California severe drought intensifying as Napa wildfire rages on

california droughtThe Guardian- by Rory Carroll

California’s drought is intensifying, turning more farms to dust, fanning fires, draining fountains and driving “unbelievable” prices at water auctions.

A map released by the US Drought Monitor on Thursday classified nearly 80% of California as in “extreme” drought, the second highest of five categories. Within that area an estimated 36% is “exceptional” drought, the highest category.  

After another week of “little if any precipitation” exceptional dryness spread south to afflict Ventura, Los Angeles and Orange counties, according to the monitor report.

The entire state has been deemed in “severe” drought since April, the first time this has happened in 15 years.

More than 1,000 firefighters continued on Friday to battle a 4,300 acre wildfire in Napa county. Vineyards and homes have so far largely escaped but about 500 people have been evacuated.

“We are about six weeks ahead of where we normally are in fire season in regards to how dry the vegetation is,” one firefighter, Mike Forster, told CNN.

Many crops in the central valley have withered. For the first time in half a century federal authorities are not providing irrigation water, citing scarcity and more urgent priorities.

The price of water in the private market has reportedly soared tenfold in the past five years. It now costs $2,200 for for an acre-foot, a measurement approximate to covering a football field with a foot of water.

Water districts and landowners with surplus water caches are making millions at auctions.

“This year the market is unbelievable,” Thomas Greci, the general manager of the Madera Irrigation District, told AP.

The district recently made nearly $7m from selling about 3,200 acre-feet. “And this is a way to pay our bills.” Farmers bought it all – outbidding the city of Santa Barbara.

The State Water Project, which supplies much of the state, has slashed allocations, prompting mandatory and voluntary conservation measures by local authorities and residents.

The Getty Center in Los Angeles and the Getty Villa in Pacific Palisades shut down most of their fountains and pools and said they will remain shut until the government lifts emergency declarations.

Despite two emergency declarations by governor Jerry Brown, and appeals for a 20% voluntary reduction in consumption, California’s water use has fallen only 5%.–on

2 thoughts on “California severe drought intensifying as Napa wildfire rages on

    1. You get used to it, NC.

      You know, like you get used to earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.

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