BREAKING: Poilievre SLAMS Trudeau for ‘demonizing concerned parents’ amid week of protests

By The Post Millennial

BREAKING: Poilievre SLAMS Trudeau for 'demonizing concerned parents' amid week of protests

On Friday, Pierre Poilievre slammed Justin Trudeau for his response to the thousands of concerned Canadians who took to the streets in protests across the country this week to voice their support for parents’ rights and and end to sexualized content in classrooms.

The Conservative Party leader accused the prime minister of unfairly targeting parents via his decision to dismiss the demonstrations as nothing more than a gathering of people motivated by anti-LGBTQ hate.

“Justin Trudeau always divides to distract from all he has broken,” Poilievre wrote in a post on X. “This time, he is demonizing concerned parents.”

“Parents should be the final authority on the values and lessons that are taught to children,” he added, calling on the Liberal Party leader to “butt out and let parents raise their kids.”

On Wednesday, 1 Million March 4 Children events took place in cities from Victoria to Montreal. Much of the coverage before and during the protests appeared to suggest that demonstrators were marching against LGBTQ rights, however the vast majority of those in attendance harbored no negative feelings towards members of that community, and sought only to have a greater say in what happens at their children’s schools.

Nonetheless, Trudeau took to X to remind Canadians that “transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country,” and that he and his party “strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations.”

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