Israeli King Benjamin Netanyahu narrowly won reelection to his post as Prime Minister.  Benny had planned a hard right wing regime with an emphasis on further settlements upon the lands of the Palestinians.  It is being said now, however, that he will have a tough row to hoe in implementing his plan.  Could it be that the people of Israel have seen the writing on the wall and realized that Benny is and has been leading them into extremely dangerous waters?

It has actually been quite quiet here in the United States in reference to Israel as of late.  Could it be that a part of the awakening that has led to one consecutive month after another of record gun and ammunition sales includes the realization as to what Zionism is? Continue reading “Netanyahu on the Ropes Following Israeli Election”

Fellowship of Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

Laura and Nick Phelps are parents of two children who are among the students who survived the Dec. 14, 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Or so they claim.

In the video below, beginning at the 1:34 mark, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer is interviewing the Phelps about slain Sandy Hook school principal Dawn Hochsprung. Continue reading “More evidence that Sandy Hook parent Laura Phelps is actress Jennifer Sexton”


There are few guarantees in life, but this much we can say with certainty: The sun rises in the east, death comes to us all, and you will — at one time or another — suddenly find yourself in the midst of a blazing fight with your girlfriend without even realizing it.

Many of us have been there. One minute you’re having a conversation, maybe a minor argument, but that’s OK; it’s all under control. Then you say something — a word or passing comment, something relatively harmless, or so you think — and it sets her off. As soon as it leaves your lips, the air changes, and there’s no easy way back. Continue reading “10 Things Never to Say to a Woman”

The Organic Prepper – by Daisy Luther

In 2009, the swine flu hit Europe in pandemic levels.  The countries rushed to acquire a vaccine called Pandemrix, made by GlaxoSmithKline in the UK.   The vaccine had been fast-tracked for use due to the human swine flu crisis.

One wealthy nation, Sweden, snapped up a large amount of the Pandemrix vaccine and launched a nationwide campaign, eventually vaccinating 59% of the population against the swine flu.  This may sound familiar – the vaccine was promoted by national health organizations, the main stream news, schools, workplaces and on television to encourage everyone to get the jab. Continue reading “Sweden: A Cautionary Tale About Vaccines”

Gun Show Trader

The Gun Show Trader is the largest Arms Show Calendar with information on Firearms Show, Gun & Knife Shows, Local Gun Collector Shows, Arms Expos, Sports Shows, Gun Swap Meets and more all year round. There are thousands of Guns in our calendar and more being added every day.

This is your one-stop shop for all your Gun Show needs. Check back in daily and see what new Collector Expos are in your area. The Gun Show Trader is updated daily. New show dates and information will be posted frequently. Continue reading “List of Gun Shows 2013”

Washington Times – by Emily Miller

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office confirmed that she will be introducing in the Senate Thursday a new version of the so-called assault weapon ban. A spokesman said the full text will be released at a press conference on Thursday.

The California Democrat intends to expand on the ban that expired in 2004, by including handguns and shotguns, in addition to rifles. She would decrease from two to one the number of cosmetic features on a gun to have it be considered an “assault weapon.” This means that if a gun has just one item like a pistol grip or bayonet lug, then it is illegal. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law the same ban in New York last week.  Continue reading “National ‘assault weapon’ ban coming Thursday”

Business Insider – by David Cenciotti and Richard Clements, The Aviationist

Chinese websites are again reporting that Russia has agreed to sell Beijing the production line for the Tupolev Tu-22M3 bomber at a cost of $1.5 billion.

Once in service with the Chinese Naval Air Forces the Tu-22M3 will be known as the “H-10″. Continue reading “China’s Buying A Fleet Of Russian Bombers Perfect For Taking On The US Navy”

Pat Dollard

Excerpted from ABC News: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to be on Capitol Hill Wednesday, to give long-awaited testimony about State Department security and the attack that left four Americans dead in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton, who had to postpone testimony because of health issues, is scheduled to appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at 9 a.m. and the House Foreign Affairs Committee at 2 p.m. Wednesday. She will be the only person giving testimony in the hearing called, “Terrorist Attack in Benghazi: The Secretary of State’s View.” Continue reading “Hillary To Testify Tomorrow On Benghazi”

Huffington Post – by Colleen Long

NEW YORK — An esteemed religious counselor in New York City’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community was sentenced Tuesday to 103 years in prison for molesting a girl who came to him with questions about her faith.

