
As the United States marks more than six years without an increase in the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, 14 states and several cities are moving forward with their own increases, with most set to start taking effect on Friday.

California and Massachusetts are highest among the states, both increasing from $9 to $10 an hour, according to an analysis by the National Conference of State Legislatures. At the low end is Arkansas, where the minimum wage is increasing from $7.50 to $8. The smallest increase, a nickel, comes in South Dakota, where the hourly minimum is now $8.55.   Continue reading “New year brings minimum wage hikes for Americans in 14 states”

Right Wing News – by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Wow… the hits just keep coming. First Wayne Rogers, better known as Trapper John, passed away yesterday. Now, the legendary R&B singer Natalie Cole just passed at the age of 65. Cole had fought substance abuse and she was getting chemo for Hepatitis C. She lost her fight today from congestive heart failure on the first day of 2016 in the hospital. In 2009, she received a kidney from an anonymous donor after contracting Hepatitis C from earlier drug use. She appeared in June of 2014 at the Apollo Theater’s 80th birthday celebration.   Continue reading “Nat King Cole’s Daughter, R&B Singer Natalie Cole, Passes Away at 65”

Right Wing News – by William Teach

It’s a new year, so, the NY Times Editorial Board uses the occassion to pimp gun control with their usual flavor of hysteria.

Two Ways of Dealing With Guns
Continue reading “NY Times: “How are cops supposed to know who the good guy or the bad guy is with the gun?””

Seattle PI – by Geoff Mulvihill

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Laws taking effect at the start of the new year show states diverging on some hot-button issues.

Restrictions on carrying guns eased in Texas, for example, but got tighter in California. It is easier to register to vote in Oregon, but there is another step to take at the polls in North Carolina.   Continue reading “New laws in 2016 show states are diverging on guns, voting”

Washington Post – by Juliet Eilperin

HONOLULU — President Obama will meet with Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch on Monday to finalize a set of executive actions on guns that he will unveil next week, according to several individuals briefed on the matter.

White House officials declined to comment on Obama’s plans beyond releasing his weekly radio address on Friday, a day earlier than usual. But according to those familiar with the proposal, who asked for anonymity because it was not yet public, the president will expand new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.   Continue reading “Obama to impose new gun control curbs next week”

Times of Israel

One person is dead, as many as five are in critical condition and at least one is seriously hurt in a shooting attack in Tel Aviv just before 3 p.m. Friday.

Initial reports say the shooter may have been caught, but authorities could not confirm the report. A police manhunt remains underway for the attacker, with roads around the attack site closed by police.   Continue reading “One dead, one critically hurt among 10 casualties in Tel Aviv shooting”

Yahoo News – by Keith Coffman

DENVER (Reuters) – Nearly 200 workers, mostly Somali immigrants, have been fired from a meat-packing plant in Colorado after staging a walkout to protest what they said were insufficient prayer accommodations, the company and Islamic advocacy groups said on Thursday.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said the workers were treated in a “discriminatory manner” by managers at the Cargill Meat Solutions [CARGIL.UL] facility in Fort Morgan, about 75 miles northeast of Denver.   Continue reading “Somali workers fired at Colorado packing plant in prayer dispute”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

After the San Bernardino shooting, the most pressing issue for progressives was closing the gun “loophole” that allows suspected terrorists to buy firearms. Specifically, they seem to think that people who have been flagged by the government, and placed on the no fly list, should also be prevented from buying a gun. At first glance it makes sense. After all, why should suspected terrorists ever be allowed to buy a weapon?

However, it stops making sense the moment you take a look at what the no fly list is, and what it entails. It also completely ignores the idea that people should never be punished for crimes they haven’t committed.   Continue reading “No Crime. No Trial. No Reason: The Precedent is Set for Gun Confiscations”


The Portland police must reinstate a white officer who was fired in 2010 after he fatally shot an unarmed black man in the back, an Oregon state appeals court has ruled, officials said on Thursday.

Portland Police Bureau officer Ron Frashour was fired for shooting 25-year-old Aaron Campbell after the suspect’s girlfriend had called police to her apartment over concerns that he was suicidal.   Continue reading “Oregon court reinstates patrolman who shot to death unarmed black man”

ABC News – by Emily Swanson, AP

A majority of Americans say they support warrantless government surveillance of the Internet communications of U.S. citizens, according to a new poll by The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

It’s at least somewhat important for the government to sacrifice freedoms to ensure safety, most say in the survey.   Continue reading “AP-NORC Poll: Online surveillance is OK for most.”

Agenda 21 Radio

(NEVADA CITY, CA) Speaking at the third Liberty Tour, sponsored by Paul Preston’s Agenda 21 Radio on Saturday July 11, 2015 former Army intelligence officer and once private contractor to CIA financier Booze, Allen, Hamiliton Scott Bennett stated he gave Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings information about Swiss bank accounts which directly implicated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama to the formation of I.S.I.S. just prior to Hastings being killed in a suspicious auto accident.
Continue reading “Exposing the I.S.I.S Lie: How President Obama & Hillary Clinton Created I.S.I.S.”

BBC News

A huge fire has engulfed a 63-storey hotel in central Dubai ahead of a New Year’s Eve firework display.

Despite the blaze at the Address hotel, the display at the nearby Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, started as planned at midnight.   Continue reading “Fire engulfs Dubai hotel ahead of New Year celebrations”

Ready Nutrition – by Tess Pennington

Many of you reading this are alive today because of antibiotics. It’s a marvel of the modern world that has given us so much life. But because of our abuse of antibiotics and regularly consuming dairy products and eat meat that were given antibiotics, bacteria are growing resistant and causing many of the “last resort” antibiotics to be less powerful than in years past. Inevitably, infections we used to easily treat will evolve and become resistant them. These “superbugs” now threaten to derail decades of medical progress – and no one will be safe in a post-antibiotic world.   Continue reading “The Beginning of the End: Newly Discovered Superbug In Imported Meat Resistant to All Antibiotics”