Delta passengers creeped out by flirtatious Diet Coke napkins

New York Post – by Yaron Steinbuch

Delta Air Lines took creepiness to new heights by handing out Diet Coke napkins that invited passengers to give their numbers to fellow fliers for some flirting at cruising altitude.

“Be a little old school. Write down your number and give it to your plane crush. You never know…,” reads one napkin, according to INSIDER.  

“Because you’re on a plane full of interesting people and hey … you never know,” another one says, along with space to scribble your name and phone number.

But the misguided matchmaking promotion — a collaboration between Delta and Diet Coke on US flights — took off like a lead balloon, with passengers taking to social media to complain about the napkins.

“Napkins received from @Delta on Wednesday flight seem unintentionally creepy, especially after reading the smaller print. Swing and a miss, @DietCoke,” user @MJJoe wrote on Twitter late last month.

“Anyone else see these awful @Delta in-flight @DietCoke napkins? There’s a spot on the back to put your name and phone number to give to your ‘plane crush,’” @LMCatalano wrote.

Another user called the napkins “creepy AF.”

“Pretty sure no one appreciated unsolicited phone numbers in the ‘good old days’ and they sure as heck don’t want the number of someone who has been gawking at them on a plane for hours today. Not a good look,” @ducksauz wrote.

And Payal Lohia sarcastically asked Delta to “ship me a box of these napkins so i can use them everywhere, while i sip my @CocaCola? Pretty please?!”

The airline has apologized for the napkin fiasco.

“We rotate Coke products regularly as part of our brand partnership, but missed the mark with this one,” a Delta rep told INSIDER. “We are sorry for that and began removing the napkins from our aircraft in January.”

A Coca-Cola spokesman also issued a mea culpa.

“We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended. We worked with our partners at Delta to begin removing the napkins last month and are replacing them with other designs.”

One thought on “Delta passengers creeped out by flirtatious Diet Coke napkins

  1. umm , no

    I was on a flight one day to South America , struck up a conversation with the dude next to me , common interests etc.

    well it must have pissed off someone that could over hear us ,we were having this fun exchange .. we got a visit from a flight attendant that asked us to “keep it down” other words quit talking to people you dont know on our plane and having a good time

    yeah F you Spirit A L

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