Continue reading “One out of every four activists could be a corporate spy”
Month: December 2013
Drivers pulled over for minor traffic violations can have their cell phone searched, according to a recent federal ruling. A judge decided last week that Oklahoma City, Oklahoma police were in the right when they downloaded information off the mobile phone belonging to Noe Vergara Wuences who was pulled over on March 22, 2012 because the temporary paper license plate on his new car flapped a bit in the wind. Continue reading “4th. Amendment is dead: Police can search motorists cellphones if they’ve been stopped for a minor traffic violation”
Sacramento Bee – by Kim Minugh
Once referred to by a local attorney as the “Million Dollar Man,” a former sheriff’s deputy cost the county of Sacramento more than $2 million in awards and settlements during his 23 years on the force.
By the time Donald Black retired Oct. 1 following his arrest on suspicion of child molestation and steroid possession, his actions had resulted in at least 10 payouts by the county, most of them involving excessive force allegations, according to a spreadsheet provided to The Sacramento Bee in response to a Public Records Act request. The largest payout – $1.5 million – went to a woman who had a 3-inch chunk of flesh taken out of her calf by Black’s then-K-9 partner. In another case, according to a court complaint, Black and another deputy allegedly terrified a man during a traffic stop by pointing an unloaded pellet gun at his head and pulling the trigger. Continue reading “Legal payouts involving former Sacramento County sheriff’s deputy now accused in molestation case totaled more than $2 million”
WEB Notes: The people of Ohio need to fight this. Call your local government right now and fight this. You can find Ohio’s government officials by clicking on our “Resources” section and scrolling down to “Government.” The government has already gone too far in determining what they can dictate to us. Will you now allow them to dictate your child’s education? Homeschooling is the last defense we have against the indoctrination centers known as public schools. Continue reading “Government to Decide if Homeschooling is in the Best Interest of Your Child”
(Paul Craig Roberts) – Washington has had the US at war for 12 years: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and almost Syria, which could still happen, with Iran waiting in the wings. These wars have been expensive in terms of money, prestige, and deaths and injuries of both US soldiers and the attacked civilian populations. None of these wars appears to have any compelling reason or justifiable explanation. The wars have been important to the profits of the military/security complex. The wars have provided cover for the construction of a Stasi police state in America, and the wars have served Israel’s interest by removing obstacles to Israel’s annexation of the entire West Bank and southern Lebanon. Continue reading “Washington Drives the World Toward War”
Google revealed a sharp rise in requests from U.S. government officials (police) asking for political content to be removed from the web in its latest transparency report.
“Over the past four years, one worrying trend has remained consistent: governments continue to ask us to remove political content. Judges have asked us to remove information that’s critical of them, police departments want us to take down videos or blogs that shine a light on their conduct, and local institutions like town councils don’t want people to be able to find information about their decision-making processes,” Susan Infantino, legal director, said in a blogpost. Continue reading “Google’s transparency report reveals disturbing trend to squelch free speech in U.S.”
Militia News – by Michael Snyder
During 2013, America continued to steadily march down a self-destructive path toward oblivion. As a society, our debt levels are completely and totally out of control. Our financial system has been transformed into the largest casino on the entire planet and our big banks are behaving even more recklessly than they did just before the last financial crisis. Continue reading “America On The Destructive Path Toward Oblivion”
If you say the “wrong thing” in America today, you could be penalized, fired or even taken to court.
Political correctness is running rampant, and it is absolutely destroying this nation.
Every single day, the mainstream media in the United States bombards us with subtle messages about what we should believe and what “appropriate speech” consists of. Continue reading “Bill Whittle Exposes Political Correctness.”
Natural News – by Ethan A. Huff
Things are heating up on the fluoride front as states and municipalities all across the country rethink their official water fluoridation policies. According to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), some 16 pieces of legislation across nine states were introduced or passed just within the past year to protect the public against this pervasive poison.
In Utah, for instance, the Safe Drinking Water Disclosure Act was passed back in April, requiring that all shipments of fluoride chemicals coming into the state be accompanied by certificates of analysis detailing the presence of any outside contaminants. The law reportedly took effect on July 1, allowing local water utilities to end their fluoridation programs in the event that certificates are not provided. Continue reading “Nine states propose 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 2013 to protect public against poison”
Planned Parenthood is after the career and livelihood of a distinguished, highly-qualified, good high school teacher, Bill Diss, who had the audacity to tell Planned Parenthood that they were not allowed in his classroom.After a second hearing last night, that pro-life teacher, Bill Diss, has been fired.
The school board for the Portland Public School District voted to terminate Diss’ contract after Planned Parenthood’s lobbying effort. Continue reading “Pro-Life Teacher Fired After Kicking Planned Parenthood Out of His Class”
In 1987, Andre Sarano took a photograph of Christ on the cross in a jar of urine. It won the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art’s “Awards in the Visual Arts” competition, which was sponsored in part by taxpayers.
Outraged Christians were told they didn’t have to see it. They did not have to go to the museum. Their money, of course, had to fund the National Endowment for the Arts, but they themselves just needed to ignore it. Christians needed to show tolerance to for the diversity of others’ thoughts. Continue reading “Evil Preaches Tolerance Until It Is Dominant, Then Seeks to Silence Good”
Before It’s News – by Money Morning
So-called “bail-ins,” which give banks the right to dip into your savings to pay for their lousy financial decisions, have been on the table for years, ever since Cyprus tested the idea.
But they’re moving beyond the “testing phase” now.
The latest clue came from a seemingly benign banking conference on December 2, when one man revealed some frightening central government intentions. Continue reading “They’re Planning The First Legal “Bank Robbery” In U.S. History”
There is no way to stop what is going to happen to bitcoin. It’s an issue of sociology. It’s an issue of human greed. It’s an issue as to WHO created bitcoin and WHY.
Who is the single largest holder of BTC right now? “Satoshi”. Who is he? I will say it again. NSA/DARPA created bitcoin under the guidance of the IMF. The IMF has been openly calling for a digital, one-world, deflationary currency for 2 decades. OPENLY. It has been discussed and promoted OPENLY at G8 and G20 summits. Continue reading “Bitcoin Was Created By DARPA”
With his approval ratings bunkering into Nixonian sub-terrain, his Obamacare rollout as disastrous as the maiden voyage of the Titanic, and the sordid transgressions of Benghazi, the IRS, the NSA, etc. etc. causing legislative and judicial wolfpacks to begin snapping at his dodgy heels, the Big Red in the White House has brought in reinforcements. John Podesta, the left-wing consigliere last seen advising Slick Willie Clinton on how best to circumvent the laws of the land, has signed on as “counselor to the president.” Former Jesuit John is a man with the un-blinkered look of an inquisitor more suited to hunting down heretics than “counseling” the leader of the one time Land of the Free. And that’s exactly what Obama intends him to do — along with devising ever more novel schemes to further shred the U.S. Constitution: Continue reading “Robespierre Is Coming To Town”