Canada woman stops for ducks; guilty in 2 deaths


Emma Czornobaj was convicted by a jury on two counts of criminal negligence causing death, a charge that carries a maximum life sentence, and two counts of dangerous driving causing death, which comes with a maximum of 14 years in jail.

The 25-year-old was charged in the deaths of Andre Roy, 50, and his daughter Jessie, 16.

She wiped away tears when the verdict was delivered to a packed courtroom in Montreal. Quebec Superior Court Justice Eliane Perreault said the 12-member jury voted unanimously.  

Czornobaj was released until her pre-sentence hearing on Aug. 8.

Roy’s motorcycle slammed into Czornobaj’s car, which was stopped in the left lane of a provincial highway south of Montreal in 2010.

Czornobaj, a self-professed animal lover, told the court that she did not see the ducklings’ mother anywhere and planned to capture them and take them home.

Defense lawyer Marc Labelle said his client was stunned by the jury’s decision.

“The fact that she was involved in the accident in the first place was a hard experience for her,” he said. “The fact that she had to go through a trial with a lot of publicity was tough and to be confirmed by 12 citizens, the jury, that the conduct was criminal is a hard blow.”

Pauline Volikakis, whose husband and daughter were killed in the collision, briefly fought back tears when she left the courtroom.

“I don’t wish misfortune on anyone,” Volikakis said. “It’s time that we go on. This will not bring (back) my loved ones.”

Prosecutor Annie-Claude Chasse had a message for motorists.

“What we hope is that a clear message is sent to society that we do not stop on the highway for animals. It’s not worth it.”

7 thoughts on “Canada woman stops for ducks; guilty in 2 deaths

  1. This just doesn’t seem like justice to me. I’ve been known to stop for animals, or at least brake. Sometimes you have little choice, such as larger critters… what if it had been a moose and she stopped? (well, maybe the cyclist would have seen the moose, I dunno) Deer are worth slowing/stopping for as well…hit a few in my life. If you hit ’em just right it will stop you, anyway…had one vehicle taken away via rollback. The deer lived on that one, go figure! (it may have had a limp afterwards, though)

    1. This is interesting think about it for a minute. We are told that the new plan in the NWO and Agenda 21 is to make animals and trees equal to people. We have all heard this as a way of restricting man’s enviornment; such as where you can live and travel, how much water you have access to and other restrictions.

      Now here we have a woman who appears to care and protect animals. She is bad she goes to jail.

      You know this world can really make you crazy. Nothing makes sense anymore. They want it both ways and that can not be.

      Stop this tilt a world I want to get off.

  2. I appreciate she shouldn’t have stopped, but how does he “slam” into a stopped vehicle? Sounds like he was driving recklessly.

  3. Why was a woman trying to protect animals in a society where animals are considered equal to humans given such a stiff sentence?

    Simple. the judge and jury did NOT buy into the meme that animals are equal to humans. She was before the wrong judge and jury at the wrong time. Wrong place, wrong time.

    Either that or the people she killed had folks who bought off the judge and jury. Reverse affluenza….

  4. failure to stop by those that rear ended her, no matter the reason you are supposed to be in control of your vehicle at all times, thus not being able to stop means they must have been following too close..

    She is getting rear ended again by the court system

    now if she had plowed over the ducks , she would probably be getting arrested for animal cruelty winning this one

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