mahmoud-ahmadinejadVenitism – by Basil Venitis

Ahmadinejad is ready for directs talks with Uncle Sam if Occident stops pressuring his country.  Ahmadinejad says: You pull away the gun from the face of the Iranian nation, I myself will enter the talks with you.  Israel wants to attack Iran, but we’re not preparing any attack against them because the purpose of our program is purely defense.

Ahmadinejad’s statement is in stark contrast to the words of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: Some naive people like the idea of negotiating with America, however, negotiations will not solve the problem.  If some people want American rule to be established again in Iran, the nation will rise up to face them.  American policy in the Middle East has been destroyed and Americans now need to play a new card. That card is dragging Iran into negotiations.  Since the 1979 revolution the United States had gravely insulted Iran and continued to do so with its threat of military action. You take up arms against the nation of Iran and say: negotiate or we fire. But you should know that pressure and negotiations are not compatible and our nation will not be intimidated by these actions. Continue reading “Ahmadinejad Is Ready For Direct Talks With Uncle Sam”

gun showExaminer – by Anthony Martin

Anti-gun activists are currently engaging in deliberate deception in the manner in which they describe their intent and in the terms they use to drum up public support for more infringements on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

The general public at large is oblivious to the deception due to the death of real journalism in America, which is supposed to treat the pronouncements of government and special interests with healthy skepticism. Thus, the mainstream media merely parrots what they are being fed from the Obama administration and leftwing politicians and special interests. Continue reading “Anti-gun activists engage in deliberate deception”

bank accountBullion Bulls Canada – by Jeff Nielson

On the same morning we hear that ¼ of Wall Street executives think that fraud is a necessarypart of “doing business” in the financial sector, we hear of a second “MF Global”. The U.S.’s so-called regulators are now reporting that somewhere around $220 million in customer funds is “missing” at a financial institution known as PFGBest; once again closing the barn door after all the cows have run off.

With at least one out of every four bankers at U.S. Big Banks (that’s how many admitted to being crooks in the survey) thinking that stealing is part of their job descriptions, it’s very important for people to realize how little protection there now is between these thieves andyour bank accounts. Based on the writing of a number of other individuals with more expertise in these markets, it is apparently an inherently fraudulent banking process known as“rehypothecation” which is allowing the mass-plundering of accounts at U.S. financial institutions, with other Western financial regulatory authorities also rubber-stamping this relatively new form of bankster crime. Continue reading “How Your Bank Account Could Disappear”

eff-drone-mapElectronics Frontier Foundation

View EFF’s updated Map of Domestic Drone Authorizations in a larger window. (Clicking this link will serve content from Google.)

The Federal Aviation Administration has finally released a new drone authorization list. This list, released in response to EFF’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, includes law enforcement agencies and universities across the country, and—for the first time—an Indian tribal agency. In all, the list includes more than 20 new entities over the FAA’s original list, bringing to 81 the total number of public entities that have applied for FAA drone authorizations through October 2012. Continue reading “FAA Releases New Drone List—Is Your Town on the Map?”

Guns_in_ChurchWND – by Bob Unruh

Charl Van Wyk, who carried a gun to a church service, shot back at terrorists bent on mass slaughter and ultimately was credited with saving hundreds of lives, says politicians should rise above the “politically correct” and do what’s right to save the lives of children and teachers.

Weighing in on the current debate in America over the public’s access to self-defense, he told WND that only in a “sheer utopian fantasy” would people expect that “homicidal maniacs” would follow gun laws. Continue reading “Armed Churchgoer Prevents Slaughter”

dollarZero Hedge – by George Washington

According to numerous high-level insiders, the global currency war is accelerating:

epaSave America Foundation

When I joined the Food and Drug Administration in 1979, I was essentially apolitical and knew next to nothing about federal regulation. A science nerd, I had spent the previous 16 years in college, graduate school, medical school and post-doctoral training. It didn’t take long until I learned about the jungle of government bureaucracies. One of the harshest lessons concerned the perfidy and incompetence of one of FDA’s siblings, the Environmental Protection Agency. Continue reading “Is it time to get rid of the EPA? .. By Henry Miller”

terror-fake-plot-patsy-fbiActivist Post – by Eric Blair

The FBI is at it again, boasting about stopping another contrived terror plot of their own making. This time they nabbed a right-winger working with the Taliban which happen to be an FBI agent provocateur.

According to the FBI: Continue reading “Another FBI Patsy Arrested in Fake Bomb Plot to Start a Civil War”

weathermanSo we are now naming snow storms, just like we do hurricanes and tropical storms.  Super Snow Storm Nemo dropped up to three feet of snow on parts of the northeast.  States of emergencies, evacuations, and road closures…what a crock of shit.  Now that there is an identification label for each storm, I guess we will have a flood of applications for federal assistance every time a flake of snow hits the ground.

