Cop Downloads Child Porn onto His Phone, Shares it at Dept. Meeting as Fellow Cops ‘Laugh and Joke’

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Ross Township, PA — In today’s digital age, revenge porn and sexual images posted online without the subject’s consent, is an unfortunate and all too common reality. It is also a complex legal minefield and has authorities unsure on where to draw the line. One thing, however, is clearly established — and that is the fact that any of this material involving children, is entirely unacceptable, repugnant, and illegal.

One would think that because children sex videos are universally frowned upon by society — who locks people in a cage for it — that cops would know not to engage in it. Sadly, however, as the following case illustrates, one would be wrong.

The Ross Police Department in Pennsylvania is under fire and investigation this week after that very act allegedly occurred. The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office has launched an investigation into a Ross police officer over his actions involving a sex video of a local child.

The video was posted to Facebook and sparked a separate police investigation.

WTAE reports that a letter by the leadership of the union representing Ross police triggered the investigation, calling the department’s reaction to the video “disturbing”. The letter also criticizes Ross police Chief Joseph Ley’s handling of the incident because he took no action.

When contacted about the letter, Ross Township Board of Commissioners President Dan DeMarco responded, saying, “The Ross board of commissioners is aware of the allegations set forth in the letter and take them seriously. We have no other information regarding this matter, which has been turned over to the Office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General for investigation.”

According to the letter, during a police roll call, the unnamed police sergeant took out his personal phone — where he had downloaded and saved the video — and began playing it for his fellow officers. Instead of questioning why this cop had child pornography on his phone, the other officers began “laughing and joking about it” as he did.

Only a single officer raised a red flag after being “offended and shocked” at their fellow cops casually viewing child porn during an official meeting and reported the incident. That officer went through the proper chain of command to report what they had witnessed, and was largely ignored by the chief and everyone else who downplayed the incident. What’s more, according to the letter, the officer blowing the whistle was blackballed.

As WTAE reports:

An attorney for the union confirms the executive board of Ross’ police union wrote the detailed letter about the concerns to Ross Township’s board of commissioners. The letter says the chief “failed to take the required immediate action in a potential felony incident against a child.” It calls that “negligent and irresponsible.”

To recap: A police sergeant downloaded child pornography to his personal phone that was part of a separate investigation. He then shared it in front of all of his peers, who also took part in viewing it. Instead of arresting him for having it, they joked and laughed about it. Then, when the single cop with a conscience tried to expose it, they were attacked by the chain of command.

Not only was the department complicit in covering up the sharing of child porn between their own officers but they attacked the one person who tried to expose it. Tell me again about that bad apple. 

Free Thought Project

One thought on “Cop Downloads Child Porn onto His Phone, Shares it at Dept. Meeting as Fellow Cops ‘Laugh and Joke’

  1. Just goes to prove once again LEOs are more screwed up then most people and this crap is going under the rug with the rest of the cover ups- just watch and see.

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