A woman looks at the HealthCare.gov insurance exchange internet site.(AFP Photo / Karen Bleier)RT News

Internal documents from “war room” meetings convened on the roll-out of the new health insurance website indicate that early enrollment figures were significantly low, with unofficial figures noting just six enrollments on the first day.

The notes, released by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, indicate that six enrollments were completed in the morning following the website’s Tuesday launch. The documents state that approximately 100 had occurred by the afternoon, and that 248 enrollments nationwide had taken place by the end of Wednesday.   Continue reading “Just six enrollments occurred on HealthCare.gov’s first day according to meeting notes”

Screen-Shot-2013-10-03-at-11.21.13-AMEco Watch

As federal policy makers decide on rules for fracking on public lands, a new report calculates the toll of this dirty drilling on our environment, including 280 billion gallons of toxic wastewater generated by fracking in 2012—enough to flood all of Washington, DC, in a 22-foot deep toxic lagoon. The Environment America Research & Policy Center reportFracking by the Numbers, is the first to measure the damaging footprint of fracking to date.   Continue reading “Groundbreaking Report Calculates Damage Done by Fracking”

How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Survival GuideUS Crow

The General Atomics Predator Drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) typically operated by US Air Force AFSC 1U0X1, UAS – Unmanned Aerospace System Sensor Operators. Drones are equipped with the AN/AAS-52 Multi-spectral Targeting System, armed with GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided munitions, camera (generally used by the pilot for flight control), a variable aperture infrared camera (for low light/night), and a variable aperture day-TV camera. The Predator Drone is an armed, multi-mission, medium-altitude, long endurance remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) that is employed primarily in a killer/scout role as an intelligence collection asset and secondarily against targets.   Continue reading “How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Survival Guide”

Lew Rockwell – by David Bond, The Shoshone News Press

Wallace, Idaho – Unless your TV and computer modem are unplugged, and you’ve not had company or been outside these past couple of weeks, you’re probably aware that come this Sunday, we will change time zones once again.

In and out of daylight savings time; that semi-annual ritual of advancing or retarding one’s clocks a full 60 minutes to accommodate the edicts of modern centralized government.   Continue reading “Daylight Losing Time”

NSA Headquarters, Fort Meade, MD.Anti-War – by John Glaser

Imagine being beaten to a pulp by a mafia hit-man. Your nose is broken and dribbling blood, your left eye is swollen shut, you may have broken ribs. Somehow, you manage to stand up. Just then, the hit-man produces an invoice for his services to the tune of $574.

The only thing worse than being violently assaulted is being forced to pay for your own abuser’s time and effort.   Continue reading “In 2013, You Paid $574 to the NSA”

A picture of 13 year-old Andy Lopez sits with gifts and candles at a memorial on October 29, 2013 in Santa Rosa, California.(AFP Photo / Justin Sullivan)RT News

The same police officer who shot and killed a young teen after mistaking a toy gun for a real one pulled his weapon on a motorist during a routine traffic stop on the highway two months ago, the California driver in question now says.

Sonoma County Sheriff’s Deputy Erick Gelhaus is currently on paid administrative leave after fatally shooting 13-year-old Andy Lopez, who was walking to a friend’s house with a replica AK-47. The tragedy has made international headlines and frustrated the local community, with vigils and protests against the police taking place over the past ten days.   Continue reading “Officer who fatally shot 13-year-old holding toy rifle had pulled gun during routine traffic stop”

Electronics Frontier Foundation – by Trevor Tim

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and one of the NSA’s biggest defenders, released what she calls an NSA “reform” bill today.

Don’t be fooled: the bill codifies some of the NSA’s worst practices, would be a huge setback for everyone’s privacy, and it would permanently entrench the NSA’s collection of every phone record held by U.S. telecoms. We urge members of Congress to oppose it.   Continue reading “Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s New NSA Bill Will Codify and Extend Mass Surveillance of Americans”

Counter Punch- by James Madden

Berkeley, California

In my previous three articles to this site, I have challenged CounterPunchers to consider abandoning the United States, to become vegetarians, and to doubt the effectiveness of traditional protest methods. Now I am writing to convince you – my fellow anti-war, peace-loving progressives – to support an immediate, preemptive strike against an enemy that is rapidly amassing strength and has plans for an immense assault.   Continue reading “The Hillary Threat”

NovJournalPhotoWorld History Institute – by Don Schanzenbach

It started in 1866, that is, the beginning of gun control laws in Ottoman Turkey. Article 166 was the first, then further laws were enacted in 1911 and 1915. First permits were required, then came a government list of all gun owners, and finally, a ban on possession. It was gradual. The entire process took 49 years. Finally however, the citizens were disarmed. The government, of course, was not. The death toll? So many their number was never

In the Soviet Union the process advanced much faster. Gun control laws began under soviet resolutions in 1918. Then they enacted Articles 59 &182 of the penal code. First came licensing of owners, then a ban on possession with severe penalties. Continue reading “The Right to Bear Arms: A Biblical and Historical View”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Nano-particles of uranium, cesium and iron are being condensed at extremely high temperatures into Buckyballs.  They have a particulate effect and harm cellular processes. This has never happened in a nuclear power accident but is seen in Depleted Uranium at 5,000 degrees Centigrade (9,032  Fahrenheit.)

Cesium was found in plankton between Hawaii and California. Plankton bio-accumulates radiation. A gram of plankton has 1,000 times as much cesium as a gram of seawater. Seaweed off the coast of California tested positive both for cesium and cobalt 60.   Continue reading “Video: Fukushima is Frying The World.”

The worlds first radiation-resistant clothing line. (Image: yamamoto-bio.com)IntelliHub – by Shepard Ambellas

JAPAN (INTELLIHUB) — After the Fukushima nuclear disaster, one can never be too safe, so recently Yamamoto has launched the world’s first radiation-resistant clothing line able to block both radioactive beta and gamma rays.

The outfit comes in 2-parts, an underwear section and a wetsuit like swimwear section as depicted in a recent “press release”.   Continue reading “Radiation-Resistant Swimwear and Underwear a Reality in Wake of Fukushima Disaster”