The weather used to be something we talked about when we had run out of words and boredom had set in.  Now the winter Gulf Stream is being dramatized and analyzed ad nauseum, using words like, “epic” and “catastrophic”.  This whole dramatization of the weather is not but a tactic being used to redistribute more wealth from the rest of the country to the communist controlled east coast.  Continue reading “Oh No! Super Snow Storm Nemo!”

ammo productionI work directly on the manufacturing floor for a/the major producer of 22 Short, 22 LR, 22 WMR, .22 WRF and .17 HMR. The company is also a major player in CF ammo, but that isn’t my department. A good sleuth will be able to identify the company from the platforms I listed.

Anyway, management had seen an interesting trend of new firearm registration without increased demand for the corresponding ammo. We had HUGE surpluses in warehouses waiting to be ordered throughout 2011, and the first part of 2012. Continue reading “An Insider’s Perspective on Ammo Shortages”

3d printed magTalking Points Memo – by Carl Franzen

Defense Distributed, the Austin, Texas-based project by 24-year-old law student Cody Wilson and several others to develop 3D printed firearms and firearm components, or “Wiki Weapons,” on Thursday posted a new video online showing a successful test firing of a new 3D printed high-capacity (30-round) automatic rifle (AR) magazine, named “Cuomo,” after New York State’s gun-control supporting governor Andrew Cuomo. Continue reading “Defense Distributed Unveils New 3D Printed Gun Magazine ‘Cuomo’”

v. Rundstedt, v. Fritsch, v. BlombergNew Rhodesia Dispatch – by John DeWitt

When the National Socialists took power in Germany in 1933, they quickly carried out the systematic reordering and realignment of the nation’s institutions with their agenda. Business, the press, courts, labor unions, education, the churches, and other nodes of German civil society were all coordinated with the Nazi movement. This process was called the Gleichschaltung.

The Regime is hard at work carrying out our American Gleichschaltung. Local law enforcement is being coopted with DHS/FEMA dollars. Healthcare and state governments are likewise suborned by Obamacare. Finance, too is given a regulatory stick and zero interest rate free money carrot it can’t refuse. Continue reading “Petraeus & Allen, Blomberg & Fritsch: We Have Seen This Movie Before”

fema campBlacklisted News – by Lee Rogers

It looks as if Representative Alcee Hastings a Democrat from Florida has decided to reintroduce his FEMA Camp bill. A few years ago I was the first person to write an article about this awful piece of legislation. Fortunately, I was successful in exposing it to a much larger group of people via the alternative media and the bill did not move forward in the legislative process. The latest iteration of this bill has been introduced as House Resolution 390 otherwise known as the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act. This bill would authorize not fewer than 6 military installations as sites for the establishment of national emergency centers to be run by FEMA under the command of the Secretary of Homeland Security. Continue reading “The Fema Camp Bill is Back!”

dornerBuzzFeeds – by Ellie Hall

November 5, 2002: Vance students turn in lost church money

By Robert Barron, Staff Writer
The Enid News and Eagle  ENID, Okla. —

The military stresses integrity. It is apparently a lesson learned well by two Vance Air Force Base students. Continue reading “Suspected LAPD Killer Found $8,000 And Returned It To An Oklahoma Church In 2002”

flying squidBefore It’s News – by Alton Parrish

The squid are able to suck in water and squirt it out  for a form of jet propulsion.   Such an action is known as “flying squid” and has been witnessed in many parts of the world.  It is thought that squid fly to escape predators.  The squid can propel themselves out of the water and through the air for 100ft at speeds of up to 11.2 meters per second according to  Jun Yamamoto of Hokkaido University.

Yamamoto and his team had been tracking a shoal of the squid east of Tokyo when they observed the animals launching themselves from the water. “There were always witnesses and rumors that said squid were seen flying, and we have proved that it really is true,” he said. “Once they finish shooting out the water, they glide by spreading out their fins and arms. As they land back in the water, the fins are all folded back into place to minimize the impact.” Continue reading “Incredible Flying Squid Photographed For The First Time”

spidersGawker – by Neetzan Zimmerman

What’s that? You’re worried about a little snow falling on your head? How adorable.

Meanwhile, in Brazil, it’s raining spiders.

Footage posted online yesterday shows thousands of spiders “falling from the sky” in the southern Brazilian town of Santo Antônio da Platina. Continue reading “Think Nemo’s Bad? In Brazil It’s Raining Spiders”