Canada just went NDAA: BILL C 51 Passed House of Commons

Published on May 6, 2015 by TheAlienContactee

BILL C 51 has officially passed in Canada … Pretty much marking the official beginning of a police state here in Canada , ACLA speaks about the bills passing and what it means for Canada and the world … And speaks on who the true terrorists are and what needs to be done from here!

13 thoughts on “Canada just went NDAA: BILL C 51 Passed House of Commons

  1. I have a stake in this. The love of my life lives in British Columbia, lower mainland. On 9/11/2011, she was down here. We entered Canada on that date because she had some legal things to attend to and I was checking out the Chilliwack river in the Fraser Valley to fly fish. I got hauled into customs, demanded to see my ” cash “. Bullshit. They let me / us in. 10 days later, when returning to America, they hauled my love into the office, palm, finger printed her ( she has No criminal record ), and mug shot her. They denied her entry to America, and kicked my ass to the curb.

    So, I had to pack my shit, and walk to the Sumas city hall, where a gracious lady gave me bus schedules to get to Bellingham, WA Grayhound station. I sat across the Sumas city hall for 3 hours waiting for the first bus. 27 hours later, I was back in San Leandro, CA. 4 bus transfers later in an area I didn’t know, and my advice proved true. I have been THERE. This, my friends, was in 2011. Think on how much worse shit has become . . .

    1. We have not surrendered our arms. I have more guns than I can count. Canada is one of the most heavily armed civilian populations on Earth. AND – we can have guns that Americans cannot due to some law the USA has about importing firearms from communist nations. (What a joke – I think all nations are communist at this point).

      Congrats on winning the tomahawk !!

      1. Amen Brother !!! Well, not all of us ‘merikans abide by corporate laws 😉 Agree, countries are like city’s, flippin’ corporations. It’s ALL a corporate structure . . .

  2. It was a great place to be back in the early ’70s. The cops were FAR more reasonable than they were down here at that time.

    NWO IS global, though.

    1. In the late 70’s I went to Victoria, Vancouver Island. Didn’t need a passport, now ???

      1. I went again in summer ’05, the year before they started requiring one. Got me a t-shirt from the Amsterdam Cafe.

        Had to get a passport later that year to go to the U.K. the next summer.

  3. EJ, you’re ” off point ” and your comment is invalid. I couldn’t bring my S&W .41 or 12 gauge across the border, let alone my M4. If I could, I would, without killing border agents. The ” Crown ” has infiltrated everything. American Nationals are the last ” hold outs “. And given the crown own’s America, if you can’t see it, wake up, where does that leave you ??? Do you possess no compassion for your brothers and sisters ??? Are you so smug as to spew demeaning crap ???

    1. Thats funny – as a Canadian I am free to bring my guns into and out of the USA any time I want. But Americans cannot do the same. There are restrictions on ammo crossing the border. Canadians are more free than you think – our problem is the ” CROWN ” They need to go. I really hate being called a ‘ SUBJECT “

  4. Hey Mark , I still am armed to the teeth ! If that hat wearing bitch thinks she or that inbred offspring of hers owns this country , once they openly declare it , that will be when they will come to the realization that they will lose everything !!! P.S. not sorry that the Truth Hurts !

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