Cop Body Slams Grandfather After He Asked Him to Stop Roughing Up a Young Girl

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Atlanta, GA — Alphonso Carey is not a criminal. In fact, he is the antithesis of a bad person and has worked and served his community for years, and was even honored by the city for his service. However, this 66-year-old grandfather’s dedication to the community was of no consequence to police in South Fulton, Georgia who were seen on video violently attacking him this week.

Carey owns Carey’s Center for Mathematics which tutors children in the Atlanta area in math and has been operating for over 22 years. He has no criminal record.  

Carey’s interaction with police all started last week when he said he witnessed a police officer roughing up a 13-year-old girl in the parking lot of his local Walmart. According to police, the child had been suspected of stealing something from inside the store, so they were placing her under arrest.

According to Carey, he approached the officer to ask why he was being so rough with the child and the officer told him to “get out of my face.”

Carey explained that he persisted and explained to the officer that he had every right to witness was was going on. However, this apparently infuriated the officer who then turned the interaction physical, according to the grandfather.

The incident was captured on two different cell phone videos which were submitted to local news station, Fox 5 Atlanta.

As Fox 5 reports,

In one of the videos, the disagreement between the officer and Carey became physical. The officer told Carey he would be arrested for interfering in the matter. Carey objected and ultimately the officer took him to the ground.

But South Fulton Chief Keith Meadows provided another video of what took place before the takedown. Meadows says it shows restraint used by the officer who made repeated demands for Carey to leave the property. The chief says the video also shows Carey with both hands up in what law enforcement calls a fighting stance.

Meadows has launched an internal investigation into the incident. The chief says, from what he sees on the video, as well as statements from witnesses, there is no reason at this time to take the officer off patrol.

While police claim that Carey raising his hands was a fighting stance, Carey says he was raising them in self-defense because the cop came at him and he feared the officer was going to hurt him. He was right.

Carey suffered multiple abrasions from being thrown to the ground and he was then arrested and brought to jail.

Sadly, this is the second such incident in Georgia in only days in which police have caused harm to elderly people. As TFTP reported last week, an innocent 87-year-old great-grandmother was tasered in her chest by police as she collected dandelions in a field behind the Boy’s and Girl’s club in Chatsworth, Georgia.

In that case, police defended their decision to taser the innocent woman as well because she couldn’t understand them when officers told her to drop the knife she was using to cut the dandelions.

Free Thought Project

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