BREAKING: Israeli forces opened fire on Journalists wearing visible “PRESS” vests whilst they were covering an Israeli raid on the town of Qabatiya, in the West Bank. Targeting Journalists is against International Law.

2 thoughts on “BREAKING: Israeli forces opened fire on Journalists wearing visible “PRESS” vests whilst they were covering an Israeli raid on the town of Qabatiya, in the West Bank. Targeting Journalists is against International Law.

  1. when will people realize that they care not the evil they do, they are Satanist through and through, one evil mothertrucking tribe no wonder the have been chased out of countries since time immortal

  2. “International Law”? Pffft! These are your Masters, the jews, we are talking about! They are not bound by trifling goyim regulation such as “International Law” silly LOL! Just shut up & go back to watching TV or playing your video games while we work on the next vaccine to keep you safe.

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