Year: 2013
Texas Straight Talk – by Ron Paul
While I oppose most gun control proposals, there is one group of Americans I do believe should be disarmed: federal agents. The use of force by federal agents to enforce unjust and unconstitutional laws is one of the major, albeit overlooked, threats to liberty. Too often Americans are victimized by government force simply for engaging in commercial transactions disproved of by Congress and the federal bureaucracy. Continue reading “When they came for the Raw Milk drinkers…”
MC Hammer is claiming he was a victim of racial profiling after he was arrested for allegedly obstructing and resisting an officer in Northern California.
The 50-year-old rapper took to Twitter to discuss the situation shortly after his release from the Santa Rita Jail in Dublin on Saturday. Continue reading “MC Hammer Arrested For Obstructing An Officer, Claims He’s A Victim Of Racial Profiling”
Deadline Live – by Szandor Blestman
Do you know what’s good for you? Have you personally studied various cures, potions and concoctions to figure this out, or are you taking someone else’s word for it? Do you have any personal experience with certain substances, medications or procedures when treating your disease, or are you trusting someone else that they know better which will work and which will not? Are you using an allopathic physician, a naturopath, some other alternative practitioner, or maybe a combination of all these? Are you sure the physician you use has told you all the alternatives you have to choose from? Are you sure you know what would work best for your particular circumstance?
Continue reading “How the Drug War and the FDA Prevent the Sick from Being Cured”
Last June, Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York announced his plans to implement a ban on large sodas and other sugary drinks in virtually every place but the home. His administration is banning the sale of these beverages in containers that are more than 16-fluid ounces. Bloomberg has already implemented a ban on trans fats in NYC restaurants, and a rule that fast food and other chain restaurants publicly post the number of calories in their meals and a few weeks after this announcement ordered ordered city hospitals to lock up the baby formula pushing new mothers to nurse whether they choose to or not. Continue reading “Mommy Bloomberg Goes After Pizza Delivery and Kid’s Birthdays”
Radiation is leaking from Iran’s nuclear facility at Fordow, which suffered devastating explosions on Jan. 21, WND has learned, and the regime has ordered millions of antidote iodine pills from Russia and Ukraine amid fears the radioactivity will spread.
Many of the personnel, who arrived after the explosion to assist with the cleanup at the site, have been taken to a military hospital suffering from headache, nausea and vomiting, according to a source in the security forces protecting Fordow. Continue reading “Radiation Leaking from Iran’s Nuke Explosion”
Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die
You have GOT to check out this memo from Obama’s Department of Justice. Anyone who thinks that these people will stop at merely banning some firearms has got much to learn.
Why would this government be so intent on trying to not only limit American’s freedoms but apparently attempt to start a Civil War in America as well with the obvious repeal of the 2nd Amendment?
My feelings are that they know quite well that once the 2nd Amendment is gone, the 1st Amendment will soon follow. Bad decision DOJ; have you folks gone completely insane? Let’s all hope for the best here and hope that cooler heads will prevail soon. Continue reading “DOJ Memo: Outlaw And Confiscate All Guns”
KABUL, Feb 24 (Reuters) – Afghan President Hamid Karzai has given U.S. special forces two weeks to leave a key battleground province after some U.S. soldiers there were found to have tortured or even killed innocent people, the president’s spokesman said on Sunday.
The decision by Karzai could further complicate negotiations between the United States and Afghanistan over the presence of Americans troops in the country once most NATO forces leave by the end of 2014. Continue reading “Afghanistan’s Karzai Says U.S. Special Forces Must Leave Wardak Province Over Torture Allegations”
Before It’s News – by Anonymous
It is time to get serious. Martial Law is the system of rules that become reality when the military takes over the regular administration of justice in a land. That is to say, Martial Law means the “suspension” of the Constitution. Curfews, rationing of basic goods, enforced relocations, confiscation of firearms and supplies, and summary arrest/execution by soldiers and paramilitary police wielding assault rifles. Continue reading “What We Must Do when Facing Martial Law”
A Republican member of the bipartisan group seeking a deal on background checks for gun owners said Sunday that lawmakers remain at odds.
“I don’t think we’re that close to a deal,” Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) said on Fox News Sunday. Continue reading “Coburn: Senators still not close to deal on background checks”
Common Dreams – by Craig Brown, staff writer
Six aging, single-walled underground storage tanks are leaking radioactive waste, threatening groundwater below the Hanford nuclear site, Washington state Governor Jay Inslee announced on Friday afternoon.
Workers at the Hanford nuclear reservation work around a a tank farm where highly radioactive waste is stored underground near Richland, Wash. Six underground radioactive waste tanks at the hemisphere’s most contaminated nuclear dump are leaking, Gov. Jay Inslee said Friday, Feb. 22, 2013 (AP Photo/Shannon Dininny)The seeping waste adds to decades of soil contamination caused by leaking storage tanks at Hanford in the past and threatens to further taint groundwater below the Columbia River, officials said. Continue reading “Now Six – Not One – Hanford Tanks Leaking Radioactive Waste”
Two powerful dairy organizations, The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), are petitioning the Food and Drug Administration to allow aspartame and other artificial sweeteners to be added to milk and other dairy products without a label.
The FDA currently allows the dairy industry to use “nutritive sweeteners” including sugar and high fructose corn syrup in many of their products. Nutritive sweeteners are defined as sweeteners with calories. Continue reading “Aspartame in Milk Without a Label? Big Dairy Petitions FDA For Approval”
We have written many articles about the great culling of our workforce, which is contingent to the complete elimination thereof. Though it has been going on all along, the fact that the long term unemployed are being denied job opportunities, for no other reason than they are long term unemployed, has come up front and center, with new laws being passed to allow the long term unemployed to sue for the discrimination they are enduring.
Of course the mainstream propagandist representatives of the corporate elite are condemning the idea and saying it will lead to job loss and a diminished product quality. The fact is that, as a part of the replacement of American workers with third world peasants, once the US workers are removed, they must stay removed. Continue reading “Removed from the Workforce via Corporate Dictate”
San Francisco, CA — Gas prices are set to take one of the largest jumps in decades. At a rate expected to be $4 a gallon, the average drive is likely considering just how important many of the possibly weekly trips to stores and banks are necessary.
2013 is likely on track to being one of the most expensive years for someone to fill up their automobile. Prices in Maryland are up 16 cents overall within the past month. According to AAA, the 17 cents that the price has risen on average is just the start. Continue reading “Gas Prices Set to Spike in the United States reports Baltimore News Journal”