Land Destroyer

Repeat a lie often enough, and hopefully people will begin to believe it. That is what a concerted effort by Western media houses hopes to achieve as they claim the recent flow of heavy weapons  from Western nations and their Arab-Israeli partners is boosting “moderate rebels” and “tilting” the balance of Syria’s conflict against the Syrian government.

The Washington Post in particular, sets the tempo for this coordinated propaganda campaign, claiming in their report, “In Syria, new influx of weapons to rebels tilts the battle against Assad,” that: Continue reading “West Pours Arms into Syria as Al Qaeda Mass Slaughters Civilians”

molon labeFreedom Outpost – by Jim Stachowiak

It is time to speak plainly for the good citizens and patriots of this nation who believe unbendingly in the Constitution of the United States of America. Though foreign governments may disarm their subjects, we will not go down that road. We will not disarm and see our freedoms stripped away. The lessons of history are numerous, clear, and bloody. A disarmed population inevitably becomes an enslaved population. A disarmed population is without power, reduced to childlike obedience to-and dependence upon – the organs of a parental state. Continue reading “Warning: Politicians – We Will Not Allow You To Disarm Us”

The Washington Post – by Ed O’Keefe

A bipartisan group of senators is on the verge of a deal that would expand background checks to all private firearms sales with limited exemptions, but significant disagreements remain on the issue of keeping records of private gun sales, according to aides familiar with the talks.

An agreement would be a bold first step toward consideration of legislation to limit gun violence in the wake of the mass shootings at a Connecticut elementary school in December and comes as the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected this week to begin considering new proposals to limit gun violence. Continue reading “Senators near a deal on background checks for most private gun sales”

Biden-fistsPat Dollard

DANBURY, Conn. (CBSNewYork) — Vice President Joe Biden joined Conn. Gov. Dannel Malloy, other lawmakers and the parents of a young girl killed in the Sandy Hook massacre at a conference on gun violence Thursday.

The conference was held a few miles from the scene of last year’s Newtown school shootings. Continue reading “Biden To Gun Owners: ‘You’ve Had No Better Friend Over Last 35 Years Than Me’”

Poland Spring GasolineHuffington Post -by Dominique Mosbergen

Some Poland Spring water bottles may be contaminated by gasoline, the New Hampshire Department of Health warned in a consumer advisory published this week.

According to, state health officials said Friday that consumers who purchased 3- and 5-gallon bottles of Poland Spring water on or after Nov. 1 last year should check them for possible gasoline odors before use. Continue reading “Poland Spring Water Bottles May Be Contaminated By Gasoline”

SYRIA-CRISIS_2419012bPat Dollard

Minus those already seized by Al Qaeada and others…

Excerpted from The Telegraph: British and American military commanders have drawn up plans to seize or destroy Syria’s chemical weapons if the country slides into further chaos. Continue reading “U.S. And England Prepare To Seize Syria Chemical Weapons”

national id global 6The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

If President Obama, John McCain (R., AZ),  Lindsey Graham (R., SC), Marco Rubio (R., FL), Lindsey Graham (R., SC.), Charles Schumer (D., NY.), Jeff Flake (R., AZ.), Michael Bennet (D., CO.), and implicated child molester Robert Menendez (D., N.J.), get their way, it will soon be law that if you want to board an airplane, to vote, to purchase a firearm, hold a job and basically buy and sell anything, then you will be required to submit to a National ID Card which will soon become part of a global ID system. Continue reading “They Want To Tag Us Before They Bag Us”

antibioticsNatural News – by Mike Adams

Antibiotic-resistant superbugs kill 48,000 Americans each year — roughly the same number of American soldiers who died in the entire Vietnam War. This data was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, and the data is from 2006. It’s certainly much worse today, and the health care costs related to superbug infections surpasses $8 billion a year. Continue reading “California pharmacy floods population with free antibiotics, promoting deadly superbugs and environmental pollution”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a senior adviser to President Barack Obama on matters of national security and foreign policy, Obama Adviser Brzezinskis Off-the-record Speech to British Elites.

Brzezinski elaborated, “…in early times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control….”. Continue reading “Senior Advisor To Obama, It’s easier To Kill A Million People, Than To Contol A million People”

Gateway of Edmond notice to tenantsAOL – by Graham Wood

Residents of an apartment complex in Edmond, Okla., are a bit taken aback after management sent around flyers threatening eviction for anyone who has police sent to their apartment, Tulsa TV station KWTV reported. “If police are called to your apartment for any reason, your lease will be subject to immediate termination,” the flyer reads. It’s an attempt by the complex, called the Gateway of Edmond, to clean up its image after being ridiculed for the amount of crime there, KWTV said. Continue reading “Oklahoma Apartment Complex Threatens to Evict Tenants for Police Visits”

Iran Captured Foreign DroneHuffington Post – by ALI AKBAR DAREINI

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said Saturday that it had captured a foreign unmanned aircraft during a military exercise in southern Iran.

Gen. Hamid Sarkheili, a spokesman for the military exercise, said the Guard’s electronic warfare unit spotted signals indicating that foreign drones were trying to enter Iranian airspace. Sarkheili said Guard experts took control of one drone’s navigation system and brought it down near the city of Sirjan where the military drills began on Saturday. Continue reading “Iran Says It Captured ‘Foreign Enemy Drone’ During Military Exercise”

The News

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said during a media briefing that Pakistan had better not sign agreement with Tehran. However, she said Washington wanted to help Pakistan overcome its energy crisis.

The spokeswoman also commented on Quetta’s Saturday bombing that led to killing of over 89 people saying innocent people were being killed in bomb blasts in Pakistan. Continue reading “US urges Pakistan not to sign deal with Iran”

Before It’s News – by youngneill

Eight operators are using drones or unmanned aircraft in Ireland, new figures reveal. While the Defence Forces use Israeli-built drones for military purposes, the remotely piloted aircraft are increasingly also being used by civilian firms.

The best known use of drones is in Afghanistan or the border regions of Pakistan, where Predators and Reapers regularly attack Taliban militants. Continue reading “NWO Drones : Reaches Ireland , It Is World-Wide”

Wealth Wire – Brittany Stepniak

Iran’s judiciary system recently worked through the biggest banking fraud case in the nation’s history.

According to The New York Times, the outcome of the case was made official on Monday. Results were dramatic to say the least. Continue reading “Iran to Execute 4 Bankers on Fraud Charges”

Oregon Firearms FederationOregon Firearms Federation

Two days after Senate Democrats claimed they would not seek a ban on modern firearms and feeding devices, Democrats in the Oregon House introduced just that.

Seven Senators joined with eight House Reps to introduce a sweeping ban on virtually all modern firearms. Among the Senators is, of course, Ginny Burdick, who claimed on Wednesday “that she is backing off an attempt to push through a bill on gun clips that she drafted following the December shootings at the Clackamas Mall.”   The other sponsors are: Continue reading “Massive Gun Ban Introduced in Oregon”