BLM Uses ‘Mafia Tactics’ To Threaten Cuban Restaurant Owner With Diversity Demands

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The owner of a Cuban restaurant in Louisville has decried a list of ‘diversity demands sent to him and dozens of other small business owners by Black Lives Matter activists – which include guaranteeing that at least 23% of staff are black, 23% of the business’s supplies are from black-owned retailers, and 1.5% of their net sales go to black charities. They also need to publicly display a sign showing their support for the movement.

If they don’t comply, the business owners face a series of “repercussions,” including social media shaming, ‘invasive reclamation’ where black owned businesses would set up competing ‘booths and tables’ outside the stores, and they would have ‘their storefronts f-ked with,’ according to the Daily Mail.

The letter was sent to business owners in the city’s ‘NuLu’ East Market District during a July 24 protest which forced some area businesses to close. BLM argues that the neighborhood was only able to flourish after a housing project was demolished in the 2000s, which ‘robbed the black community of opportunities and wiped out their homes,’ according to the report.

Fernando Martinez, who owns La Bodeguita de Mima, claims that one of the activists warned him: ‘You better put the letter on the door so your business is not f*cked with.

For the next two days after the protest, he claims he kept his restaurant closed because staff feared for their safety. It meant that more than 30 staff members were not able to earn a paycheck.

He took to Facebook to accuse them of ‘mafia tactics’ and said that while he respects the movement and wants to support it, it’s unfair for his business and safety to be threatened.

‘There comes a time in life that you have to make a stand and you have to really prove your convictions and what you believe in.

All good people need to denounce this. How can you justified (sic) injustice with more injustice?’ he wrote on Facebook. –Daily Mail

Read the letter below:

On Sunday, Martinez spoke at Cuban community rally to express support for BLM, but also make clear that they won’t be strong-armed into anything.

“There are people out there who are trying to define who I am as a man, who I am as a businessman, and who we are as a community,” said Martinez, adding “The Cuban community is not the enemy of the Black community.”

“La Bodeguita is open to everybody. If you’re gay, this is your home. If you’re Black, this is your home. If you’re White, this is your home. If you’re human, this is your home.”

Apparently BLM doesn’t see things that way.

11 thoughts on “BLM Uses ‘Mafia Tactics’ To Threaten Cuban Restaurant Owner With Diversity Demands

  1. That is communism dip shits, they’ll turn on everyone to suit the agenda of their masters, Oy….!!

    You can’t pretend to support or go along or believe in them…!

    They be scorpions, they only understand hard core violence, but will cry the loudest when attacked in defense.

  2. BLM – Bastards, Losers, Morons. I’m sick to death of their Socialist, Communist, Marxist bullshit.

  3. Every time I see the level of boldness these thugs are displaying I just can’t help but think of the two major players in the game: Those who are funding this (Soros, et al), and those who sell it as legitimate protest (the lying media). And with the latter, it grows more egregious when they attribute it to a First Article right. I never read anything in our First Article that could sanction the disgusting behavior of these so-called protesters: property destruction, looting, aggressive threats to the safety and well-being of other people, people who, in most cases, did nothing to them. It will be interesting to see how this restaurant issue progresses.

    What Tom Petty said:

    Well, I won’t back down
    No, I won’t back down
    You can stand me up at the gates of hell
    But I won’t back down

    No, I’ll stand my ground
    Won’t be turned around
    And I’ll keep this world from draggin’ me down
    Gonna stand my ground
    And I won’t back down

    I won’t back down, Hey, baby
    There ain’t no easy way out
    I won’t back down, Hey, I
    Will stand my ground
    And I won’t back down

    Well, I know what’s right
    I got just one life
    In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
    I’ll stand my ground
    And I won’t back down


    1. Tom Petty was anti second amendment
      And would probably support this shit

      He also had some very fcked up views of how our country should be
      None of them would I think you’d agree upon

      Just though you should know

    2. Tom Petty also removed the Confederate Battle Flag that had been a backdrop for his stage and supported the removal of the Confederate monuments.
      I have not played one song of his on the broadcast nor in private since he did.
      Only wish I could have met him before he died so I could see if I could break his nose and make both his eyes swell shut with one punch.
      I Won’t Back Down was a song about a devotion of love that was adopted as a quasi patriot mantra that disappeared when he, like many others in the music industry, caved to their true colors. He supported removing American history and I regret every dollar that I spent on his albums in my youth.

  4. Growing up in a town on Long Island that was one-third Italian (and one-third Jewish and one-third everyone else) I actually know some teens whose folks were involved with the Mafia (and my brother’s future wife’s dad, a longshoreman, had some loose Mafia ties until he committed suicide…then her mother married a cop!)…I’d say these thugs are worse than Mafia. At least the Mafia didn’t force someone to make sure they hired Mafia thugs or buy good from Mafia thugs…

    1. Uh uh. The mafia did decide who got what job. Who got the city contracts with the garbage, electrical, and even the goddamn sewage, and they always owned the cops. The only difference between now and then is they put inc behind their f-king moniker.
      A criminal is a criminal and they all must go if we want the law and order that delivers freedom, liberty, and justice.

  5. Burn

    Yeah sure our restaurant will support you
    Right after it’s burned to the ground
    The idiots in this world
    Maybe we do need a culling

    I think our numbers of loss would be low

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