Police brutality? Watch this YouTube video — It’s not meant for those with weak stomachs


Police incessantly and unmercifully beating a man with batons and shocking him with tasers as he lays supine on a street pavement in Long Beach, Calif., is shocking and repulsive. Sundry video versions of this incident, posted on YouTube — have gone viral. It’s the most infamous and nefarious example of police brutality so far this year in the United States – when this violent act was captured in early September of 2013 by digital dice and snake-eyed focus.  

In the video, a man wearing only a tan pair of short pants is repeatedly bludgeoned by batons and tased by three policemen. Another cop joins in this torture session, wielding a very long, nasty-looking nightstick. Two other officers jump in while their mates slip on blue plastic gloves, not wanting to get any blood on their hands (nobody wants a blood-borne disease these days, after all). And after a bit, others in blue (including at least one woman police officer), join the circle of terror. Towards the end of the video, all the police are on their knees, doing something to this poor victim, and I hardly think it’s trying to help the writhing guy.

It looks like a true exercise in torture. The coming of the police state and a poor victim was picked out with the name Porfirio Santos-Lopez.

Excessive force? Police brutality? You be the judge



3 thoughts on “Police brutality? Watch this YouTube video — It’s not meant for those with weak stomachs

  1. Looks like the American police on a average day for them to me. What did they do to him when the good buddie circle jerk was on. Inject him with drugs or what to cover there ask here? There not above that. What was his crime? Speaking to one of them and forcing him to go into I think mode. That is the way they treat people who so much as speak to them as tax payers. Been there had that happen before for speaking to one about his drunk driving. Then will come the we framed him good.

  2. obviously outside their lawful guidelines. You see that and that means they aint law enforcement under law so execute the (insert bad word) right in the street. Keep em busy going to funerals and they wont have time to gang up on 1 guy.

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