Bloomberg_NORMLNORML – by Erik Altieri

Today, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced a new marijuana policy for the city during his State of the City address.

Mayor Bloomberg, who previously stood with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in his call for fixing New York’s marijuana laws, reiterated that support, but said his city won’t wait for Albany on this issue.

But we know that there’s more we can do to keep New Yorkers, particularly young men, from ending up with a criminal record. Commissioner Kelly and I support Governor Cuomo’s proposal to make possession of small amounts of marijuana a violation, rather than a misdemeanor and we’ll work to help him pass it this year. But we won’t wait for that to happen. Continue reading “NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Starting Next Month, No Jail for Marijuana Possession”

Drugs in drinking waterThe Allegiant- by David Bard

Drugs in Drinking Water: There is an unhealthy cocktail of drugs in your drinking water. With each sip, you self-medicate with anti-anxiety and even psychotropic drugs.

Without knowing it, you are being medicated.  Maybe even now you have a cup of coffee or tea in hand, filled with water compliments of your local municipal system.  Think those sodas and energy drinks are any better?  Think again.  Unless the water is specifically filtered for pharmaceuticals, you’re still getting dosed. Continue reading “Dazed and Confused: Drugs in Drinking Water”

russian bomberFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Hours before Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, two Russian nuclear-armed bombers circled the western Pacific island of Guam, an organized, unincorporated territory of the United States. This is the latest sign of the growing strategic assertiveness of Moscow towards the United States.

The Tu-95 Bear-H strategic bombers were equipped with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. The bombers were followed closely by U.S. jets. Continue reading “Russian Nuclear Bombers Over US Territory”

farmersCommon Dreams – by Abby Zimmet

After the farmer-themed Dodge Ram ad for the Super Bowl made such a splash, the folks atFunny or Die decided to make a more realistic version of the state of American agriculture, from Monsanto to Gushers. Nailed it. Continue reading “So God Made A Factory Farmer…And Pesticides. And Subsidies. And Corn Syrup. And Mexicans.”

middle east running out of waterBefore It’s News – by Alton Parrish

A new study using data from a pair of gravity-measuring NASA satellites finds that large parts of the arid Middle East region lost freshwater reserves rapidly during the past decade.

Scientists at the University of California, Irvine; NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.; and the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., found during a seven-year period beginning in 2003 that parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran along the Tigris and Euphrates river basins lost 117 million acre feet (144 cubic kilometers) of total stored freshwater. That is almost the amount of water in the Dead Sea. The researchers attribute about 60 percent of the loss to pumping of groundwater from underground reservoirs. Continue reading “Middle East Running Out Of Water Faster And Faster”

Pope Benedict XVI Gives State Of The World AddressReuters – by Philip Pullella

Pope Benedict’s decision to live in the Vatican after he resigns will provide him with security and privacy. It will also offer legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources and legal experts say.

“His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless. He wouldn’t have his immunity, his prerogatives, his security, if he is anywhere else,” said one Vatican official, speaking on condition of anonymity. Continue reading “Pope will have security, immunity by remaining in the Vatican”

emergency-room-immigrantDaily Caller – by Caroline May

Even though federal law largely bars illegal immigrants from obtaining Medicaid coverage, the program annually pays out more than $2 billion in free emergency coverage that mostly goes to illegal immigrants, according to Kaiser Health News.

