A delusional mom from Pennsylvania claims that her son is innocent for the simple fact that he’s gay.
Apparently, her son was involved in a shooting that nearly killed two toddlers. Police have detained a total of five people for their possible involvement in the shooting, but the mother of one of the suspects claims her son is innocent for a very silly reason. Continue reading “Mom Claims Son Is Innocent Because “Gay People” Don’t Shoot Kids”
On January 23, 1961, a B-52 packing a pair of Mark 39 hydrogen bombs suffered a refueling snafu and went into an uncontrolled spin over North Carolina. In the cockpit of the rapidly disintegrating bomber (only one crew member bailed out safely) was a lanyard attached to the bomb-release mechanism. Intense G-forces tugged hard at it and unleashed the nukes, which, at four megatons, were 250 times more powerful than the weapon that leveled Hiroshima. One of them “failed safe” and plummeted to the ground unarmed. The other weapon’s failsafe mechanisms—the devices designed to prevent an accidental detonation—were subverted one by one, as Eric Schlosser recounts in his new book, Command and Control: Continue reading “A Sneak Peek at Eric Schlosser’s Terrifying New Book on Nuclear Weapons”
One of the many essential doctrines of the Talmud is that Jews are allowed to cheat and deceive the goyim for the purpose of advancing Jewish interest. According to Baba Kamma 11a, “Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.”
Yesterday, I referenced a USA Today piece which cited a federal law-enforcement source (off the record), who states that Aaron Alexis, the accused shooter, cleared a Navy Yard security checkpoint in his car. After parking in the lot, he got into an argument and opened fire on one or two people. He then entered the building where he went on a killing spree.
So did Alexis shoot his way past security guards at the building’s separate checkpoint? Why weren’t the guards waiting for him just outside the building with their weapons drawn, after he, Alexis, had already shot people in the parking lot? Continue reading “Navy Yard shooting: Aaron Alexis narrative crumbling”
Responsibility: The state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one’s power, control, or management.
To most of us the concept of responsibility is a very simple concept; one that we learned from our parents. Every child is born with a natural instinct to avoid parental retribution for deeds unacceptable for whatever reason. However, loving and caring parents take the time to teach the concept of responsibility; i.e taking “credit” for one’s actions and accepting the consequences for ill-advised actions. Continue reading “It’s Time that We The People Take Responsibility for the State of the Nation”
WEB Notes: Notice how the shift has moved to Iran publicly? I say publicly, because this has always been about Iran. Damascus is the road to Persia. Even while war is threatened we hear talks of peace. There will be no peace, but the world will cry for it (1 Thes. 5:3).
Damascus has presented to Russia additional evidence regarding the use of chemical weapons in Syria. Earlier Western countries accused the Syrian government of using chemical weapons against civilians, citing a controversial UN report.
No telecommunications company ever refused to follow the secret US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s orders to turn over bulk phone records under the Patriot Act, despite a legal mechanism to do so, the court has revealed.
There was a shooting [Monday] in DC. The details are still sketchy as I write this, but it appears that a deranged man decided to kill other people for some reason. In response, the usual talking heads will be debating whether this is actual TerrorTMor merely something like it. But the T-word will be spoken in the same grave way we speak of cancer – a thing to be dreaded above all else.
Certainly this shooting was a horrible, tragic thing – especially for the families involved. But that said, any talk about an “age of terror” is utter crap.
Terror is NOT worse now than it was before 9/11– it’s just that we’ve been bombarded with fear for more than a decade, creating a culture-wide residue that poisons every mind it touches. In actual fact, you are eight times more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist. Does that mean that we should all have a collective panic attack and beg for anti-police police?
Now here’s the truth they don’t want you to know: You are taught to fear because fear makes you easy to manipulate. If someone is making you afraid, they’re also making you into an easy mark – a sucker.
Think of how many things people have accepted from governments just because they were afraid. Things like complete online surveillance, crotch searches at airports, random searches on the highways, and so on. Do you think those would have been accepted in 1920? Of course they wouldn’t, because people hadn’t been sufficiently frightened at that time.
