Central Bankers Now Plotting Government Subversion?

The Great Recession

Two weeks ago a former Federal Reserve board member and bank president, William Dudley, wrote an editorial that encouraged the Fed use its powers to defeat Donald Trump’s second bid for the US presidency. I don’t recall choosing presidents as being listed in the Fed’s two mandates — controlling inflation while maximizing employment.

For an organization that has been speaking a lot lately about the importance of its independence from politics, that was the most overtly political statement I’ve heard from a central banker, albeit a former central banker, but one with a lot of influence. 

Readers here know from my last article that I’m critical of Trump, but longer-term readers know I was also critical of Obama and have always been critical of the Fed. Since I built my readership during the Obama era, a lot of my own readers may have been Obama haters who were glad I criticized the things his administration did but who are no longer so glad when I turn that criticism on Trump.

Now, during the Trump years, that same criticism has cost me literally thousands of lost readers, and my last article which lampooned president Trump cost me a few patrons as well, I figured it would, but I’m interested in truth about the economy, what is working and what is not, what will work and what will not work. So, I remain an equal-opportunity critic as my site has always claimed.

Read the rest here: The Great Recession

7 thoughts on “Central Bankers Now Plotting Government Subversion?

  1. WTF did I just read?

    Quite possibly the most sophomoric gatekeepeing I’ve ever laid eyes on.

    He’s about 200 years behind in the timeline.

  2. “Now, during the Trump years, that same criticism has cost me literally thousands of lost readers, and my last article which lampooned president Trump cost me a few patrons as well…”

    Don’t blame Chump for your own inadequacies.

    Those readers you ‘lost’ most likely ended up here… for some PURE, UNADULTERATED TRUTH.

    The title itself is an oxymoron to begin with… how the f$&k is someone supposed to subvert something that they already OWN, lock, stock & barrel, bozo???

    Answer me THAT… if you can.

    1. Are you a Trumptard? Do you support this international communist piece of shit in any way?
      This mother f-ker is as much a traitor as any of the rest of the every other mother f-kers participating in and working for the United States Corporation and he would have to arrest himself as he is the lead traitor.

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