BREAKING: European Commissioner Thierry Breton announces that from August 25, social networks will be obliged to immediately delete “hateful content” or “which call for revolt” under penalty of being cut off on the territory

3 thoughts on “BREAKING: European Commissioner Thierry Breton announces that from August 25, social networks will be obliged to immediately delete “hateful content” or “which call for revolt” under penalty of being cut off on the territory

  1. revolt:

    verb: rise in rebellion, refuse to acknowledge someone or something as having authority, feel strong disgust

    noun: an attempt to put an end to the authority of a person or body by rebelling, a countrywide revolt against the central government, a refusal to continue to obey or conform

    Orogin: mid 16th century, from the Latin, revolvere: ‘roll back’


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