Consider: Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor…

III Percent Patriots – by Kerodin

If the people in our government consider us to be ‘terrorists’ (standing shoulder to shoulder with such ‘terrorists’ as Franklin, Jefferson, Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, et al), and knowing how the people in our government deal with ‘terrorists’, what obligation remains for you and me to abide their diktats, to seek discourse based on reason?

Knowing these people hunt and kill ‘terrorists’ all over the world, and now put you and me on the same moral level as murderous, child-raping, innocent-bombing genetic waste, what moral restraint remains upon us to not hunt every single one of them in their daily lives and visit upon them the same remedy they have planned for you and me – before they get to us.  

They have dropped the optics.

They have shown us who they are.

They have told us our place in their world and what they mean to do with us.

Someone tell me why it is not right and proper to take the offensive and put a backfist into the teeth of a man who has told me he intends to kill me?


8 thoughts on “Consider: Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor…

  1. Why? Because we are NOT psychos like they are! Because we are better than them! Because they need to stand trial as traitors and punished as per the Constitution, and we still need to uphold the rule of law…but I understand your anger and, sadly, the proper means (justice by trial, rule of law) just might be too late at this point. Thing is Kerodin, we must not be like them! Or do you want to replace one oppressor with another (as was done with the Bolsheviks)?

  2. I agree with this article to a certain extent. Except for the part about punching of the teeth. I think a more permanent solution is in order.
    I see other posters saying wait, wait bide our time and wait.
    How much longer do we wait? When is enough, enough?
    How many more innocent Americans have to get shot and killed by cops?
    How much more land do the banks have to steal?
    How many more Americans have to go homeless and starve?
    How many more veterans have to be refused health care and get thrown in loonybins or commit suicide?
    How many more babies have to be killed in the womb?
    How many more wars have to be fought for the Zionists?
    How many more of our best and bravest have to be sent to another country to be maimed and killed?
    How many more lies from our puppet govt. do we continue to swallow?
    The list goes on and on…..
    But for some reason we need to wait. Just wait. They have to cross the line first. Just wait. We need to have trials…according to the Constitution… Well, I say unto those who say to wait that the line was crossed a long time ago. The Constitution was thrown out the window a long time ago. Why continue to play by the rules when the enemy makes up the rules as they go?
    Now comes the crux of the dilemma. I consider myself a good and decent American. I really don’t want to hurt or kill anyone unless it is in self defense. So do I have to kill pre-emptively in order to defend myself and my country and in doing so become the very thing that I despise? Will I become a killer to save myself and my family from the killers? Will my friends or family have the ladyballs to stand with me or do I die alone? Will I even survive the first encounter? Do I abide with the pains of slavery or die in the name of freedom and liberty?
    Or perhaps I should just continue to hide in the countryside for as long as I can and hope the PTB don’t find me?
    Decisions, decisions, decisions.
    My thanks to anyone who reads this and tolerates my crazy ranting and have a good day.

    1. Tammyc
      I agree with your rant also, we all have those same thoughts. It will happen when it happens. We haven’t met critical mass yet. We are just waiting for others to catch up with us. I pretty much have never been a sleep to all of this crap. I have been trying to wake people up since the late 70’s, imagine the frustration after this many years. Now, those who know me call me a prophet… “Damn, Dog… you were right!”, “I have always thought you were a crazy paranoid MF’er”. “Now, I think that you are the smarted MF’er I know”.

      It’s hard to be patient… but, just because a few people are now seeing the light in the past few years, it’s still, not there yet! The people need to be totally convinced that. and totally disgusted with, the would-be-rulers, and mad as hell. They will probably have to lose everything, then they will lose it. They will have to be totally convinced of the evilness, or they will fall for the propaganda that the controlled MSM is going to throw out there when the shit hits the fan. They will totally demonize all Patriots. They are doing it now. Good people are seeing this, and saying…. Hey, wait a second, I am a patriot, but I ain’t no terrorist as my government says… What’s up with that.

      It will happen! In Gods timing!

      But, what you wrote will probably make it into the history books in the future, as our founding fathers quotes are now… If we win that is!

      1. Thanks for the reply Smilardog. I can understand the frustration of waiting…it just seems that the longer the wait the more the iron fist closes around us and the more good people will suffer and die.
        As for my rant going into history books, probably Maybe Henry can archive it…it’s his site and he doesn’t need my permission…lol.

        1. When we have restored our Republic, From the Trenches will be retired to it’s archives to remain our record of our struggle as US nationals. Who knows, maybe a couple of hundred years from now our progeny may need our written records just as surely we need our founders’ now. If you think about it, it will be our preservation of our history that will result in the preservation of our freedom. You never know, you could end up being a second founding fatherette. 🙂

          1. Cool. Thanks Henry….ummmm might want to leave out the dumb jokes and any other stupid stuff I might have
            Thanks for having such a great site Henry.

  3. That’s what they are counting on. We will do nothing! We will obey the rule of law that they are not abiding by. We will stand meekly by while they shoot our dogs, pound us into the ground, and punish us by their standards(or lack of). My guns are loaded, and have a hair trigger, and I an even more propensity to explode

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