Companies and landlords are spying on Americans for DHS


DHS’s Hometown Security Initiative (HSI) encourages businesses to spy on Americans. DHS admits to working closely with the private sector.

HSI’s four parts Connect, Plan, Train, and Report are designed to encourage spying on Americans.  

1. Connect: Reach out and develop relationships in the community, including local law enforcement. Invite local law enforcement to tour your business.

In other words, businesses and landlords have a close relationship with law enforcement.

Earlier this year, I warned everyone that Police are using homeowners associations, religious groups, property managers, businesses, schools, healthcare providers etc., to spy on Americans.

Businesses and landlords are spying on Americans

2. Plan: … Develop plans, including security, emergency response, emergency communications, and business continuity plans, while considering the protection of your employees and customers, access control, closed-circuit television, signage, suspicious activity reporting, and parking security.

In other words, businesses and landlords are using CCTV to spy on everyone. Earlier this year, I also warned everyone that DHS/Police are turning public CCTV cameras into surveillance cameras.

Police use CCTV cameras to spy on millions of people

Although the [CCTV] cameras are not deployed for surveillance purposes, they can be utilized to increase public safety by properly integrating with current surveillance systems” said Yung-Hsiang Lu, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering.

“It is a research tool, although public safety and homeland security would be a great application,” Lu said. “The system can produce very large amounts of data. CAM2 has thousands of public cameras. If we retrieve one image from each camera every minute, we will get millions of images in a single day.”

“We expect the number of network cameras and their coverage to grow substantially in the near future,” Lu said.

DHS uses police to help businesses and landlords spy on people 

2. Plan: Evaluate your security requirements and design a monitoring, surveillance, and inspection program that is consistent with your business operations. Engage local first responders (police, fire, medical) in all of the above efforts to ensure your efforts are in synergy with theirs.

In other words, DHS uses police to help businesses and landlords evaluate their security and design monitoring and surveillance systems.

3. Train: Provide employees with training resources and exercise plans often. Post details on reporting suspicious activity and encourage employees, tenants and visitors to report suspicious behavior to property management security or local law enforcement. Train employees on identifying and reporting suspicious activities…

In other words, businesses and landlords are creating a nation of spies.

4. Report: Post details on reporting suspicious activity and encourage employees, tenants, and visitors to report suspicious behavior to property management security or local law enforcement. Things to consider include unattended vehicles; repeat visitors or outsiders who have no apparent business in non-public area; abandoned parcels, suitcases, backpacks, and packages; and other unusual activity.

Businesses and landlords are doing there part to keep Americans in fear. DHS and the FBI survive on fear, their budgets depend on Americans being suspicious of everyone and everything. Where does the lunacy end?

FBI celebrates 20 YEARS of businesses spying on Americans

image credit: Infragard

150,000+ spying security professionals

According to a Newswire article, InfraGard National Members Alliance has announced that its 2016 Annual Congress and Conference will be part of a historic joint Conference with ASIS International and (ISC)2.  This joint conference will represent more than 150,000 security professionals who are members of these three associations. (In other words, there are over 150K spying security professionals)

InfraGard is a public/private partnership between the FBI and the private sector. It is an association of persons who represent businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement/public safety agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the U.S. The InfraGard National Members Alliance is comprised of 84 chapters representing over 50,000 vetted members… (In other words, there are over 50K spying Infragard members)

Some states have multiple spying Infragard Chapters, NY and Texas have six, Ohio and Florida have five, click here to see the complete list.

The FBI publishes its own Infragard spying magazine

The FBI is so proud of their spying, they’ve even created their own Infragard Magazine.

Infragard magazine’s vision

The InfraGard National Members Alliance’s mission is to execute the InfraGard Mission through supporting partnerships and opportunities with the private sector and all government agencies…

For more info., about spying read ‘secret’ ministers, teachers and social workers are spying on us.

DHS and the FBI are turning everyone into government spies. Is this the America you want?

3 thoughts on “Companies and landlords are spying on Americans for DHS

  1. The results? Nothing?

    “20 YEARS of businesses spying on Americans”

    One more failed organization that couldn’t keep 911 from happening (That is with the government issued explanation in mind.)

  2. PISS ON EM……….. MAKE CHEESE!!!!!!!!! MAKE BEER!!!!!!! MAKE AMMO!!! BUILD GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE A BALL! LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!! GET READY FOR WAR!!!!! YOUR AN AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET NO MAN ENSLAVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. And I thought the FBI chick dressed up as the garbage man rooting around my sht was bad enough.
    My tin foil hat advice:
    Never put anything in your trash that can be stuck up your bunghole in a kangaroo court.

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