Police shoot middle school kids during ‘TEMS’ active shooter drills with EMS and firefighters


Each year the Florida Escambia County Sheriff’s Office training division, domestic security division, resource officers, Explorers program, Escambia County fire and EMS, along with the school district run active shooter training scenario’s.

“Law Enforcement Exploring is the preeminent career orientation and experience program for young people contemplating a career in law enforcement or a related field in the criminal justice system. Its mission is to offer young adults, 14 and have completed the eighth grade and not yet 21 years old,

“There are over 33,000 Explorers and 8,425 adult volunteers that participate in Law Enforcement Exploring.”

What parent wouldn’t want their kid to be brainwashed by joining the “Law Enforcement Explorers Club or Post”? Doesn’t your kid look cute in SWAT tactical gear?

Thursday’s scenario took place at Woodham Middle School. A parent walks into the front office and becomes angry because he’s informed he doesn’t have the proper identification to check his child out. He leaves the office in an outrage and begins firing; shooting students and their resource officer.

“We treat every exercise like the real deal, so all of our faculty and staff, all of our responding team members, they all follow procedures to the letter of the law. Because you never know if it’s accurate or if it’s going to work unless you try to do it in real world scenarios,” said Shawn Dennis Assistant Superintendent of Operations.

The gunman quickly walked down the hallway firing into classrooms. Shooting more and more victims. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office was called. Their special team arrived, maneuvering down the hallway clearing rooms, while EMS and the Escambia County Fire Department remove the injured.

Below are a few pictures of ‘TEMS’ active shooter drills:

image credit: Breibart
image credit: Ormond police
image credit: NBC news
image credit: Robert Kuzina

“We used this to test fire, EMS, law enforcement, Emergency management, and how the media is going to deal with that also how we are going to get that information out to them,” said Sgt. Andrew Hobbs.

We’re using kids as targets to see how the media will deal with it? Are you f***ing kidding me?There it is in black & white, the media is complicit in enabling the American police state. The mass media has the power to galvanize the public and put at stop to this, but they remain silent why?

‘TEMS’ trainings are happening across America and they’re conditioning school kids into accepting the American police state.

One middle school student said: “We actually thought that someone was going to come in there and kill us.”

Click here, here & here to read how police, EMS and firefighters are using middle school kids as shooting targets and victims.

The American police state is so accepted by people that only one principal has been suspended for allowing a ‘TEMS’ active shooter drill in middle schools. What does this say about American family values and the media? Why aren’t people outraged that police are being trained to shoot kids?

Just last week I wrote an article about how EMS and firefighters are training for urban warfare in America.

 “First responders should develop inter-domain (EMS, fire, and law enforcement) TTPs—including use of ballistic vests, better situational awareness, and application of concealment and cover concepts— and train first responders on proper use of the TTPs.”

Here’s a brief list of the equipment EMS & firefighters must bring to ‘TEMS’ trainings:

* Tactical clothing [Tactical Style clothing such as, BDU’s Top/Bottom]

* Tactical boots

Optional equipment: Tactical equipment (helmet, ballistic vest, load bearing vest, web gear, knee pads, etc) Click here to read the complete list.

A ‘TEMS’ consent form specifically states that EMS personnel WILL be trained in “Simulated tactical operations.” The TEMS physical readiness questionnaire has a section called “Tactical Operational Medical Support Course.”

“All first responders (EMS, fire, and law enforcement) should be trained and practiced to work together.” “Tactical medics have the primary responsibility to take care of the SWAT team and are generally not well-prepared for an MCI situation.”

Soon you won’t be able to see the difference between SWAT, beat cops, EMS or firefighters because they’ll all be dressed in BDU tactical gear. Is this the America you want?


4 thoughts on “Police shoot middle school kids during ‘TEMS’ active shooter drills with EMS and firefighters

  1. Ok, that title was slightly misleading but then I read the article and all I can say is WHAT THE FLYING F#@k!!??!?!!
    Seems this is a direct result of a lot of people believing Sandy Hook was a real event.
    1) Angry parent goes ape sh!t for no reason and starts shooting teachers and kids, which would almost never happen unless the piggies staged it.
    2) Teachers and children completely disarmed and defenseless on purpose and according to agenda.
    3) The only ones who can save the day are murdering pigs who kill people for the sheer pleasure of it.
    4) Fake blood, fake bullet holes, drill,drill,drill. Propaganda, brainwash, propaganda.
    5) Everyone is defenseless, pigs are heroes, Go pigs, rah rah rah zip boom bah…etc. etc.
    6) Programming session concludes…everyone must live in fear,all the time,everywhere and everyone thinks the pigs are useful and the state will protect them.

    I seriously feel like puking.

  2. “Soon you won’t be able to see the difference between SWAT, beat cops, EMS or firefighters because they’ll all be dressed in BDU tactical gear.”

    Soon it won’t matter.

    They’ll ALL be armed.

  3. “Get used to seeing us in your neighborhood sporting automatic weapons and new pistols with the ‘hair triggers’. Yes people, you don’t have to thank us for keeping you safe, we’re here 24/7 ready to bust some heads, pepper spray those “pesky” protesters, taze your 12 year olds, and throw your teenage daughters face first into the sidewalk. Yep, we’re keeping you safe! Shoot first, asks questions later is our motto!” (Sarcasm)

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