Cop Bloodies Attorney In Scuffle Over Tinted Windows And Tow Truck

CBS 12 News

ST. ALBANS, Vt. (WCAX/CNN) — It was all caught on the cruiser dashboard camera: What started as police pulling over Peter Martin for having tinted car windows turned into much more.

After being cited by police, Martin tried to pull away, but the video shows his car got stuck in a ditch. Court papers say Ofc. Michael Malinowski then called for a tow truck, but when Martin’s insurance wasn’t accepted, he refused to pay for the services. The tow truck operator then began to tow the car for lack of payment. That’s when police say Martin lunged at the tow truck driver and police stepped in, eventually wrestling Martin to the ground.

According to court records, Malinowski threatened to tase Martin once on the ground. He says he feared for his life after a gun fell from the lawyer, who was also armed with a knife.

Martin was in court the following day and pleaded not guilty to disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

We stopped by Peter Martin’s law office to speak with him about the incident, but while he says his injuries are healing, he wouldn’t speak with us about the specifics of the charges.

But St. Albans residents are offering their opinions on the case.

“I do understand Mr. Martin didn’t want somebody to hook onto his car, it’s his choice,” Heath McAllister said. “I would’ve probably just lit a flare if I was a cop and drove off and said enjoy yourself. You’re stuck; it’s on you to get it out.”

“Overall, I think the police officer did a good job. That’s my opinion,” Andrew Judge said.

Others say both the officer and Martin are to blame.

“It should be a learning moment for both sides,” Vesna Bozic said. “This type of thing should not escalate to this because this community doesn’t need that.”

Martin’s attorney did tell us he still needs to review the full video before he can comment. A court date for the case has not been set.

Aftermarket tint on vehicle windshields and front seat windows is not allowed on cars inspected in Vermont.

One thought on “Cop Bloodies Attorney In Scuffle Over Tinted Windows And Tow Truck

  1. Lesson learned is that the Gov has no right to tell you how dark the tint can be on your personal vehicle. But then that would imply YOU own your own vehicle in the first place which you don’t since you pay registration, taxes, and mandatory insurance on it for as long as you own it.

    If the “Officer” was acting on the behalf of the people he is supposed to serve the stop would of never taken place. Instead since he is a hired tax collector for the STATE OF… he is obligated and endowed with rights and privileges above and beyond that of the “citizen” to impose by force statute law designed to control the people and collect wealth from them. All by their own consent.

    Stop by the County or Municipal Court some time and see the people waiting to see the judge to pay their fines. Because the number of people that know how to actually fight them are next to nil. You won’t see the rich folks, they can afford attorney’s who are licensed with the state to act on their behalf and get them off.

    If the people would simply begin to openly and actively state that they no longer CONSENT to this UN-constitutional theft and the raping of our rights then it will continue to be the talk of the day at least once a week.

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