The vast majority of the total emergency care reimbursements cover delivering babies, Kaiser reports. Continue reading “Report: $2 billion spent annually for Medicaid emergencies, largely for illegal immigrant baby deliveries”

maliThe Daily Sheeple – by Jurriaan Maessen 

In a Foreign Policy article titled “Mali’s 2.5 Percent Problem“, political writer and former Chatham House fellow Roger Howard calls for “new and highly drastic” population control measures in Mali to reduce the “terrorist threat”.  Howard writes:

“(…) in the aftermath of the Algerian attacks and the insurgency in Mali, expect to hear an overwhelming silence about the population issue . . .The taboo that continues to surround the issue of population control needs to be cast aside. New, and highly drastic, means of curbing the rate of growth have to be devised and put into practice if this dire threat to regional and international stability is ever to be averted.” Continue reading “Expert: Combat Terrorism With “Highly Drastic” Population Control” – by Matt Friedman/The Star-Ledger

TRENTON — An overflow crowd of gun-rights advocates clashed with Democratic lawmakers today during a raucous seven-hour hearing as an Assembly committee approved 20 bills that further restrict access to firearms and ammunition.

The Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee approved the laundry list of measures despite some outbursts from a throng dotted with NRA baseball caps, camouflage clothing and jackets featuring a coiled rattlesnake from the Revolutionary-era flag. At least two in the audience were ejected. Continue reading “Gun control measures approved by N.J. Assembly committee despite protests”

security cameraThe Lone Star Watchdog

Why would the news broadcast that security cameras in most schools in Houston Texas school districts do not work? Do they know that this is an open invitation for a person on psychotropic medication to go kill school kids.  Is the next school shooting going to happen in Houston Texas? This type of news cast is something they should not advertise with someone on psychotropic drugs watching TV. Continue reading “Broken Security Cameras in Houston Public Schools an Open Invitation for Deranged Shooters or a Precursor For a Staged Event??”

just-go-226x300The Organic Prepper

One oft-overlooked factor in survival is fitness.  How many preppers do you know who rest on laurels of athletic prowess back in their 20s?  Whose idea of exercise is getting up to go to the refrigerator, lobbing a crumpled can to the garbage can?  Who talk the talk, but never walk the walk, especially if it consists of walking that walk in inclement weather?

In many different survival situations, your personal fitness level can mean the difference between life and death.  We’ve already talked about maintaining and achieving a healthy body weight – now let’s talk about being fit. Continue reading “Survival Fitness: Walk the Walk”

bloombergDaily News – by Barbara Jones

The Coalition for School Reform, which is supporting a slate of candidates in the March 5 primary for three LAUSD board seats, announced today it had received a $1 million donation from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The donation nearly doubles the total reported in the coffers of the Independent Expendture Committee, which is supporting incumbent Monica Garcia in District 2, challenger Kate Anderson in District 4 and candidate Antonio Sanchez in District 6. Continue reading “NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg spends $1 million on LAUSD school board races”

gold27/7 Wall Street – by Jon C. Ogg

Worldwide gold demand in 2012 was another record high of $236.4 billion in the World Gold Council’s latest report. This was up 6% in value terms in the fourth quarter to $66.2 billion, the highest fourth quarter on record. Global gold demand in the fourth quarter of 2012 was up 4% to 1,195.9 tonnes.

Central bank buying for 2012 rose by 17% over 2011 to some 534.6 tonnes. As far as central bank gold buying, this was the highest level since 1964. Central bank purchases stood at 145 tonnes in the fourth quarter. That is up 9% from the fourth quarter of 2011, and the eighth consecutive quarter in which central banks were net purchasers of gold. Continue reading “Central Banks Buy the Most Gold Since 1964”

ben zyqierKawther Salam

The zionist hebrew newspapers Yediot Aharonot and Maariv published on February 13 2013 brief reports about a number of famous spying elements who were arrested secretly in Israel. The story has been widely published in print and online. The fact of their arrests was banned from publication for several years. The Hebrew reports were released following the latest scandal exposed by the Australian media about the israeli Mossad agent Ben Zygier, (זיגייר) an Australian jew who was conveniently “found dead” in his cell at the israeli prison of “Ayalon” in December of 2010, less than a year after the assassination of Palestinian Hamas figure Mahmoud al-Mabhouh (מחמוד אל מבחוח) in Dubai in January 2010. Continue reading “Israels Filthy World Of Espionage, Organized Terror And Secret Prisons”