bank of americaAg Beat- by Destiny Bennett

Bank of America and the NY Fed

Most people have their own thoughts on what started the recession in 2008, but there’s a general acknowledgement that banks and mortgage lenders were responsible for a large part of it. Under-qualified home buyers were being granted mortgages that they ultimately weren’t able to pay back, causing a huge crash that crippled the economy. Many companies decided to retaliate and seek lawsuits against big banks, thinking they would have a strong case. But as AIG recently found out, the government sided with the lenders, ultimately granting a bailout and dismissing one from a great deal of liability. Continue reading “Bank of America secretly bailed out by Federal Reserve”

bloombergChicago Now – by Dennis Byrne

Buying the election, that’s what. You’d think that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s south suburban and Kankakee district has become a New York City borough from the way that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is spreading around campaign contributions there.

Reports Huff Post Politics: Continue reading “What’s New York Mayor Bloomberg’s millions doing in the election to replace Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.?”

Before It’s News – by youngneill

Surveillance abuse, believe that the New World Order, is being implemented by the cult of intelligence at the core of the surveillance-industrial complex through mass surveillance and the use of Social Security numbers, the bar-coding of retail goods with Universal Product Code markings, and, most recently, RFID tagging via microchip implants, But what about 2 BILLION SOCIAL MEDIA USERS? Continue reading “N.W.O.: Facebook Twitter And Google When They Merge”

TRACKING ’EM: The city, fearing liability following splashy front-page subway-shove tragedies — like those involving suspects Erika Menendez (above) and Naeem Davis — is looking to get the mentally ill off the streets.


The city is making a major push to sweep the streets of dangerous, mentally ill New Yorkers — and has even compiled a most-wanted list, The Post has learned.

The measure follows a pair of high-profile subway-shove fatalities from December allegedly involving mentally ill individuals.

The city has already drawn up a list of 25 targets, sources said. Continue reading “Scoop the nuts – Mentally ill roundup plan after train pushes”

Director Blue – by Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association

I want to inform you about what I think is the most serious threat to our right to Keep and Bear Arms in the U.S. today, much more serious and real than anything Obama or Senator Dianne Feinstein can hope to get through Congress…

Without ammunition, ammunition components, and especially smokeless powder, our firearms are just awkward and expensive clubs – of no real use. Continue reading “The Most Serious Threat to Our Right to Keep and Bear Arms [Gary Marbut]”

obama_shoots_gunWND – by Jack Minor

DENVER – With some arm-twisting by Vice President Joe Biden, the Obama administration has pressured Democratic lawmakers in gun-friendly Colorado to “fall on their swords” and pass restrictions on firearms it hopes will be a model for the nation, a state lawmaker contends.

While much attention has been focused on President Obama’s calls for federal legislation establishing universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons, the administration is working hard at the state level. Continue reading “Gun Background Check Nightmare in Colorado”

US President Barack Obama addressing the influential Israeli lobby AIPAC. (File photo)Press TV

US President Barack Obama addressing the influential Israeli lobby AIPAC. (File photo)

A political analyst says the ongoing US-led “war on terror” is a policy imposed by Israel on the United States.

“In fact, the whole “war on terror” – in reality, a war on Islam – is an Israeli fabrication,” Kevin Barrett wrote in a column for Press TV. Continue reading “War on terror, an Israeli fabrication”

assault rifleSedona Cyber Link – In The Political Ring with Tommy Acosta

This is the question CNN’s Piers Morgan keeps asking over and over again but no one gives him a satisfactory answer.

The reason for this is the question requires two distinct answers because it’s really two questions in one.

There is the “need” a person has to possess such a weapon; the desire to own one that is. Continue reading “Why does a person need an AR15 Anyway?”

NRA Code PinkRight Side News – by Enza Ferreri

I have closely followed the gun control debate in the US from the outside and, as a European, I am trying to make sense of it because I know that at stake is not just the gun legislation but also the American Constitution, with what it represents as the most historically important declaration of human rights and liberties to be safeguarded against the power of the state; the thorny issues of broken families and of how to treat the mentally ill; and even the always controversial question of race and gang violence. Continue reading “Massacres, Gun Control Studies, and Social Change”

Survival – by Michael

When the SHTF, then a lot of things are going to have to change in a hurry. We will have governments with no way to pay their bills. The chances are they are going to release a lot of people from the jails because they cannot afford to keep them.

One of those things that is going to have to change is our justice system or lack thereof.

Does anyone question why we have the most people in jail of any country in the world? I do. China has only 1/4 the number of people in jail as we do, and they are considered tyrants. Continue reading “When All Hell Breaks Loose . . .”

sovereign-citizensOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Posel

According to the White House Blog website, the Obama administration is working to “counter online radicalization” by “violent extremist groups” such as “al-Qaeda and its affiliates and adherents, violent supremacist groups, and violent ‘sovereign citizens’.”

The White House claims that “these groups use the Internet to disseminate propaganda, identify and groom potential recruits, and supplement their real-world recruitment” with “resources to propagate messages of violence and division.” Through the exploitation of “popular media, music videos and online video games”, allegedly there are “countless opportunities “to draw targets into private exchanges” and provide “violent extremists with access to new audiences and instruments for radicalization.” Continue reading “DHS Use Police Depts to Gather Intel on Citizens & Label Them Extremist Threats”

bankstersInformation Clearing House – by Robert Frank

February 17, 2013 “CNBC” —  The good old days for the wealthy are now back.

A survey from Northern Trust found that three quarters of millionaires surveyed said they are better off, or as well off, as they were in 2007 — the peak for both wealth and sheer numbers of America’s millionaires. Most cited improved investment returns as their reason for feeling better off.

That confidence may soon start translating into hiring. Eighty percent of wealthy business owners say they plan to recruit more workers or keep their staff levels stable over the next 18 to 24 months. One in five plan to make capital investments in upgrading computers and other technology over the same period. Continue reading “Millionaires Say They’re Better Off Than in 2007”

The insurgent Barrack Obama used the word “jobs” 49 times in his inauguration speech, but jobs for whom? The White House yesterday leaked Obama’s proposed legislation for so called immigration reform, which in reality is an amnesty for 100 million felons, which represent his loyal foreign insurgent ground forces who are to replace the American workforce.

This unconstitutional and treasonous legislation would give visas to every felonious foreign invader, even those who have broken our laws and have been jailed, so long as they were not sentenced to a year or more.  Continue reading “Illegals Grow Bold with Obama’s Backing”

The insurgent Obama’s administration is proposing a raise in the minimum wage as a reward to the millions of illegals working US jobs and not paying taxes.  This is the proverbial lipstick on the pig.  According to the communists own figures, 60% of the four million jobs moved out of our country in the last four years, were paying a medium wage and 48% of the two million jobs created during the same time period are low paying jobs, many of which, as previously mentioned, have been given to illegals while 80 million Americans remain unemployed.

So what will be the net effect of a raise in the national minimum wage? A majority of this new wealth will go to illegals and the action will hurt small businesses, while the big corporations, through their international franchises will simply defer their increased labor costs directly back upon the entire population through higher prices for goods.  Continue reading “Minimum Wage Hike – Oh Goody, for Somebody”

Insurance News Report – by Helen Cutner

The new proposal from State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz suggests that owners will need to be covered.

Bill S2353 has just been introduced into the New York State Assembly by Assemblyman Felix Ortiz (D-Brooklyn), which would make it required for residents of the state to have to obtain liability gun insurance in order to be able to own a firearm.

The bill identifies not only the minimum coverage but also the consequences for failure to buy a policy. Continue reading “Gun insurance bill in New York to require liability coverage”