Child Taken Because Dad Read Gun Magazine: Government Run Gun Confiscation Kickback Program Exposed

Published on Aug 29, 2013 by PrisonPlanetHD

Reading a hunting magazine in New York, may lead your doctor to consider you a threat. In a series of events, which amplify the fallacy of the “see something, say something,” snitch program. Ulster County resident, Damir Juric’s visit to the hospital destroyed his life.

Think twice about reading gun magazines in New York, Big Brother is watching and if you are a veteran, Veterans Affairs doctors are purposely seeking you out to take your guns away, as noted in a recent interview with an unnamed VA psychiatrist in NY. They get a kickback of $3000 per veteran. If the veteran refuses to give gun back they get held in the psychiatric ward against their will.

3 thoughts on “Child Taken Because Dad Read Gun Magazine: Government Run Gun Confiscation Kickback Program Exposed

  1. Time to stop reading gun magazines. Time to fill magazines to capacity and insert them into guns and unload them the loud way at anyone and everyone involved in kidnapping children.

  2. Best case scenario?

    That the vet this happened to would smoke the POS shrink who turned him in as an example of what can and should happen to ALL communist agenda supporting scumbags like him.

    And then, when the pigs try to arrest him, smoke as many of them as he possibly can too.

    TRUE justice would then be served.

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