turned off.

Back in March, we reported on Department of Defense exercises in Broward County during which low flying military helicopters landed on city buildings in Fort Lauderdale. According to a local reporter, the drills were centered around, “scaring the crap out of people”.

The fact that black helicopters are now being used on an almost monthly basis in urban warfare drills across the country is particularly ironic given the fact that the term has been used as a pejorative for decades by the media to denigrate concerned citizens as paranoid conspiracy theorists.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison


7 thoughts on “Black Helicopters Descend on Dallas For Special Forces Drill

  1. Simply put this is training that they are receiving in preparation for what is coming down the pike. They are not training for realistic situations if they don’t intend on them happening.Could it be that this is a scare tactic to humble the sheep into submission? Could it be that they know the sheep are restless and tired of their unconstitutional asses and have been arming themselves for the last 6 years and even before that because a lot of us saw the writing on the wall a long time ago,others are now accepting the fact that there is a fight coming because the voting booth is a farce that will never change a thing for the better. This tyrannical police state known as ameriKa is only going to get worse till all hell breaks loose and pretending otherwise wont change a thing. The citizens of this country lost it long ago and now its in your face and still some want to pretend it isn’t!

  2. Haven’t seen or heard any in North Dallas yet, but if it’s true, they won’t tell anyone where it’s at because they probably don’t want people to go out and protest or riot yet. Either way, this is in your face treason!

  3. Remain clear of their training areas? Says who? Unless there is a declared emergency of some kind, I’ll go where I damn well please. This crap needs to be opposed to let TPTB we won’t sit still for it.

  4. Check out more from this article, too:

    U.S. Special Forces Conducts Urban Training in North Texas

    “The training will take place for about two weeks in locations across North Texas, though officials aren’t revealing where in order to keep people clear of the test areas.”

    Like I said, they don’t want anyone to know where it’s at because they fear the people will be at those areas, disrupting and protesting the whole thing.

    Hang all of those officials and military members for sedition and high treason! 😡

  5. Had an Osprey fly over me today in Agoura Ca at 200ft, rotating its props for level flight. Had to have just taken off from Agoura/Thousand oaks area…Freaked the people out at the gas station I was at…all I could say was “Welcome to WW3!!”

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