Border mayors: Closing border would be ‘security theater’

The Hill – by Rafael Bernal

A group of elected officials from the Texas-Mexico border is criticizing Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump‘s call to “close up” borders following Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels.

“Closing our land border with Mexico would be a ridiculous staging of security theater: the practice of false efforts intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually achieve it,” the Texas Border Coalition (TBC) said Tuesday in a release.   

“The story of the men and women protecting the Southwest border is a success story: seizing more currency, drugs, and weapons than ever. The Southwest border security team needs more resources, not false efforts that harm morale and the economy.”

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria claimed responsibility for the attacks, which killed at least 34 people and injured more than 100.

Trump repeated his call to tighten U.S. borders in media appearances Tuesday morning after the attacks.

“We have to be very, very vigilant with who we let into this country,” he said on Fox & Friends.”

“I will tell you I’ve been talking about this for a long time. This whole thing will get worse as time goes by.”

His presidential rivals joined the TBC in censuring Trump on Tuesday.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton said that “it’s unrealistic to say that we’re going to completely shut down our borders to everyone.”

GOP candidate Ted Cruz criticized Trump’s call on Monday to defund NATO, saying it was “striking” that the city where NATO is headquartered would be “the subject of a radical Islamic terrorist attack.”

According to government figures, at least $1 billion of goods pass through the southern border each day.

2 thoughts on “Border mayors: Closing border would be ‘security theater’

  1. Wall – one time expenditure, save upkeep/maintainence.

    More cops- millions of dollars a year for decades and decades, health insurance, cel phones, cool tactical vehicles etcetc. Put the wall up and have orders to shoot any dirt neck stupid enough to hop it.

  2. “Closing our land border with Mexico would be a ridiculous staging of security theater:…”

    Everything you scumbags DO is theater, @sswipe!!!

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