Casey Codding is a traitor

Patriot or Traitor

Casey Codding murdered Lavoy Finicum.

Thanks to recent testimony we know the activist’s death was a pre-planned assassination. But corrupt judges along with government officials have sealed the identity of the Oregon State Police (OSP) Officer directly responsible for the murder of Lavoy Finicum.

Despite public outcry, trials against protestors and even charges against one of the FBI agents for the filing of a false report in the murder, the man who pulled the trigger has been known only as Officer #1.  

However, someone leaked the name of the OSP officer behind the slaying. The real name of officer #1 is CASEY CODDING (a/k/a – Casey Michael Codding), and this is a photo of him.

Casey is not denying the killing, and he is being praised by other government traitors for his actions. In fact he is being praised as a hero for helping the FBI and other OSP officers setup an illegal roadblock to ambush and kill the activist Lavoy Finicum.

We should never forget Casey Codding (a/k/a – Casey Michael Codding):

He killed 3 people…

He fired rounds into a moving vehicle…

He fired 2 rounds into the back of a man…

He is the man that murdered Lavoy Finicum.

If that isn’t enough to turn one’s stomach, then this might,. . . Casey has since been promoted to the rank of captain.

As members of the human race we should all demand that Casey Codding answer for his crimes and be given the due process he and his treasonous friends have denied Lavoy Finicum. It’s time we stop and put an end to these unlawful fake courts and their secret trails, for ‘We The People’ have the right to know the names and faces of the criminals that violate our highest laws and murder our families.

Additional Information

CLICK HERE to read about Lavoy Finicum and how he was murdered.

CLICK HERE to read about the FBI agent who lied about firing two rifle shots at the truck of Lavoy Finicum.

Patriot or Traitor

4 thoughts on “Casey Codding is a traitor

  1. Levoy died a hero, stood his ground, saved the lives of the people in the car, told the traitors to FK OFF. He died a righteous death. The piece of shit coward who murdered him will be remembered and never forgotten, a coward. A traitor and will meet retribution, count on it.

    I look forward to more retribution considering this death of a true hero.

    1. In a way its better that LaVoy didn’t. That most certainly would have been used to the advantage of the thugs in their PR campaign. The footage would be edited to make it look like LaVoy was an unrepentant murderer. He took one for team and God bless him for doing so.

      1. Well fair warned
        I ain’t goin out like that

        If it’s over and tyrants are the reason
        I’ll try my best to be sure those fking POS will never suck oxygen again

        This fken waste of flesh is still a problem
        The good guy died the bad guy lived to affect all of us

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