Any possibility of British involvement in a military campaign in Syria has been effectively ruled out after British lawmakers voted down the prospect in parliament, costing the US the nation’s closest ally in a potential strike.
By a 285 to 272 margin British MPs rejected the government’s motion to support in principle military action against Syria. A second vote was due to be held on committing to action following the report by United Nations weapons inspectors, who are currently investigating claims that Assad used chemical weapons on civilians.
Major blow to Government as motion defeated. 272 yes 285 no @RT_com
British MPs also voted down an opposition Labour amendment calling for more information about the deployment of chemical weapons in Syria.
The Labour amendment was defeated Thursday by 332 votes to 220. “A number of Tories in the no lobby with Labour,” wrote Labour MP Jon Trickett.
MPs on both sides of the aisle expressed doubt over British involvement in Syria during a six hour debate in the House of Commons. Cameron called back lawmakers from their summer vacation to determine whether Britain would join US-led military action in Syria, if the US decides to do so in the coming days.
The vote could be a blow to Cameron’s authority after he has advocated UK military action in the event US forces deploy missiles in the Middle East.
British Prime Minister David Cameron asserted that such action would put a halt to human rights atrocities in Syria, while Labour party MPs said they required more evidence of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s guilt to intervene in the Middle Eastern nation’s two-year civil war.
Cameron, while advocating limited attacks against the Assad government, admitted he was not“100% certain” that Assad was behind a recent chemical attack, but that it was “highly likely”.
After the defeat in the Parliament, Cameron admitted it was clear that Britons did not want action and said he “will act accordingly.” One MP shouted “resign” as Cameron pledged he would not order an attack.

Phillip Hammond, the UK Defense Secretary, said the US “will be disappointed that Britain will not be involved”, however he did not think it would halt the process, “I don’t expect that the lack of British participation will stop any action,” he told the BBC.
The vote came just before US President Barack Obama was scheduled to meet with congressional lawmakers and other key leaders to brief them on possible military action in Syria. White House deputy spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Thursday that the US was prepared to “go it alone” in Syria to protect American “core national security interests.”
“The president of the United States is elected with the duty to protect the national security interests of America,” he said. “The decisions he makes about our foreign policy is with our national security interests front and center.”
Doug Brandow, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, told The Guardian that “caution has grown” within the Obama administration.
“I think they’ve found over the last couple of days both a lack of support at home, both among the American people and Congress, and then they look internationally and suddenly they don’t feel quite so surrounded by friends,” he said.
NSA Recording Of Conversation Between Netanyahu & Cameron:
BN – Benjamin Netanyahu (PIC – Pyscho-In-Charge Of Israel): WHAT!!????,… our slaves in Britian are refusing to follow my orders and attack Syria???!!!,… What the hell,.. you goyium are out of control!!!
DC – David Cameron (PM Of UK): I’m,… I’m,… I’m so sorry master!!!!,.. I tried!,.. I tried!,.. please forgive me for not getting my fellow Brits to throw their lives away to please you!!!!
BN: Uhmph!,…. Well,.. goyium,…. you did try,….. didn’t you?,….. my little slave.
DC: Oh yes master,.. I did try!,… oh,.. thank you for forgiving me!,.. Thank You so much!
BN: Ok,… you pathetic little worm.
DC: Yes master,.. I’m just a worm!,.. I’m not worthy enough for you to even spit on.
BN: Yes,… your correct,… spitting on you would be an insult to my saliva,… anyway,.. back to the main problem of getting WW3 going.
DC: What about your prostitute in the White House?
BN: Hmm,.. yes,.. my little brown whore will be told to go it alone.
DC: Good thinking master,.. you so smart,.. I love you so much!
BN: Yes,.. of course you do you goyium. I will have to figure out how to punish your stupid British goyium for your overt act of thinking. In the mean time,.. I will have that oversized turd in the White House do your job after I destroy an American ship and blame it on Syria.
DC: Oh yes master,… your so wise and smart,.. can I lick your shoes clean,… please?!
BN: Yes,.. later,.. right now,.. I have to arrange for an “event” to get WW3 going,.. now go you worm….
DC: Yes master,… yes master,.. thank you,… thank you… (click of phone hanging up).
JD – US Marines – Thats the kind of conversation that is occuring between the Prime Minister Of Britian,.. and his owner,.. Benjamin Netanyahu. Sickening,…. just sickening.
Lol JD…that was hilarious. The unfunny part is that the phone conversation you just typed is quite probably accurate. If I didn’t know better I would say you pulled a little NSA on Cameron’s phone calls…lol.