
A report commissioned by Representative Eliot Engel and published on Monday details how Mexico’s drug cartels are using the same routes to smuggle drugs into the United States that are used to get American guns across the southern border.

Findings detail that 70% of the guns recovered from crime scenes in Mexico from 2009 to 2014 and traced by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), originated in the United States, Motherjones reported, detailing how cartel gun runners often buy weapons legally in the United States, either at gun shops, gun shows, or in private sales and smuggle them across the border.   Continue reading “70% of Guns Found at Mexican Crime Scenes Came From US”

Waking Times – by Brendan D. Murphy

Editor’s preamble:

One of the reasons for providing this important documentation and commentary is that even in supposedly “awakened” portions of the “truth movement”, or at least many people who frequent “alternative” social media pages and websites, there is a disturbing tendency to dismiss uncomfortable information as “conspiracy theory” as an emotional knee jerk reaction in defense of one’s worldview. We expect this infantile reaction from the so-called “sheeple” who think that the 6 o’clock news is keeping them adequately informed, however, it comes as a shock to the system when swathes of people who follow pages and websites that represent the trend in “new thought” and “alternative/independent media” exhibit precisely the same thought and behavioural patterns as their obviously socially engineered/brainwashed nightly news watching brethren. This article is both a shield and a sword of truth with which to respond to reactionary accusations/dismissals of being a “conspiracy theorist” whenever someone prefers to attack the messenger instead of addressing the message (in an open-minded and adult fashion).   Continue reading “In 1967, the CIA Created the Label Conspiracy Theorists”

Dear Abby,

My husband hasn’t worked for the last 14 years. All he does is get dressed in the morning and hop in his fancy car to visit his cronies. I know he`s cheated on me many times with young girls who could be his grand daughters. I know this because he brags about this to me. He smokes fancy cigars and drinks the most expensive Champagne day and night. We sleep in separate beds because he`s telling me he knows I`m a lesbian and my varicose veins and fat behind turns him off.   Continue reading “Dear Abby”


JERUSALEM (AP) — Jewish immigration to Israel from western Europe has reached an all-time high as a result of a rise in anti-Semitic attacks, a leading nonprofit group said Thursday, as France’s beleaguered Jewish community grapples with whether to refrain from donning Jewish skull caps for their own safety.

The Jewish Agency, which works closely with the Israeli government and acts as a link to Jews around the world, told The Associated Press that 9,880 western European Jews immigrated to Israel in 2015 — the highest annual number ever. The figure is more than 10 percent over the previous year and over double the 2013 level.   Continue reading “Western Europe Jewish migration to Israel hits all-time high”


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is planning to expand a program to let would-be migrants from Central America apply for refugee status before they attempt to come to the U.S., Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday.

The office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees will now conduct initial screenings to see whether migrants from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala may qualify as refugees eligible to come to the United States legally.   Continue reading “US turns to UN to screen refugees from Central America”

SOTT – by Andrea Thompson

January was already shaping up to be a weird month, what with a hurricane out in the Pacific, but it just got weirder: Say hello to Hurricane Alex, a rare January storm in the Atlantic and the first storm of the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season.

A season that doesn’t officially begin until June 1.

Alex is the first such storm to form in January since 1978 and only the fourth January storm formation on record going back to 1851. The climatological average first date for the first named storm in a season is July 9.    Continue reading “Rare winter hurricane Alex forms in the Atlantic”

Top Secret Writers – by Sally Painter

The controversy over adding fluoride to the US drinking water supplies has been going on for nearly as long as the government has added the toxic chemicals since the 1940s. If fluoride is such a toxic chemical then why does the government mandate its use in community water supplies (1)?

Clearly, some water has naturally occurring fluoride (calcium fluoride) that is different from the additives used in fluoridation processes. Natural fluoride effects on humans have been studied. In examining “several long-term adverse effects” the findings included (2):
Continue reading “Why Does the U.S. Ignore Fluoride Toxicity in Drinking Water?”

