Screenshot from Ruptly videoRT

A series of anti-war protests rolled through the US on Saturday, condemning Washington’s involvement in past and ongoing conflicts in the wider Middle East.

In Los Angeles about a hundred anti-war activists took to the streets marching on Hollywood Boulevard with coffins. Rallying against US involvement in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Palestine, protesters carried signs reading “Hands off Syria” and “Wanted for the destruction of Iraq.” Continue reading “Anti-war activists stage protest in Washington DC, Los Angeles”

Still from RT TwitterRT

Trams fueled by hydrogen could soon be appearing on the streets of China. The country has mastered the technique of using this clean energy source, which has been widely used elsewhere for cars and other forms of mass transport.

According to Liang Jianying, who is the chief engineer of the Sifang Company, a subsidiary of the China South Rail Corporation, this is the first time a hydrogen-powered tram has been developed. It was built in Qingdao, a city 650 kilometers southeast of the capital Beijing.   Continue reading “Smog-beater: First hydrogen powered tram developed in China”

ADEN, Yemen (AP) — Shiite rebels backed by supporters of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh seized Yemen’s third largest city of Taiz and its airport on Sunday, security and military officials said, as thousands took to the streets in protest.

One person was killed and four wounded when the rebels, known as Houthis, fired on the crowd, security officials said. A few dozen were choked by tear gas. If the rebels hold onto the city, the capital of Yemen’s most populous province, it would be a major blow to embattled current President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who established a base in the southern city of Aden just 140 kilometers (85 miles) away after fleeing the rebel-held capital last month.   Continue reading “Shiite rebels seize Yemen’s 3rd largest city, protests erupt”

Senator Ted Cruz greets supporter Earl Spruce at the …Sent to us by a reader.

Yahoo News

(Reuters) – Republican Senator Ted Cruz plans to announce on Monday that he will run for president in 2016, the Houston Chronicle reported on its website.

The newspaper, citing senior advisers to the Texas senator who spoke on condition of anonymity, reported that Cruz would launch a presidential bid outright rather than the traditional path of forming an exploratory committee.   Continue reading “Texas Senator Ted Cruz to announce presidential run: report” – by Fred Lambert

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., March 21 (UPI) — Three South Florida police officers were fired and a fourth resigned over the exchange of a “racially biased” video and messages, according to officials.

The Fort Lauderdale Police Department announced Friday the termination of Chris Sousa, James Wells and Jason Holding, as well as the resignation of Alex Alvarez.   Continue reading “Fort Lauderdale police officers fired for racist texts, video”

yemen-USAGlobal Research – by Joachim Hagopian

Oops! There goes another half billion dollars’ worth of war material lost to another enemy. This time in Yemen where until a few weeks ago President Obama could readily tout Yemen as the one foreign policy success story he could always hang his hat on. Yemen was the one place on this planet where Obama could avoid having to admit his foreign policy is not a total and abject failure. Yemen was where he could rationalize that his killer drone policy was actually working at keeping the enemy at bay. So what if most of the people killed by drones are innocent (over 96% by one recent analysis), many children and women that happened to get in the way. A little so called collateral damage never hurt the mighty US Empire’s warring ways.   Continue reading “Yemen: American Weapons Once More “Landed Up in the Wrong Hands”. Mistakenly in the Hands of Al Qaeda”

Fox News

The machete-wielding man who attacked two Transportation Security Agency workers at a New Orleans airport and was carrying a bag holding six Molotov cocktails has died, officials said.

Richard White, 63, was pronounced dead Saturday afternoon, according to officials.He was shot multiple times by an officer, police said.   Continue reading “Suspect in New Orleans airport machete attack dies; explosives found in bag”

apple-watch-editionTech News World – by Chris Maxer

Movie star Anna Kendrick managed to say something in a single tweet that instantly nails anyone who would buy a gold Apple Watch Edition: “We should be thanking Apple for launching the $10,000 ‘apple watch’ as the new gold standard in douchebag detection.”

Right on.   Continue reading “Apple Sinks to Selling a $10K ‘Douchebag Detector’”

ahooting site aerialSent to us by the author.

Outpost of Freedom – by Gary Hunt

Shortly after I posted Camp Lone Star – More like Wonderland, K. C. Massey provided me with his analysis of the Response by the government to his motions for suppressing evidence and dismissal. I have made minor edits for clarification. Otherwise, these are Massey’s own evaluation of the Response.

In all fairness, if anybody from the government side wants to rebut, or refute, either Massey’s or my post, I will be happy to accommodate them.   Continue reading “Camp Lone Star – Massey says”

seed_hand_dark_735_350Natural Society – by Christina Sarich

It is time for some outdated, unconstitutional laws to be scrapped. Informally sharing seed with a neighbor who gardens down the street is illegal in multiple states in the US. The penalty for violating this ridiculous law is a fine of up to $7,500 a day. Like so many other senseless laws, this rule needs to be put to rest.

You can’t even give away seeds to someone in your own neighborhood under certain laws. For example, in Minnesota, where seed laws on the books are so laughable that unless you buy an annual permit and submit each lot of seeds for germination testing, you are defying the law. You even have to attach an appropriate label, even if you aren’t sharing the seeds with a local seed sharing library and just want to give them to your daughter-in-law for her new garden.   Continue reading “Patented Life: Sharing Gardening Seeds Illegal in 30% Of US States”

oil-jobs-thSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Low oil prices are good for America according to President Obama. In fact, he has personally taken credit for the savings you’re experiencing.

In a normal economy lower prices at the pump would certainly help to spur growth in other sectors. The problem, of course, is that the new normal means that oil companies and banks leveraged heavily as prices rose. They assumed, like real estate speculators ahead of the 2008 crash, that the price of oil could only go in one direction. As we’ve seen in recent months, however, oil speculation is exactly that and despite our dependency on black gold the energy industry is not immune from massive price swings.   Continue reading “Pink Slips: 100,000 Jobs Wiped Out Amid Oil Price Collapse: “Spreading Like Cancer””

Jeff Iannuzzi  photoInformation Liberation – by Chris

Former Orange County, Florida sheriff’s deputy Jeff Iannuzzi was fired for lying and using excessive force, yet Ocoee, Florida police just hired him, telling the media he’s a “nice guy” who just has some “anger issues.”

From WFTV:   Continue reading “FL Police Hire Cop Fired For Lying And Excessive Force, Say He’s A ‘Nice Guy’”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff, Steve Straehley

In some respects the Keystone XL project has been about more than just building a pipeline to carry toxic tar sands oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The controversial plan also has served as a sleight-of-hand trick for an industry that has quietly built other pipelines in recent years.

In fact, the U.S. system of oil pipelines has grown in size by nearly 25% over the past 10 years, according to the Associated Press. This expansion has resulted in more than 11,600 miles of pipeline being laid, much of it in the western half of the country. Compare that to Keystone, which would stretch only 1,179 miles.   Continue reading “Keystone Pipeline Controversy Distracts Attention from Major Growth of other Oil Pipelines”