Cyber Experts Warn of Voting-Machine Hacks

VotingWND – by Cheryl Chumley

Just in time for the 2016 campaign season, cybersecurity experts have sent out this dire warning, based on analysis of Virginia polls: Watch out for hackers – voting machines are easy to compromise.

The Virginia Information Technologies Agency’s Commonwealth Security and Risk Management agency issued a new report finding the machines that have been in use by the state since 2002 have weak security – so weak, in fact, that even the most amateur of hackers could break into the system, Fox News reported. The report came after one precinct in the state reported “unusual activity with some of the devices used to capture votes” in last November’s elections.  

Cris Thomas, a strategist with the Maryland-based Tenebal Network Security, looked into the claims and found widespread system weaknesses.

“This means anyone could have broken into the machines from the parking lot,” he said, Fox News reported. “Our entire democracy depends on systems with minimal, easily bypassed security.”

Thomas said his agents discovered multiple possible sources for breach.

“Security deficiencies were identified in multiple areas, including physical controls, network access, operating system controls, data protection and the voting tally process,” the report stated. “The combination of critical vulnerabilities in these areas, along with the ability to remotely modify votes discretely, is considered to present a significant risk. This heightened level of risk has led VITA security staff to conclude that [a] malicious third party could be able to alter votes on these devices. These machines should not remain in service.”

Mississippi and Pennsylvania have stopped using the same machines found in fault in Virginia.

And some are calling the findings a top priority to address before the next election.

It’s “very alarming,” said Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow for the Heritage Foundation and the manager of the Election Law reform Initiative, in Fox News. “Anyone who thinks that there are not folks out here, from lone hackers to foreign governments, who are willing to exploit the security vulnerabilities of our election system is living in a fantasy world.”

6 thoughts on “Cyber Experts Warn of Voting-Machine Hacks

  1. It’s “very alarming,” said Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow for the Heritage Foundation and the manager of the Election Law reform Initiative, in Fox News. “Anyone who thinks that there are not folks out here, from lone hackers to foreign governments, who are willing to exploit the security vulnerabilities of our election system is living in a fantasy world.”

    Note: Hans von Spakovsky is not a trustworthy “expert” to quote on this subject, because he has an agenda. He is a left/right guy, and is on the right/GOP. He does NOT want everything FAIR FOR EVERYONE, only if it benefits his agenda, the GOP agenda.

    Remember, they only quote guys with an agenda or “limited hangout” on really serious subject. I have said since the 2000 election voting machines are rigged. It’s been proven time and time again.

    This “expert” is NOT worried that everyone’s vote really counts, he’s saying this for some kind of agenda, and it’s not good for YOU, believe me.

    This guy says there’s VOTER FRAUD and wants PHOTO ID, just another BIG GOVENMENT way to make you jump through another hoop. MORE LAWS is what he wants. While claiming he’s for small government. He hates big government…except when he likes it.

    VOTER FRAUD and RIGGING VOTE MACHINES are two different things, and those pushing photo id are DISTRACTING YOU FROM RIGGING VOTING MACHINES.

    Where was this guy for the last 15 years? He’s being quoted here because he has some kind of agenda “limited hangout”. He’s NOT for every vote really counting accurately.

    I hate when they finally talk about a serious off limits subject…and they get a guy like this for their “expert”. That’s how they work: they’ll talk about 911 in the mainstream…IF GERALDO RIVERA is the one talking about it.

    They DON’T want you to know elections are rigged on electronic voting machines, so when they DO talk about it in a mainstream outlet (like say wnd), of course they’ll get a guy with an agenda to be the “expert”.

  2. This is OLD NEWS…..
    Its been going on for years…
    and no one has done jack shit about it.

    Ironically, Diebold tests their machines for all things
    EXCEPT SECURITY…. (its always been this way).

    NOW, 20 years too late, articles are printing as if this is
    just being discovered, lol.


    Who will oversee to make sure the people actually have a vote?

    Yeah, I’m not holding my breath either.

    1. Voting! Who in their right mind would fall for that big, staged public lie. Paper ballots? Who’s doing the counting? Who’s guarding the ballot box? They invented electronic voting machines to make it easy to steal votes with a keystroke. My father had to go to the local Masonic Lodge to vote using paper ballots in elections back in his day. Now those honest and upright Masons wouldn’t cheat anyone just to get their guy on the Town Council or highway commission, would they? Naw, Masons wouldn’t do that! Trying to vote away or ills is a complete waste of time and money to give everyone the “illusion” that they have some say with their voting rights. You have the right to waste your time voting so have at it. It’s only an exercise for show and that’s all.

    2. Every single candidate works for the same stinkin’ jews, so exactly HOW are paper ballots & hand counting going to change THAT, george???

      bad call

    3. And btw…we can’t look at the source of our democracy. Voting machine software is “proprietary” and we can’t look at the code. They post the code on the internet in other countries.

      Whistleblower Clint Curtis (programmer) testifying he was commissioned by Florida rep Tom Feeney to rig electronic voting machines:

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