Nechemya Weberman was convicted in December of 59 counts, including sustained sexual abuse of a child, endangering the welfare of a child and sexual abuse. He testified in his own defense, saying he “never, ever” abused the girl, and maintained his innocence at sentencing. Continue reading “Nechemya Weberman, Orthodox Counselor Guilty Of Sexual Abuse, Sentenced To 103 Years In Prison”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

These men admitted readily that they knew their German troops were now in America, including at Fort Bliss, TX, and Holloman AFB, NM, and that they had been informed that MARTIAL LAW WAS COMING TO AMERICA.

American locals in Alamogordo, NM, admitted to me that the German Bundeswehr Luftwaffe (Air Force) stationed at Holloman AFB were boasting that they were there for martial law, and that they would not have a problem arresting or firing upon the American civilians under martial law. We are here to ARREST you, FIRE UPON you and SEIZE YOUR WEAPONS under martial law!” Continue reading “Gun Owners Of America, This Is Not “URBAN LEGEND” But Reality Coming To America.”


SPRINGFIELD, Mass.--( Smith & Wesson, a U.S. based leader in firearm manufacturing and design, today announced that the Company will not attend nor will it support or participate in the 2013 Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Continue reading “Smith & Wesson Withdraws from Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show”

Independent Science News – by Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson

How should a regulatory agency announce they have discovered something potentially very important about the safety of products they have been approving for over twenty years? Continue reading “Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops”

Before It’s News – by Monica Davis

Houston news sources are reporting that at least three people have been shot at a community college.According to one source, the shooting ocurred at one of the Lone Star Community College locations in Houston.

Jed Young, the college’s executive director of communications, tells CNN that two students apparently got caught in a crossfire during a confrontation between two other people.

Police feel the danger has been “mitigated,” he tells CNN. MORE HERE Continue reading “Why Is Everyone Getting Shot Since Obama Took Office? 16 Mass Shootings In Obama’s 5 years–15 In Bush’s 8 Years”

NPR – by Peter Overby

Congress faces a battle over gun laws that could be the biggest in a generation.

Leading the charge for gun rights is the National Rifle Association, with its huge budget and grass-roots operations. On the other side, a new leader has emerged in recent years: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is not only outspoken on gun control, he has also opened his substantial wallet for the cause. Continue reading “Bloomberg Puts Millions Behind Gun Control Push”

NY Daily News – by ERIN DURKIN

Mayor Bloomber has attended many gatherings of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in his 11 years in office, but the Newtown massacre changed things, he said.

When he addressed the nation’s gun scourge at a Washington meeting Friday, he said he detected a decidedly different tone on guns. Continue reading “Michael Bloomberg sees mood swing on gun control at annual U.S. Conference of Mayors”

Huffington Post – by Sara Gates

New Yorker Noah Zerkin was riding the subway this weekend when he came across a familiar face sporting an exciting new piece of technology. It was Google co-founderSergey Brin wearing Google’s augmented-reality “glasses.”

Brin, who has publicly shown off the company’s Project Glass headset many times since it debuted in April 2011, took the device with him for a ride on New York’s downtown 3 train on Sunday. Continue reading “Sergey Brin Wears Google ‘Glasses’ On New York Subway”

Huffington Post – by LARRY NEUMEISTER

NEW YORK — A federal judge let the New York Police Department on Tuesday temporarily resume stop-and-frisk stops she believes are unconstitutional while she decides what permanent remedies are necessary to prevent illegal stops in thousands of privately owned buildings.

U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin in Manhattan lifted immediate implementation of the order she issued earlier this month concerning a program aimed at decreasing city crime. Continue reading “Stop-And-Frisks In Bronx Buildings To Resume: Judge Temporarily Lifts ‘Operation Clean Halls’ Decision”

Fox News – by Associated Press

DEARBORN, Michigan –  McDonald’s and one of its franchise owners agreed to pay $700,000 to members of the Muslim community to settle allegations a Detroit-area restaurant falsely advertised its food as being prepared according to Islamic dietary law.

McDonald’s and Finley’s Management Co. agreed Friday to the tentative settlement, with that money to be shared by Dearborn Heights resident Ahmed Ahmed, a Detroit health clinic, the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn and lawyers. Continue reading “McDonald’s settles $700,000 suit over Islamic diet in US”

Huffington Post – by SHAWN POGATCHNIK

DUBLIN — Food quality officials said Thursday they have identified more horsemeat traces in beef burgers produced in Ireland and pinpointed the problem in an imported ingredient. Ireland’s second-largest manufacturer of supermarket beef patties shut down its production line in response. Continue reading “Silvercrest Foods, Irish Plant, Suspends Operations After More Horsemeat Found In Burgers”