press tvAl Jazeera

Iran’s state-run news network Press TV has been taken off air in North America, the English-language television station has said on its website.

The channel said on Saturday that it had been dropped from the Galaxy 19 satellite platform that allowed it to broadcast in the United States and Canada, without saying when it was dropped. Continue reading “Iran’s Press TV taken off air in N America”

US President Barack Obama (C) speaks froForbes – by Peter Ferrara

In February, 2009, I wrote for theWall Street Journal an article entitled Reaganomics versus Obamanomics. The article explained that the emerging Obamanomics was pursuing exactly the opposite of every policy of the enormously successful Reaganomics, and predicted that it would produce exactly the opposite results.

Well, the results are in, and under President Obama the American people have now suffered the worst 5 years since the Great Depression, as first explained by Steve McCann of the American Thinker on January 25. McCann writes, Continue reading “The Worst Five Years Since the Great Depression”

cali flagBob Owens

Completely blind to the outrage of New York’s citizens and law enforcement officers and the brewing revolt in the Empire State over Governor Andrew Cuomo’s unconstitutional NY SAFE Act, California Democrats are looking to raise the gun control bar even higher:

All semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines would be banned, all guns would be registered and no ammunition could be bought without a special permit in California under a sweeping list of bills rolled out Thursday by state Senate Democrats. Continue reading “Are California Democrats creating ground zero for the next revolutionary war?”

marinesExaminer – by David Codrea

“Didn’t know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in their rifles!”

The email linked to a YouTube video of the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, embedded in this column, featuring Bravo Company Marines from the Marine Barracks Washington. Sure enough, the observation in the email is confirmed by watching the video, with screen shots provided in the photo and slide show accompanying this article. Continue reading “Disabled Marine rifles at inauguration signal shift in administration policy”

cowboys-sunsetWND – by John Griffing

AUSTIN, Texas – Parents of school children across Texas now are gaining access to a previously secret public school curriculum, according to an announcement from a state lawmaker.

The CSCOPE program, an online offering that until now has prohibited, under penalty of law, teachers from sharing the lessons with parents, stirred up controversy because of its various lessons – some that were taken offline after the questions arose. Continue reading “Parents Gain Access to Secret School Curriculum”

blood testTrib Live News – by Jeremy Boren

State troopers will use blood, not breath, to determine whether drivers are under the influence of alcohol, because the state Superior Court is scrutinizing a county judge’s ruling that questions the accuracy of breath tests.

The change means state police will have to wait weeks for laboratory results, but the method is expected to spike the number of DUI-related drug charges because toxicology tests can determine whether blood samples contain illegal drugs in addition to alcohol. Continue reading “Pennsylvania State troopers to use blood, not breath, to determine if drivers are under influence”

Five Carriers in NorfolkUSNI News

The U.S. Navy will delay the refueling of the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) for an unknown period because of the uncertain fiscal environment due to the ongoing legislative struggle, the service told Congress in a Friday message obtained by USNI News.

Lincoln was scheduled to be moved to Huntington Ingalls Industries’ (HII) Newport News Shipyard later this month to begin the 4-year refueling and complex overhaul (RCOH) of the ship. Continue reading “Navy: Lincoln Refueling Delayed, Will Hurt Carrier Readiness”

Common Dreams – by Bernie Sanders

When the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street drove this country into the deepest recession since the 1930s, the largest financial institutions in the United States took every advantage of being American. They just loved their country – and the willingness of the American people to provide them with the largest bailout in world history. In 2008, Congress approved a $700 billion gift to Wall Street. Another $16 trillion in virtually zero interest Speaking at a Thursday news conference on a new bill to shut down overseas tax havens, Sen. Bernie Sanders gestures toward a photo of a Cayman Islands building used by more than 18,000 companies to avoid paying and other financial assistance came from the Federal Reserve. America. What a great country. Continue reading “A Choice For Corporate America: Are You With America Or The Cayman Islands”

petrodollarNESARA – by John MacHaffie

Jurie said: History on the petro dollar.

This information was provided by Brad Hoppmann from Weissman Research.

Very enlightening bit of history of why the USD has been top dog.

The Biggest Financial Con in History

The year was 1944 … and all the 44 Allied nations gathered in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. Continue reading “History on the petro dollar”

Before It’s News – by Deborah Dupre

A nuclear power plant in Massachusetts has lost power and shut down Friday evening during a massive snowstorm with hurricane force winds, dubbed a “blizzicane.”

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has announced that a power plant in Massachusetts lost power and shut down during a massive snowstorm. Continue reading “US Nuclear Plant Emergency Shut Down in ‘Blizzicane’”

nemoExaminer – by Jeffrey Phelps

As of 5:00 PM EST Friday, authorities in multiple Northeastern US states have implemented martial law, due to “the weather.”

Facing up to one year in jail and a $1000 fine for merely driving their own cars on public streets and highways, citizens in various areas within the New England region have been hit with executive orders, threatening residents with criminal penalties if they leave their homes and attempt to drive during the current snowstorm. Continue reading “Martial Law Declared In New England”

Firearms Enthusiasts Practice Shooting At Gun RangeSteve Quayle Alerts

Interesting status report from Valley Guns in West Virginia :

Status of gun industry

Attention F.B. fans: to follow will be several IMPORTANT Info updates about the status of the gun industry currently, followed by an INVENTORY UPDATE: We traveled to Texas for Industry meetings concerning the shortages, here’s what we were told.  Continue reading “Americans Preparing For Civil War : Guns & Ammo Updates”

ongFreedom Outpost- by Tim Brown

Following Bill Stevens’ passionate defense of the Second Amendment at the Connecticut State Capitol at a public hearing on gun violence, legal immigrant Henson Ong gave his testimony. Ong recited America’s own history with guns and gun control and declared that the problem of mass shootings was not the availability of guns, but rather the change that has brought about such things was “societal decay.” Continue reading “Legal Immigrant Schools Gun Grabbers In Connecticut On Gun History In America”

ciaInformation Clearinghouse – by Conrad Jaeger

U.S. intelligence agencies will soon be able to trawl through all British government documents stored online including ministerial files, local authority records and public sector data thanks to an unchallenged amendment to a spy law in Washington.

Britain’s ambitious plans to store all government data on the so-called G-Cloud have led to warnings from the European Union that security will be compromised now that U.S. intelligence agencies have the legal right to survey all data held on U.S. owned Cloud services. Continue reading “U.K. Warned-CIA Will Access All Government Data”

chris dornerInformation Clearinghouse – by George Ciccariello-Maher and Mike King

Yesterday was not simply a day like any other, and yet an entire system is grinding into motion to ensure that the peculiarities of the day be promptly forgotten: another crazy person lost it and committed unthinkable acts. The act of killing stands in and speaks for the person: look what he has done, of course he must be crazy. Case closed. Continue reading “Cop-on-Cop Crime in LA – American Blowback”

no gmosCommon Dreams – by Lauren McCauley

The fight to label genetically modified (gmo) foods is now on in Hawaii and Connecticut signaling that, despite big agriculture’s defeat of California’s Proposition 37 in November, proponents of seed and food sovereignty refuse to back down.

On Thursday, the group GMO Free CT held a press conference at the state’s legislative office to launch a new anti-GMO initiative calling on the Connecticut Legislature to support and pass a bill to label genetically engineered food in the state, the New Haven Register reports. Continue reading “States Take On GMOs in Battle Over Labeling”