City Forcing Family To Destroy ‘Completely Awesome’ Cardboard Fort

awesome-fort-city-codeCounter Current News – by M. David and Jackson Marciana

A Utah family has just been put on notice by the city: remove their son’s cardboard fort “or else.”

The Trentelman family of four decided to go all out and build the world’s greatest fort in their yard. Their two toddlers – Max, 3 and Story, 2 – had been living it up… until the city told them they have to tear it all down.  

The front-yard fort is complete with towers, trap doors, and tunnels. But apparently a cardboard fort this awesome isn’t appreciated by everyone. The City of Ogden said that the fort violates the city’s codes related to “waste materials” in one’s yard.

“I just thought it was an awesome way to use boxes and my kids’ imagination,” Jeremy Trentelman said in an interview with the local Standard Examiner.


The Trendelman’s were told by Ogden that they have 15 days to get rid of the fort – which they describe as “completely awesome” – or get slapped with a $125 fine.


“If it had been out for months or something then yeah, that would make a lot of sense…but it was a day,” Dee Trentelman said to local KUTV-TV.

Jeremy Trentelman explained that they were only planning to leave the fort up for a few days in the first place. After all, it’s made out of cardboard, and the first rain would have destroyed it anyway.

“ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDIN ME!!!?!” Jeremy wrote in a comment posted on Facebook after he received the warning.

“We build a completely awesome box castle in our front yard for our our kids to play in and we get a notice from code enforcement?!?”

“‘Waste materials or junk’ it says…what about totally awesome fun zone,” Trentelman added. “What a joke!!!”


Now the family is mad and they said the city can forget them taking the fort down.

“They gave us 15 days in the notification, so I’ll be damned it’s gonna stay up for 14 days,” he continued.

Neighbors and friends have created a Facebook page, called: “Support Jeremy Trentelman! Cardboard Fort Campaign in Ogden.”

The event page calls for a 13-day event intended to organize citizens for the purposes of “stand[ing] in solidarity with Jeremy Trentelman by building cardboard forts in all the front yards throughout the entire city of Ogden.”


Neighbor Curtis Price told local KUTV “I think it’s awesome. It’s great what they’re doing for their kids. I think they should add on to it.”

Trentelman added that the best part is that the front yard craft project sparked his childrens’ creativity.

“As soon as we get home from the sitter, my son is like, ‘Can we play in the fort?’” he said in an interview with Buzzfeed. “It was super cheap to build and completely awesome.”

Now he says he is considering donating the fort to another day after the 15 days the city gave him notice of are up.

“It’d be great if it continues to live in another home,” he said. “Just because of the stupidity of the situation.”

(Article by M. David and Jackson Marciana)

2 thoughts on “City Forcing Family To Destroy ‘Completely Awesome’ Cardboard Fort

  1. remove it or else?

    wow big ol bully pushing around some 2 and 3 year olds?

    sick bastards , cowards!


    I’ll be glad to pay , just to shove it right back in thier face

    if i had this on my lawn id wait till the 15th day on the last second

    15 days to get rid of the fort – or get slapped with a $125 fine

    i read that as either /or 15 days to get rid of it , or pay a fine…not In 15 days we will force you to remove it and fine you 125$.. thats not what it says

    dont poke the bear.. momma bear likes to sink her teeth in deep

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