Catholic SLU set to host transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney

By Jennifer Kabbany – The College Fix

President of SLU’s College Republicans said school would not let group host women’s sports activist Paula Scanlan

One of the most famous — and controversial — transgenders in the nation today, Dylan Mulvaney, is slated to speak Monday at St. Louis University, a Catholic-Jesuit institution.

The event will be hosted by the private institution’s Student Activities Board and its Great Issues Committee, which works to “spark dialogue, engage in critical thinking, and have fun,” according to its Instagram bio.

Mulvaney is slated to “talk about her experiences as a trans actress, activist, and content creator,” according to the university’s website.

Mulvaney made headlines nationwide after becoming the spokesperson for Bud Light, prompting massive backlash and prompting Anheuser-Busch to lose customers through a boycott and see its stock price tank.

Fox News reported in March the company said its revenue in the U.S. market declined “primarily due to the volume decline of Bud Light.”

The St. Louis Post Dispatch reported Mulvaney’s pending visit also prompted concern among some students:

But conservative activists quickly criticized the decision. Some took to social media, calling it “embarrassing“ and “woke crap.”

Alexandra Leung, president of SLU’s College Republicans, said Mulvaney’s message contradicts SLU’s Catholic teachings — but also said her student organization did not have plans to protest the event.

“Mulvaney’s comments have been deemed disrespectful and derogatory towards women and to SLU’s central mission,” Leung said in a statement.

She said the College Republicans tried to get women’s sports activist Paula Scanlan to come speak the day after Mulvaney’s visit, to balance viewpoints, but was told by the school that security could not accommodate their request.

The Dispatch did not report how much Mulvaney is being paid for the talk.

As The College Fix previously reported, the social media influencer was paid anywhere from $25,000 to $40,000 for a campus visit in 2023.

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