BREAKING: One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen took place in Eagle Pass, TX this morning, w/ Border Patrol sources telling us over 2,200 people crossed there since midnight. It happened right next to the port of entry, as illegal immigrants continue to ignore Biden admin messaging of “do not come”, & do not fear the promised “consequences” for crossing illegally. Videos from source in MX & our FOX drone team on US side.

2 thoughts on “BREAKING: One of the largest mass illegal crossings we have ever seen took place in Eagle Pass, TX this morning, w/ Border Patrol sources telling us over 2,200 people crossed there since midnight. It happened right next to the port of entry, as illegal immigrants continue to ignore Biden admin messaging of “do not come”, & do not fear the promised “consequences” for crossing illegally. Videos from source in MX & our FOX drone team on US side.

  1. This should make everyone very mad. Let’s just say that 7,000,000 Illegals have poured across our border since Obiden Regime opened it wide. Each one is getting paid $2,200/ month, plus free education and healthcare. Taxpayers are funding an additional $16.8 Billion/ month to these Illegals in payments alone.

  2. Lets see 7,000,000 homeless illegals and no where to put them, me thinks I have a solution. How about we ship them all to FEMA camps, there are 100’s of camps conveniently located all across the country. Those camps were made to bring non compliant subjects like us Trenchers to so why let all that money go to waste. They can get everything they need and an education. When they get the socialist commie D.C. standard of education send them back to where ever they came from to invade their own homelands.

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