Blackwater founder caught off guard when asked about his ‘chanting barbarians’ in Iraq comment


Erik Prince, founder of the notorious private military firm Blackwater, struggled to explain his apparent anti-Muslim sentiment when confronted by Al Jazeera host Mehdi Hasan.

During his Head to Head talk show, Hasan asked Prince why he called people in Iraq “chanting barbarians American troops had been sent to liberate” in his memoir. Prince explained that people who set off car bombs in packed squares to hurt American troops deserve the name, especially given that civilians are also hurt.  

Hasan immediately called him out: “You were not sent to liberate terrorists. Sounds like you are talking about Iraqis.”Prince was left speechless for a moment as the audience burst into applause. Attempting to smooth things over, the Blackwater founder replied that he did not have any role in making the decision to “liberate” Iraq.

In another part, Prince tried to downplay the sentencing of four Blackwater employees for the 2007 Nisour Square massacre by pointing out that the convictions came after a lengthy legal battle. The guards escorting a US Embassy patrol killed 17 Iraqi civilians and injured 20 others.

“The federal government finally got them in a DC jury on the fourth time they tried it,” he said.

Hasan asked if Prince was implying that the jury was not legitimate. He replied: “I’d say the jury of your peers does not really compare to the rest of America.”

The Qatari channel is set to air in full what appears to have been a trainwreck interview with Prince on Friday. The former Navy Seal remains an influential figure in the private security market, advocating for things like fully privatizing the US military presence in Afghanistan.

Blackwater was one of a plethora of private military companies hired by the US government to provide services in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. Its reputation was marred by a string of scandals, eventually leading it to change its name and ownership several times and eventually become part of Constellis Holdings.

Incidents like the Nisour Square massacre contributed to the growing resentment of the Iraqi population to the presence of US troops, and the rise of the bloody insurgency. Contractors working for the company were targeted in one of the first high-profile attacks on Americans in occupied Iraq. In March 2004, four Blackwater men were ambushed and hanged from a bridge in Fallujah.

12 thoughts on “Blackwater founder caught off guard when asked about his ‘chanting barbarians’ in Iraq comment

  1. “Hasan immediately called him out: “You were not sent to liberate terrorists.”

    Try calling a spade a spade, Hasan.

    They ARE the terrorists.

    One of your pet peeves, Henry.

    A favor to ask… I’m having an argument with the lady who works here about Communism & free speech. She thinks it’s not illegal to promote Communism in this country because it’s covered by the 1st Article. I told her it’s considered sedition… I need to show her exactly where it is forbidden, something you would definitely know. Thanks in advance.

    1. p.s. she’s going by the strict definition of sedition – which states that the use of force is required.

      1. Hey #1, Henry would absolutely know better but if I may chime in, I would argue to her that communism can not exist WITHOUT force. Its manifesto calls for the use of force by stripping rights, property, etc away from the people. Is there a commie nation that didn’t gain power without force? One very famous commie himself said “political power comes from the barrel of a gun”. He didn’t mean as in the second amendment in the hands of the people to defend what is theirs. Communism is all about force.

        1. Granted all that, Jamal, what I need is the specific section pertaining to promoting Communism in this country, making it a crime to do so. I’m certain it’s in the Constitution, but the Constitution, BoR & questions of law/legalities are far from my forte, my survival depended (literally) on resolving health issues first & foremost, and then I went on to discover everything I could about the NWO’s agenda.

          TMI out there, and I don’t think I know even half of everything they’re up to, but I’ve done my best.

          And continue to do so, at least insofar as reporting their crimes.

          1. Off topic but interesting, UNIONS

            “Bill of Rights socialism is the belief that the United States Bill of Rights advocated for a socialist society and that if need be, a new United States Bill of Rights that explicitly advocated for that should be made. The concept was first mentioned by Socialist Workers Party in 1976.[1] Communist Party USA has advocated for expanding the United States Constitution to include the right to join a union, the right to a fair-paying job and others.”

          2. Truth be told, Mark, if the communists hadn’t invented unions, the damn Masons would have.

            (can’t get a direct reply button this far down)

            I’m going to go get (more) stoned, and hit A&W for dinner again, so I’ll be up commenting again in a while.

    2. Sedition definition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.

      Incite definition: encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior).

      1. Thank you, Henry. She read me a different definition from her phone… I knew there was more to it than that.

        You just caught me on my way out.

        1. Not to mention 30,000 Americans killed in Korea, 50,000 Americans killed in Vietnam to “stop the spread of international communism”. This wasn’t even on our soil.
          The United States is described as a Republic with an emphasis on the rights of the individual. Communism is collectivism. The two are diametrically opposed. When you speak of bringing communism to the United States, you are straight up promoting insurrection and treason.

          1. Absolutely unchallenged, Henry.

            But people have been ‘programmed’ to believe otherwise, and it runs deeper in some.than others.

            Thanks again.

  2. “In March 2004, four Blackwater men were ambushed and hanged from a bridge in Fallujah.”
    I wish they would’ve included prince with them. This bastard talks about people setting off car bombs to justify his presence and operations. Wants to privatize military operations. So he can make even more from his murder for hire terrorist organization. How about the fact that these “barbarians” weren’t in (or at least had no power) Iraq before the US invasion and destruction of it. Also Syria, Libya, etc. See a pattern here? All the while, the Zionist occupied government of the US along with the UK is supplying, funding and training these “barbarians”. Barbarians. Like people who hold all over the world, pillage, murder, rape,steal. Let’s think about who plays that role in the world. Die you f!@king scumbag, you and all your kind. I can’t wait for you to meet your maker.

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