Delta’s “Karen” is Identified…Police Report Details Reveal Incident With Former Playboy Bunny, LA Raiders Cheerleader Is Worse Than Everyone Thought

100% Fed Up – by Adam Wilson

This week, it was reported that a Covid paranoid female passenger on a Delta flight physically attacked an 80 year-old man for putting his mask down while eating.  Yesterday, she was arrested by the FBI in connection with the incident.  The woman’s name was Patricia Cornwall.  Details continue to come out about Cornwall after her arrest on Monday.  Cornwall, 51, was a former Playboy model and Los Angeles Raiders cheerleader.  The incident was allegedly sparked by Cornwall comparing herself to Rosa Parks after her seat was blocked by a flight attendant who was handing out drinks.  The Daily Mail Reports– 

“Patricia Cornwall was trying to get back to her seat from the bathroom on a Delta Airlines flight from Tampa to Atlanta on Thursday when a flight attendant with a beverage cart was blocking the aisle.

Cornwall allegedly asked the flight attendant for help getting back to her seat, but the flight attendant told her to just take an open seat until they were done handing out drinks.

At that point, Cornwall allegedly asked, ‘What am I, Rosa Parks?’ according to the complaint – comparing her situation to a Civil Rights icon who refused to give up her seat at the front of a bus in Alabama in 1955 even though black people were relegated to the back of the bus at the time.

Her comment reportedly got the attention of an 80-year-old man sitting nearby who told her that she ‘isn’t black … This isn’t Alabama and this isn’t a bus,’ the complaint states.

He also reportedly told her to ‘Sit down, Karen,’ to which Cornwall replied: ‘Sit down p****.’

Soon, the two started a fight that went viral on social media, with Cornwall seen punching, scratching and spitting at the older male passenger.”

Cornwall was arrested in November for a DUI.  After crashing her car in to a tree in Florida, she reportedly attacked responding officers.

100% Fed Up

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