Chemtrail Related Illnesses

Global Skywatch

People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals and plant life are occurring as well.

This page provides you with an overview of the illnesses that are being experienced. It also contains information that you won’t hear in mainstream media.  

Please take a moment and send a link to this page to a friend. You may help them by enabling them to discover the root cause of their own illnesses.

Symptoms Associated with Chemtrails

They are called “The Big 4”. They are the 4 most common serious illnesses associated with chemtrails:

  • Aneurysms – Components of chemtrails are believed to block arteries and weaken arterial walls leading to aneurysms and eventually to deadly strokes.
  • Strokes – Nano-particle aluminum builds up in capllaries causing blockages eventually leading to aneyrysms and strokes.
  • Heart Attacks – Barium dramatically lowers potassium in mammals leading to heart fibrillations and heart attacks. In fact, barium is used in animal testing to artificially induce heart attacks.
  • Cancer – Most of the components of chemtrails suppress the immune system. When the immune system is suppressed for extended periods, cancer grows and thrives.

By no means are these the only illnesses associated with chemtrails. Following are a number of other common symptoms that people report on a daily basis:

These symptoms are being experienced by a rapidly-growing number of people around the world. They are commonly associated with the appearance of chemtrails.

Most of these symptoms are commonly associated with mercury poisoning. A few other items are associated with aluminum and barium toxicity.

View a comprehensive list of ailments and solutions caused by geoengineering.

Not Experiencing Symptoms?

The toxins that make up chemtrails often have health effects that are cumulative, so if you are not affected by the spraying now, you may be affected in the near future.

It’s important to think about children. Just as most symptoms of mercury poisoning do not generally appear until mercury reaches a certain level in the body, chemtrail toxicity appears to work exactly the same way.

We have spoken to many people having symptoms that increased over time as they were exposed to chemtrail spraying. This cumulative effect is all the more reason to get involved in stopping the spraying even if you’re not experiencing symptoms right now.

Animals and the Environment

Chemtrails appear to be having a dramatic effect not only on humans, but on animal health and on the environment. For example:

This list is by no means exhaustive. We have more animal-related chemtrail anomalies listed here.

Numerous other environmental anomalies are also occurring and we believe we know what is causing this harm, but we need to test our hypothesis and then publish our results. Finally, legal action needs to be taken to put an end to chemical spraying and to punish those who are responsible.

Our Purpose

Many are reporting health issues and environmental damage associated with chemical/chemtrail spraying activity. For this reason, we believe chemtrails are the most important issue of our time.

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Together, we must put an end to chemtrails and chemical spraying.


We receive a lot of feedback from those who are experiencing chemtrail-related illness. Below is a growing list of screen captures and quotes.

19 thoughts on “Chemtrail Related Illnesses


      IF WE FIND OUT THE AGENCY, I HAVE THE LAW FIRM…. thats no joke…………i also have the doctor…( i think)

      1. I stand by my point-I went to the link, and again, the news article says nothing about who. CIA? Air Force? Other military? Companies?

        Like all articles it has a protagonist – the representative- and references the chem trails.

        Let’s start with a suspect

        1. Stephen,
          The first question should be the purpose, then who.

          The idea of weather mod and depopulation makes no sense for this is world wide and will effect everything and everyone.

          For psychopath it’s self preservation. Self-preservation and destroying the planet-depopulation are opposite ends.

          The next question: how is whatever global, for it is global, entity protecting themselves from the onslaught when it is everywhere?

    2. I believe there is enough evidence out there to show that private contractors, working for both the Navy and Air Force, are responsible for the chemtrail spraying.I also believe than when the civil war starts, they should be hunted down mercilessly. No exceptions, no compromise, no pity.

  1. Pardon my skepticism, but if all this is true, then I have two questions:

    1. Why has the average life expectancy been steadily increasing in countries like the US? (Every now and then a year will show an occasional slight drop, but overall the trend has been unmistakably upward.) And this is in spite of negative trends such as mass consumption of processed food, lack of exercise, and increasing obesity.

    2. Why are those who are responsible for the spraying not concerned about the health effects on themselves, their own children, and their other relatives? They have to breathe the same air as the rest of us.

    1. That’s the thing with the elites–they ALWAYS assume their psychopathic doings such as poisoning the Earth or air or water will NEVER affect them–just us “useless eaters”. They NEVER assume that the aluminum or mercury or nano-particles they spray into the air forcing these chemicals on us “useless eaters” will also affect them–as if when chemtrails are sprayed over us AND NOT OVER THEM that these chemicals will travel through the air and get them, eventually (for instance, I doubt if chemtrails can be sprayed over Rothschild estates or tthe Brit Royal Family estates, but do these psycho Satanists actually think these floating particles will only affect us and not them? Are they that stupid, or just totally arrogant? Or both or neither?)

      These psychos need to read (a verse I post here often) Revelation 11:18– “God will destroy those that destroy the Earth”–even if their god is Satan!

      And it could also be they WANT these chemicals on them–that way when they “enhance” themselves with transhumanism, these poisons will help them be “enhanced”? (So then why do they only eat organic food? Conspiracy theory I guess…)

    2. They tell you people are living longer and you believe them? This must be the one thing they are telling the truth about, huh?
      In the world I live in, people are dying a whole lot younger of f#@king cancer. They spray this shit on me every day and they tell us what it f#@king is and we know it f#@king kills us.
      What more do you need to know?

      1. Right on Henry!
        Everytime someone says people now live longer I say go to an Old country grave yard and see how many more lived past a hundred a hundred years ago!

    3. The U.S. military admitted to it in 2011. NASA also did in 2013.

      So… you think they were lying about admitting to doing something negative… for a change?

  2. Had a really clean winter here in Utah from all of this, as soon as that ended, they have been going on a rampage with the spraying. Skies filled with a silvery haze most days. Can’t believe people cant see the difference in air traffic.

  3. many of those listed are also being felt by people very sensitive to the energy being put out by smart meters

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