The Organic Prepper

If you have ever brushed off the idea of FEMA work camps as a myth, a fantasy of an overactive Patriot imagination, then you must not have heard about the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, where young women were incarcerated, often without trial, without a definitive sentence, and sometimes, without even committing a crime worse then being “too pretty” and therefore, tempting men.

Does this remind anyone else of the NDAA?  Indefinite detention? No trial?  No cause?  These girls were simply locked up and forced to work until those in power saw fit to release them. Continue reading “A Case Study of the Modern Day Work Camp: Magdalene Laundries”

monsantoMercola – by Dr. Mercola

For years now I’ve warned of the many potential dangers of genetically engineered (GE) foods, pointing out that such crops might have wholly unforeseen consequences.

In recent years, such suspicions have increasingly proven correct, forcing the biotech industry to up the ante of their propaganda campaign.

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal titled, “Monsanto: Battered, Bruised, and Still Growing”1 sets the stage for the discussion that follows. The dark heart of Monsanto has been exposed in recent years, and they’re in dire need of an image makeover. Continue reading “Biotech Industry Ups Propaganda Efforts with Undercover Ambassadors?”

gun showCaptain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

Saturday was raw, cold and mixed frozen precipitation.  That didn’t matter, as the lines to get into the Metrolina Expo Center were long, approximately a three hour wait.  I saw cars from at least North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas and New Jersey.  I’ve been to this gun show for years and I’ve never seen it this crowded.

Feeling were rather raw along with the weather, and there were many angry comments in line about the administration and their enablers in the Congress and Senate. Continue reading “Gun Show Report”

Breiter CEO of Raiffeisen Gammesfeld eG bank poses for a portrait at the bank in GammesfeldHuffington Post – by Victoria Bryan

GAMMESFELD, Germany (Reuters) – Peter Breiter, 41, is an unusual banker. Not for him the big bonuses, complicated financial instruments and multi-million deals.

He is happy instead writing transaction slips out by hand for the 500 inhabitants of the tiny southern German village of Gammesfeld. Continue reading “Peter Breiter Runs Rural German Bank Raiffeisen Gammesfeld By Himself”


Memory Hole Blog – Photos and Commentary by Scott DeLarm
Edited by James F. Tracy

My partner and I became fed up with the mainstream media’s depiction of what took place in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. So on January 20 we traveled there from our home in Ottawa Canada in an effort to visit the sites and respectfully approach the locals. Continue reading “An Inquisitive Couple’s Visit to Newtown, Connecticut”

occupy the popeBefore It’s New – by Deborah Dupre

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) in Brussels has called on its affiliates and all people of conscience to converge on the Vatican this Easter to extradite Ratzinger and place him on trial.

ITCCS is gathering support to use its upcoming Easter Reclamation Campaign to converge on Rome and the Vatican to force the extradition of Ratzinger from Vatican City, and place him and his accessories on trial for crimes against humanity. Continue reading “Occupy the Vatican: Convergence to Extradite Ratzinger Planned by ITCCS”

south carolina militiaThe Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

As a warning shot over the bow, South Carolina is poised to take action to protect the rights of its citizens.

Congratulations, you are a member of South Carolina’s “unorganized militia.” Now that you know that, state Sen. Tom Corbin, R-Greenville, wants to make sure you have access to guns in case the governor ever calls on you to defend the state. Continue reading “South Carolina Unorganized Militia And Assault Weapons”

syriaSyrian Arab New Agency

MOSCOW, (SANA) – A Russian military source said Syria received a batch of anti-aircraft missiles and Panzer-C1 air defense systems at the beginning of the current year.

The source said that the air defense systems were delivered in accordance with signed contracts between the two countries, pointing out that these systems were shipped to Syria by sea. Continue reading “Russian Military Source: Syria Received Panzer-C1 Air Defense Systems”

Miami police announce military training exerciseSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Just a couple years ago we reported that the U.S. military was involved in war gaming scenarios that included training for such things as large scale economic collapse and civil unrest. Photos from the training exercises showed simulated situations that included protesters holding up “We Need Food Now” signs. It was a clear sign that the government is preparing for just such an event, and that they were training military personnel to respond in the capacity of a domestic police force.

The warnings we and others issued were ignored by most of the population and dismissed by many as nothing more than conspiracy theory and fear mongering. Continue reading “Report: Realistic Urban Training is DHS and DOD “Conducting Desensitizing Exercises””

us small arms treatyLiberty Gun Rights – by Bernadine Smith

The purpose of writing this article is to set the record straight so that people will understand the difference between the proper use of the treaty power, and the improper use of the treaty power, rather than have the people be misled by public officials who intend to deceive Americans by its improper use. Improper treaties are not law!

Despite the current great worry about the Small Arms Treaty being able to prohibit American citizens from owning firearms, there exist two, even greater worries: Continue reading “The Small Arms Treaty vs. the U.S. Constitution”

gun banLast Resistance – by Frank Camp

Luke Scott said: “Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling the people.” When I read that, I cannot help but think of the domino effect; one piece falls, and the others have no choice but to fall in sequence. Of course, this theory isn’t accurate 100% of the time, but in the world of gun control, it could not be more applicable. There is solid evidence showing that strict gun control fails miserably.

This week, an anti-gun bill was introduced by Democrats in the Missouri state legislature. A portion of the bill is as follows: Continue reading “Missouri Democrats Plan Gun Ban; Minnesota Follows Suit”

dorner_grab12160 – by James

At approximately 7 PM ET, I listened through a police scanner as San Bernardino Sheriffs gave the order to burn down the cabin where suspected murderer Christopher Dorner was allegedly hiding. Deputies were maneuvering a remote controlled demolition vehicle to the base of the cabin, using it to tear down the walls of the cabin where Dorner was hiding, and peering inside.

In an initial dispatch, a deputy reported seeing “blood spatter” inside the cabins. Dorner, who had just engaged in a firefight with deputies that killed one officer and wounded another, may have been wounded in the exchange. There was no sign of his presence, let alone his resistance, according to police dispatches. Continue reading “How Law Enforcement and Media Covered Up the Plan to Burn Christopher Dorner Alive”