Coming Soon: Americans to be Taxed for Every Mile They Drive

The Daily Sheeple

The government has plans to tax Americans for every mile they drive.

This is about more than just generating revenue or saving the planet from all of those “greenhouse gases”.

This is part of the Agenda 21 lot to corral people in one place. It is to discourage people from living outside the city and commuting to work. It is a plan that will force many to rely on public transportation. Lots of people in a small area are far easier to control than people scattered about in wide open spaces.  

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5 thoughts on “Coming Soon: Americans to be Taxed for Every Mile They Drive

  1. people are already staying home enough, this will further drive down our “economy”
    and people will find other ways around this..basically were getting sick of this sh^t and a lot of people are going Gault

  2. Agenda 21 is the ploy utilized to convince people to move to the cities from the rural areas and suburbs. When you add on mileage taxes in addition to higher fuel prices it becomes cost prohibitive to live outside the city you work in.

    In addition to these transportation costs, you may be charged higher property taxes on your suburban home, and be charged a non-city residents’ (privilege) tax if you work in the city.

    Neither the FED or the State can easily coerce you to relocate to a congested urban closet residence… but they can make it cost prohibitive to own a car and to live outside the city limits.

  3. Texas? One of the most rural states in the country?

    Cute, Perry, cute…ambulance services in the Big Bend are going to be taxed per mile from one town separated by anywhere from 30 to 80 miles for trips to the hospital round trip (60 to 160 miles, costs which will be passed on to either customers or more likely Medicaid (aka taxpayer)), meaning higher property taxes for small town/rural residences when ambulance directors have to go 300 miles round trip every month for Regional Advisory Council meetings (in order to get grants for equipment, such as upgraded ambulances) where they are reimbursed for gas mileage…and let’s not forget school bus services for rural school students, as well as reimbursements if parents have to drive their kids to school…so, as usual, rural residents get to pay TWICE for just living: one as taxpayers to subsidize this BS, twice as folks being forced to “pay the price” for the right to not have to live one on top of the other. And then you have truckers…

    Perry, you’re an idiot! Texas????

    1. And I almost forgot…wouldn’t be surprised if drug companies are in on this…Agenda 21 being forced on folks with claustrophobia (folks who have difficulty in small confined spaces like 200 square foot “closets”)…if rural folks are forced to live in these kinds of spaces in big cities. Only reason I can tolerate an 824 square foot house (that we built ourselves) is because it is half a mile from the nearest neighbor and is surrounded by trees, mountains, birds, lizards…and lions, coyotes, and bears, oh my!…

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