Black Propaganda Psyop: So Which Intelligence Agency Spread Fake News About an Assassination Attempt Against Assad?

The Daily Sheeple

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” ~ Author Mark Twain

How is this for an eerie psychological mind game?

Breitbart is reporting that a flurry of regional news stories out of Syria are claiming that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was in serious condition after either suffering a stroke or an assassination attempt.  

The office of the presidency has officially responded that all such claims are false and Assad is “carrying on his duties quite normally”.

“The presidency denies all these reports. President Assad is in excellent health,” the statement read, according to Reuters, suggesting that “changing circumstances in the field and politically” were behind the claims that Assad was ill.

“The Syrian people had become immune to such lies,” the statement concluded.

Really? Immune? Fake news must be happening all the time over there at this point as the obvious regime change operation is probably considered behind schedule.

Also considering that we know the fake news agenda is really just black propaganda being wielded in a thinly veiled psychological operation (psyop) against people all over the globe, these rumors are being spread for a pretty obvious reason.

It sounds like a mafioso-esque threat on Assad’s life… and it sounds like something straight out of the CIA textbook.

This particular fake report calls to mind the shocking comments that former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell made in an August 8, 2016 interview on The Charlie Rose Show.

Amid discussing how Morell wanted to make the Russians and Iranians “pay a price” in Syria, which Rose clarifies by asking, “We make them pay the price by killing Russians? And killing Iranians?” to which Morell responds, “Yes, covertly” — Morell goes on to say:

You don’t tell the world about it, right. You don’t stand up at the Pentagon and say we did this. Here’s the other thing I want to do, I want to go after — I want to go after those things that Assad sees as his personal power base, right. I want to scare Assad. So, I want to — I want to go after his presidential guard. I want to bomb his offices in the middle of the night. (Source)

With threats of harassment like that, sprinkling a little premature obituary fake news campaign on top for good measure is nothing.

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