The Facts About Terrorism
The fact is, there has been terror in every age of human history. Our time is not unusual at all. A small but consistent percentage of people are always crazy enough to kill strangers and blow things up.
Let me give you some proof from a single year:
March 6 A bomb being assembled by terrorists explodes, killing 3.
April 8 47 children are killed by (peacetime) bombs from a neighboring country.
May 4 Soldiers kill four American college students.
May 8 A huge mob of construction workers in New York attacks protestors.
May 14 Police fire on a crowd at a college, killing 2 and injuring 12.
June 9 A bomb explodes at New York police headquarters.
July 12 Two canisters of tear gas are thrown into the British House of Commons.
August 7 Terrorists take a judge hostage in California, then kill him.
Sept. 1 An assassination attempt on the King of Jordan.
Sept. 6 Terrorists hijack four airplanes on flights to New York.
Oct. 5 Terrorists kidnap a British diplomat.
Oct. 10 Terrorists kidnap a Canadian Minister. He is found dead a week later.
Nov. 25 Terrorists seize the headquarters of Japan’s Defense Forces.
Nov. 27 An assassination attempt on the Pope.
Dec. 3 A major government caves and releases 5 terrorists.
Dec. 4 Spain declares martial law.
Dec. 7 A Swiss ambassador is kidnapped.
Dec. 13 Martial law is declared in Poland.
Can You Guess The Year?
Think it was in some terrible period of history? Maybe one of the worst years during World War Two?
It was 1970.
But you don’t have any horrible, scary feelings about 1970, do you? That’s because you were never taught to have them – unlike the endless fear that has been promoted to you in recent years.
You may not remember 1970, but I do, and I’ll tell you that people weren’t peeing themselves over this stuff. They thought these events were horrible, of course, but they also knew that such things had always happened, and would continue to happen.
Acts of Terrorism in the US
While 9/11 resulted in the single highest loss of life due to terrorism, such events aren’t isolated incidents. We’ve always had them:
1910 A bomb goes off at the Los Angeles Times building, killing 21.
1917 A race riot in East St. Louis kills between 40 and 200.
1919 A race riot in Chicago kills dozens and injures hundreds.
1920 A bomb explodes on Wall Street, killing 38 and injuring 143.
1927 A deranged man blows up a school in Michigan, killing 44 and injuring 58.
1943 A race riot in Detroit kills 34 and injures 433.
1968 Race riots erupt in at least 125 US cities.
1972 Terrorists detonate a bomb inside the Pentagon.
1988 A terrorist poisons bottles of Tylenol in Chicago. 7 people die.
Get the picture? And I can give you examples of terror back to a few thousand years BC, from every corner of the world.
Do you really think that our new Nazi-style police state will stop this? (The Nazis couldn’t even stop assassination attempts on Hitler.)
These events are tragic, of course, but the chorus of fear that accompanies them it is all about manipulation: to keep us quiet and well behaved while we are bled of our money and ourfreedoms.
Thousands of Occupy protesters demonstrated in New York City to mark the second anniversary of the movement on Tuesday, just as new figures show that poverty remains steady and the so-called “1 percent” have only grown wealthier.
A growing number of US universities now offer degree programs for students hoping to study the military technology of the future: drones. Flying an unmanned aerial device is now a viable career in a world of growing surveillance and fewer job options.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida became the first American university to offer postgraduate education in drone warfare this autumn, opening a program that promises students job security right after school – when many of their friends could be moving back in with their parents. Continue reading “US colleges train students in drone warfare as job opportunities beckon”
A lack of new antibiotics, coupled with the over-prescription of existing ones, is making many formerly routine diseases untreatable, according to a new report published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Joseph Stiglitz couldn’t believe his ears. Here they were in the White House, with President Bill Clinton asking the chiefs of the US Treasury for guidance on the life and death of America’s economy, when the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers turns to his boss, Secretary Robert Rubin, and says, “What would Goldman think of that?”