Deadliest motorcycle gang in Waco shoot-out was not Bandidos, Cossacks, Scimitars, or Vaqueros. It was police.

Not My Tribe – by Eric Verlo

Was the Waco Shoot-out a gunfight between rival gangs or an ambush laid by law enforcement? Police are monopolizing the testimony but the evidence suggests a barroom brawl became a pretext to kill or arrest essentially grassroots organizers, now charged with “organized crime”. Investigators can litter the crime scene with brass-knuckles and knives but the shell casings are going to be police issue. Motorcycle headlights were on, indicating club members were trying to leave. Police claim that the brawlers redirected their fire toward officers, but did that happen while the bikers were trying to ride off? Because that task requires both hands. This gangland shoot-out has all the subtlety of the St Valentine’s Massacre.  

It’s described as being a gang shoot-out, but what happened in Waco is still shrouded in the fog of the official POV. Did motorcycle club members shoot at each other? They’re unavailable for interviews, locked up on million dollar bonds. The Twin Peaks restaurant claims the shooting started outside. The only witnesses reaching reporters are the sergeant giving the press briefing and undercover cops purporting to describe the tensions between the “gangs”. By my reading, informant provocateurs incited trouble by “rocking” patches which claimed the territory of “Texas” for the Cossacks Motorcycle Club.

Something like three dozen undercover officers were monitoring the usually uneventful bi-monthly Confederation of Clubs and Independents meeting in anticipation that the “Texas” patch would offend the Bandidos MC. They were able to respond within 45 seconds of the alleged altercation. What might have been an unremarkable barroom brawl turned into an ambush that killed nine and wounded eighteen. Zero officers were hit and I will bet every bullet was theirs.

Let’s say the melee happened as the police and media describe. Why the blackout on the club affiliations? Why are the 170 arrestees being detained on a million dollar bond each? Why aren’t reporters challenging the police narrative? Witnesses assert that at least four of the dead were killed by police. How long before we learn how many undercover officers had fired their guns?

The media is making much of the anticipation that fellow gang members are converging on Texas to avenge their comrades. Do the police know who will be the targets of their vengeance?

No doubt one can say the bikers were not boy scouts, but have you seen the photos? These “gangs” wore their colors, in this case patches, like boy scout badges. I’d even say like brownies with their spotless vests. And everyone impeccably uniform, in creased jeans and leather vests as tidy as union jackets or bowling shirts.

Police aren’t naming the “gangs” involved in what’s being called the “Waco Shoot-out”. Because they are motorcycle clubs, for one, and because the only gang deserving of the notoriety is really the police.


5 thoughts on “Deadliest motorcycle gang in Waco shoot-out was not Bandidos, Cossacks, Scimitars, or Vaqueros. It was police.

  1. Unbelievable but true, an obvious staged event that will now continue with the same story line, “Militia bikers brawl it out.”, yeah, let’s throw “militia” out there just for a cheap shot. Dammit, I can’t wait to do what needs to done, and, let’s not forget about that body armor one guy had under his brand spanking new leather vest.

  2. The bikes in these pictures definitely do not belong to members of any motorcycle gang I’ve ever seen. They look like the kind of bikes that club members would be ashamed to be seen riding.

    We still don’t know what happened there, and the only thing that’s certain is that we’re being lied to about what did happen.

  3. Now is the time to start!
    Start becoming personal with our government employees. Getting to know where they live, their family members, friends. What they like to do. Where they go. Make their “Im just doing my job” a little more personal than that.
    Find out who (which officer) fired the first shot.
    Why the judge is so dead set on ignoring the law.
    ITs getting close to being us against them.

  4. These were definitely real gangs. Some clubs might not ride slick bikes, but plenty do. Also, the fact they were all wearing colors in the same area indicates disdain and disrespect. You don’t wear your colors on another gang’s turf unless you are looking for trouble. Period.

    No way that’s a patch over party. Those groups will never consolidate.

    Douggie, it’s personal for you because you’re one of the idiots breaking the law and bothering the rest of us, but for most cops it really is only their job. You start watching/targeting their friends and family, you’ll make it personal for them real fast. You think you don’t like cops now, if you go that route it will get 1000 times worse really, really fast. There’s something like 800,000 cops in the US. You put all the HAs, Bandidos, Outlaws and whoever else together and it wouldn’t even be 20,000. Start a war with the cops and you’ll see 40 cops vs each biker. Open war would end with every biker dead and plenty of cops left. Good luck with that.

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