Border Patrol cancels plans to fly illegal immigrants from Texas to California

Border Patrol cancels plans to fly illegal immigrants from Texas to CaliforniaUncover California

The Border Patrol on Sunday announced the cancellation of its plans to fly hundreds of illegal Central American migrants from south Texas to California for processing, but said the plans could be reinstated.

On Saturday, the Border Patrol’s San Diego Sector Chief Paul Beeson said that nearly 300 Central American migrants would be moved from south Texas to California for processing. He told media persons that there would be two flights with 140 passengers each on Monday, and the flights would continue every three days.  

But, a spokesperson for the Border Patrol’s parent agency yesterday announced that the flights had been cancelled. The spokesperson didn’t give any reason for the cancellation of the flights.

Announcing the cancellation, the Customs & Border Protection’s Ralph DeSio said, “This whole thing is in a very fluid state,” DeSio said. “I’m not sure if the plans will be reactivated but, as we’re speaking here this moment, it has been canceled. Tomorrow is another day.”

As the government has been struggling to deal with the soaring number of illegal migrants entering Texas’ Rio Grande Valley from Central America, immigration & Customs Enforcement are struggling to decide whether immigrants with young children should be kept in custody or released while they are in deportation proceedings.

Since the start of October last year, U. S. border authorities have detained as many as 174,000 illegal immigrants trying to enter the country through Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.

2 thoughts on “Border Patrol cancels plans to fly illegal immigrants from Texas to California

    1. More like taking tar balls to the beach. I’m sure the beaners sucking on the public teat, are not happy to see competition from Central America.

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