Russian Vice-Premier: Obama’s Mideast Policy Is Like A Monkey With A Hand Grenade

Although we have a propensity to be leery of news coming out of the former Soviet Union, this article hits it on the head. “Obama’s Mid East Policy Is Like A Monkey With A Hand Grenade.” The title paints an exact picture of what we have seated at 1600, which is, a mindless little creature, with the ability to destroy all those around him.

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Russian Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin compared Barack Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East to a “monkey with a hand grenade.”  

His statement was communicated via Twitter on Tuesday:

Life Запад обращается с исламским миром как обезьяна с гранатой

The translation via Google is: “West Life refers to the Islamic world as a monkey with a grenade” or as the Telegraph translated it, “The West behaves towards the Islamic world like a monkey with a grenade.”

Obviously Rogozin isn’t afraid of being politically correct, and for that I commend him. I also commend him for that. Many in our society would be totally offended at the phrase he used, but he is right on.

Though Rogozin did not elaborate on his comparison, he has previously lambasted alleged plans of “Anglo-Saxons” to attack Syrian government forces.

The Vice-Premier’s tweet comes as Russia evacuates its citizens ahead of military strikes. The Telegraph reports:

A Russian emergency situations ministry aircraft carrying aid landed in Syria on Tuesday, and is set to take Russians and other CIS citizens out of the country on its return flight.

The Ilyushin-76 jet landed at the Latakia airport with 20 tons of humanitarian aid, mostly consisting of tinned foods and sugar, a ministry spokeswoman said.

About 180 people who “have expressed a desire to leave Syria”, 100 of them Russian, are set to leave on the return flight.

Russia said it had evacuated all of its defence personnel from Syria in June, but a foreign ministry spokesman said at the time that about 30,000 other Russians were still living across the country.

“The (government’s) military effort will not stop around Damascus. If the purpose is to limit the victories of our armed forces, they will not be successful,” Walid al-Moualem, foreign minister, told a news conference in Damascus. “We have two options: either to surrender, or to defend ourselves with the means at our disposal. The second choice is the best: we will defend ourselves.”

“If the purpose of a possible (foreign) military strike is to achieve a balance of power … it’s delusional and not at all possible,” he said.

He also said that it would further the interests of al-Qaeda, something we have been pointing out for quite a while now.

“The war effort led by the United States and their allies will serve the interests of Israel and secondly Al-Nusra Front,” he said referring to the al-Qaeda-linked jihadist group in Syria.

Russia warned on Tuesday that Western military intervention in Syria would have “catastrophic consequences” for the Middle East. Ahead of a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, the Russian foreign ministry has warned the United States and Britain against repeating the experience of Iraq.

“Attempts to bypass the Security Council, once again to create artificial groundless excuses for a military intervention in the region are fraught with new suffering in Syria and catastrophic consequences for other countries of the Middle East and North Africa,” a foreign ministry spokesman said.

“We are calling on our American partners and all members of the world community to demonstrate prudence (and) strict observance of international law, especially the fundamental principles of the UN Charter,” said Alexander Lukashevich, a ministry spokesman.

The Obama administration, as well as Britain, France and Turkey, is considering an attack on Assad’s forces over allegations – which Russia calls unproven – that the Syrian government, locked in a fight against a domestic insurgency since 2011, used chemical weapons against civilians in rebel-controlled areas.

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad maintains that Syria will never become a Western Puppet State. My hope is that there would be an “evolution” of sorts and member of Congress would stand up and challenge Barack Obama for going to war without Congressional approval. This move would violate the Constitution, which is a criminal act.

In fact, North Carolina Congressman Walter B. Jones provided a Congressional Resolution last year as a warning to Barack Obama about violating the Constitution and impeachment should he follow the same scenario he did in going into Libya. The Constitutional Resolution read in part:

Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

It was created in preparation for a war with Iran, but it seems to serve the purpose in this scenario as well if only members of Congress would stand up to the criminal in the White House.



13 thoughts on “Russian Vice-Premier: Obama’s Mideast Policy Is Like A Monkey With A Hand Grenade

  1. “In fact, North Carolina Congressman Walter B. Jones provided a Congressional Resolution last year as a warning to Barack Obama about violating the Constitution and impeachment should he follow the same scenario he did in going into Libya. The Constitutional Resolution read in part:”

    Why don’t you impeach him now you DUMBASSES!!!??? He violated that already when he declared war with Libya. Stop covering for his ass and his Zionist cronies. DO YOUR JOB DAMMIT!!!! He’ll just do it over and over again if you don’t punish him. DUH!!!

    Putting a band-aid on water. What the hell is wrong with these dickheads in Congress. What a bunch of paid off, cowardly children. Grow a pair of balls and help us take back our country, dammit!

    Eh…I’m talking to deaf ears anyways, since the bastards only represent the elite and not the people and are just playing their controlled opposition part for the Zionists, anyways.

    1. punish him hell
      throw the son of a bitch
      completely out of there

      he is not even an american citizen….and look at this bull shit.
      even a bull that does just that leaves less on a minus sign on things than this man has done to all of us……..and the world, too!

  2. This is how I’d put it: “psychopath with a hand grenade.” I have no problem calling Obama a psychopath because that is what he is. He needs to be removed from power and put in a place where he can do no harm…is there an uninhabited atoll out in the Pacific somewhere? And while we’re at it give him all the Rothschilds and Rockefellers for neighbors.

    And stop denigrating monkeys! 😉

  3. I can hear it now…the state run media will be calling the Russian Vice-Premier a racist for equating Obumbles Mid East Policy to that of a monkey. Nevermind that hand grenade.

  4. He does resemble a monkey. The Russians are not as PC as the assholes in this country. Time we started calling a spade a spade.

  5. “Russian Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin compared Barack Obama’s foreign policy in the Middle East to a “monkey with a hand grenade.”

    An insult to monkeys everywhere.

    They’re FAR more intelligent than that sleazebag.

    Better looking, too.

      1. I didn’t think it was possible, rbeason, but I’ve gotten even MORE cynical in just the last year+ that I’ve been posting here.

        I guess there are some things you just can’t max out on.

        1. got to be some laughs along the way.
          if any of us get so far beyond that realization
          watch out ,for the next step
          could be,the grave stone marker….

          that reminds me of a friend, nam vet too, haven’t seen him in awhile…
          he once said to me…..
          I don’t mind dying, its just that it lasts so long.

          Now how the hell did I get all the way down in that mire…..

          1. To be perfectly honest, if I didn’t have a sense of humor, after learning what I have these last few years, suicide may have even appeared to be a viable option.

            I’m very grateful for that sense of humor.

            That, and extreme outrage at the injustices being perpetrated on us.

            Hence the screen name.

  6. Maybe when we turn this country around we can start a patriot zoo. We can hand out free gmo vegetables for all to throw at the ones on display. Here would be a few of the animals on display.

    Monkey exhibit Obama
    Dog exhibit Hitliary
    Snake exhibit Holder
    donkey exhibit Biden
    bull exhibit Napolitano
    fish exhibit Boehner
    weasel exhibit pelosi
    rat exhibit fienstien

    1. you did a fine job on this list
      James…..a Fine Job

      must be the night bringing out the bright side….of things…
      The Great Wilson Pickets….In The Midnight Hour, maybe.
      I can just hear it! Wish we could go back to then and start over

  7. That was a bit before my time, but I know the song well and a great song it is.
    We can’t let them have us down all the time. If we do, then we already lost….

    Stay vigilant my friend.

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