Sent to us by the author, John Trowbridge

Supreme Court Case

“[T]he germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body, (for impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little to-day & a little tomorrow, and advancing it’s noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the states, & the government of all be consolidated into one. to this I am opposed; because whenever all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated. . . .” Thomas Jefferson, quoted in “From Thomas Jefferson to C. Hammond, 18 August 1821,” Founders Online, National Archives (http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Jefferson/98-01-02-2260 [last update: 2015-12-30]).   Continue reading “Petitioner files superseding Lufkin criminal complaint; demands payment of debt totaling $195,988,000”

Sydney Morning Herald

Moscow: Russian authorities have burned more than 50 books and removed more than 500 other volumes from university libraries on the grounds they contain sentiments “alien to Russian ideology”.

The books, most of them textbooks, were published with money from the Soros Fund, which in November was declared an “undesirable agent” and forced to stop its work in Russia.   Continue reading “George Soros-funded books burned in Russia”

Activist Post – by Derrick Broze

On Monday the Supreme Court declined to hear a petition from the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) that sought to force the Department of Homeland Security to release details of a secret “killswitch” protocol to shut down cellphone and Internet service during emergencies.

EPIC has been fighting since 2011 to release the details of the program, which is known as Standard Operating Procedure 303. EPIC writes, “On March 9, 2006, the National Communications System (‘NCS’) approved SOP 303, however it was never released to the public. This secret document codifies a ‘shutdown and restoration process for use by commercial and private wireless networks during national crisis.’”   Continue reading “The US Government Has An Internet Killswitch — And It’s None Of Your Business”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

It would appear a large segment of the liberal Dem population is definitely “Ready for Hillary”… to take away your guns, America.

After focusing her campaign around the idea that the U.S. desperately needs more gun control in recent months leading up to and following Obama’s executive action announcement, famous pro-gun controllers with deep pockets are throwing money at Hillary to be the next commander-in-chief.   Continue reading ““Ready For Hillary… To Take Your Guns”: Brady Campaign Backs Clinton As Gun Control Advocates Throw Themselves At Her Presidential Campaign”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Without a detailed study of the nature of the alleged killing of Bin Laden, suffice it to say that there is overwhelming and credible evidence suggesting that the entire affair was designed to drum up support for a faltering administration, the war on terror, and the phony narrative of the al-Qaeda bogeyman.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton, The Fake Bin Laden Killing, And The Fake Photos That Accompanied It”

Breitbart Jerusalem

Ynetnews reports: Iran has announced that it will be holding a cartoon contest aimed at creating caricatures denying the Holocaust. This year, the contest’s grand prize has been increased from $12,000 to $50,000.

The contest, organized by the Teheran municipal authority, is calling for cartoonists worldwide to send in works denying and satirizing the Holocaust. Unlike previous contests of this kind, this one is especially significant due the fact that it is organized by official authorities of the Iranian capital, and has an international emphasis. The prize money is also several times what it was before.   Continue reading “Iran Holds Holocaust-Denying Cartoon Contest”


The man accused of fatally shooting three people at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado last year told a Denver television station that he wants to plead guilty and expects to be executed, the CBS affiliate reported on Wednesday.

In a phone call from the El Paso County jail where he is being held without bond, Robert Lewis Dear told a reporter with KCNC-TV that he wants to act as his own lawyer and is willing to pay for his crimes.   Continue reading “Accused Colorado clinic shooter intends to plead guilty, expects execution: report”

College Fix – by Michael McGrady

At Pennsylvania State University, no hurt feeling is too small, no slight too inconsequential, no unintentionally biased statement too unimportant.

Administrators want to know it all.

The public university is in the midst of a massive campaign that encourages students not only to watch what they say, lest they offend someone, but also to report any and all biased statements to campus officials.   Continue reading “Penn State asks students to report microaggressions to administrators”

Fox News

A new lawsuit filed on behalf of several Atheist plaintiffs argues the phrase “In God We Trust” on U.S. money is unconstitutional, and calls for the government to get rid of it.

Sacramento attorney Michael Newdow filed the lawsuit Monday in Akron, Ohio. He’d unsuccessfully sued the government at least twice challenging the use of the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance.   Continue reading “Lawsuit demands US remove ‘In God We Trust’ from money”